TERCAP Report - National Council of State Boards of Nursing



Mary Beth Thomas, PhD, RN

Chair, TERCAP Committee

TERCAP Committee Members

Mary Beth Thomas (PhD. RN, Chair)

Julia George (MSN, FRE, RN, Board Liaison)

Chuck Cumiskey (MBA, BSN)

Janet Edmonds (MSN, RN)

Marney Halligan (Ed. D., RN)

J.L. Skylar Caddell (RN-BC)

Ann Ricks (MSN, RN)

Melinda Rush (DSN, FNP/ANP, RN)

Liz Faber (BSN, RN)

NCSBN TERCAP Supporting Team

Maryann Alexander , PhD, RN, Chief Officer

Nancy Spector , PhD, RN, Director

Elizabeth H. Zhong , PhD, Associate

Beth Radtke , MS, Senior coordinator

Qiana Hampton, MBA, Administrative assistant


 Purpose of TERCAP

 Key findings from the TERCAP database

 2011 TERCAP Instrument

 Future plan for the development of the TERCAP database

Purpose of TERCAP

The TERCAP (Taxonomy of Error, Root Cause

Analysis and Practice Responsibility) database is designed to collect the practice breakdown data from boards of Nursing (BONs) to identify the root causes of nursing practice breakdown from the health care system and individual perspectives. This approach will facilitate the development of strategic interventions to ensure the highest safety standards of nursing practice.

Significance of TERCAP

Milestones of TERCAP

 1999 : NCSBN appointed the Disciplinary Issues

Task Force .

 2002 : Benner, et al., “ Individual, Practice, and

System Causes of Errors in Nursing: A

Taxonomy ” was published in JONA.

 2006 : Benner , et al., “ TERCAP: Creating a

National Database on Nursing Errors ” was published in Harvard Health Policy Review.

 2007 : TECARP Online Instrument was released.

Milestones of TERCAP (con’t)

 2008 : TERCAP Online Instrument was revised.

 2008 : NCSBN hosted the TERCAP Forum in


 2009 : The NCSBN published an introduction book

“ Nursing Pathways for Patient Safety ”.

 2011 : The first TERCAP report was completed.

 2011


The 2011 TERCAP Instrument accompanied by an updated protocol was released.

Distribution of 22 Boards of Nursing

Participating in TERCAP

Case Selection

Cases meeting the following criteria are used for the analysis:

 The case involves a nurse who was involved in the practice breakdown.

 The case involves one or more identifiable patients.

 The case results in some types of board action

(disciplinary action, alternative program, nondisciplinary action, referral to other agency).

Profile of Nurses Who Committed

Practice Breakdown

 861 nurses were reported to 20 BONs for having committed practice errors.

 83% were female and 17% were male.

 The average age of the nurses was 46.2 (SD=11.6, n=834), ranging from 21 to 77.

Profile of Nurses Who Committed

Practice Breakdown (con’t)

Sixty percent of the nurses held RN licenses, 37% held LPN/VN licenses, and 3% of them held multiple licenses (RN and LPN/VN or APRN licenses, while

1% of them were advanced practice registered nurses (APRN).

Profile of Nurses Who Committed

Practice Breakdown (con’t)

2010 TERCAP Statistics and License

Statistics in 20 Jurisdictions











State License



Profile of Nurses Who Committed

Practice Breakdown (con’t)

Employment Setting

Employment Setting


Long-term Care/Assisted Living

Outpatient Setting

Behavioral health


% (N)

38 (331)

32 (277)

17 (147)

3 (27)

10 (79)

Profile of Nurses Who Committed

Practice Breakdown (con’t)

Length of Licensure

Years Licensed

Less than 5 years

5 to10 years

11 to 20 years

21 to 30 years

Above 30 years


% (N)

20 (171)

17 (148)

22 (191)

15 (126)

8 (72)

18 (153)

Profile of Nurses Who Committed

Practice Breakdown (con’t)

Composition of Employment History (N=725)

Employment Status

Practice Breakdown

Have you seen this nurse?

New Employment

Additional Practice Breakdown

Individual Factors Contributing to

Practice Breakdown

 55% of the nurses committed a practice breakdown when they worked in a location for two years or less, but 73% of them had been licensed for two years or longer.

 36% of these nurses were previously disciplined and 38% were terminated by their employers for practice related issues in the past.

Nature of Practice Breakdown Cases

Practice Breakdown Categories

Practice Breakdown Categories % (N)

Lack of Professional Responsibility

Lack of Clinical Reasoning

Lack of Intervention

Documentation Error

Lack of Interpretation

Medication Error

Lack of Attentiveness

Lack of Prevention

77 (665)

51 (441)

50 (434)

44 (380)

40 (343)

32 (278)

25 (219)

24 (208)

Nature of Practice Breakdown Cases (con’t)

Total Number of Practice Breakdown Categories Selected

Nature of Practice Breakdown Cases (con’t)

 72% of the cases involved unintentional human errors.

 52% of the practice breakdown cases did not cause any harm to patients.

 59% of the cases investigated resulted in disciplinary actions, and 23% of the cases were sanctioned non-disciplinary actions.


 A statistically significant link between the employment history and the risk of committing additional practice breakdown is established by the current analysis. This finding indicates that the nurses’ employment history can serve as a useful tool to identify a small group of nurses with a high risk of committing violations.

 We were not able to identify sufficient association between system factors and the practice breakdown, possibly due to constraints in sample size.

Build the Bridge

 “ Changes in health care policy requires the input and action of legislators and officials ” who need to

“have an in-depth understanding of the nursing practice” (Benner, et al., 2006).

 To influence health care and nursing policy at local, state, national, and possibly international levels, a national database on nursing practice breakdown is prerequisite.

 TERCAP will function as a national adverse events database to bridge nursing professionals with public officials and legislators.

Rationale for the 2011 Instrument Update

 To establish TERCAP as a national database on nursing practice breakdown.

 To collect more valid data to determine the impact of system factors in practice breakdown.

 To make the data entry less time consuming.

 To reduce missing records or selection of

“unknown” in data entry.

Features of the 2011 TERCAP Instrument





Overview of the 2011 TERCAP Instrument

The updated instrument contains 45 mandatory and 17 optional questions

 Nurse Characteristics

 Patient Characteristics

 System Factors

 Practice Breakdown

 Optional Questions

2011 TERCAP Instrument in WORD Format

2011 TERCAP online Data Entry Screen Shot

Future Plan

 Publish the TERAP findings in 2012.

 Collect 1,000 additional practice breakdown cases by April 2012.

 Explore the impact of system factors and other unsolved research questions.


Participating BONs

Texas State Board of Nursing

North Carolina Board of Nursing

Arizona State Boards of Nurse

North Dakota State Board of Nursing

Idaho Board of Nursing

Minnesota Board of Nursing

Participating BONs

Kentucky Board of Nursing

Oklahoma Board of Nursing

Ohio Board of Nursing

Alaska Board of Nursing

Nevada Board of Nursing

New Hampshire Board of Nursing

Participating BONs

New Jersey Board of Nursing

Maine State Board of Nursing

Mississippi Board of Nursing

Virginia Board of Nursing

New Mexico Board of Nursing

West Virginia Board of Examiners for

Registered Professional Nurses

Participating BONs

Louisiana State Board of Practical Nurse


West Virginia State Board of Examiners for

Licensed Practical Nurses.

Arkansas Board of Nursing

New York State Board of Nursing

TERCAP Contact

Elizabeth H. Zhong

E-mail: ezhong@ncsbn.org

Beth Radtke

E-mail: bradtke@ncsbn.org
