DUO Training

DUO Training II
Downgrade, Consolidate,
Reallocate - Discontinue
DUO I Review
All city, rural & HCR routes are moved from office A to office B.
Criteria: 9 or less routes & 20 mile radius between gaining and losing office.
Zip codes do not change. Requires same mail processing Plant.
Regular clerks are excessed per Article 12
PTF’s are required to travel to other offices. PTF clerks have priority status
City carriers follow their routes. (Seniority is merged @ receiving office)
Rural carriers follow routes - Step 4 decision is in place.
Contract cleaner contracts are not abolished by DUO - hours may change with
ELM 415 change for DUO managers must be adhered to. Postmaster is not required
to put in for same level jobs or lose salary protections. District must offer the job.
Assessment Process:
Delivery Operations gathers data (They own process at District level)
Constant communication is required from District / DUO Coordinator
Should have a clear cost savings analysis
- Includes office level impact, leases, complement reduction, transportation
Sufficient space at gaining office is required. Handbook AS 503.
- Space inside and out for parking. No impact to retail services.
CSDC office level projection needs verified - split formula in the 150 (WSC) for city
routes. Losing office retains 1/3 credit per route.
Clerk Contract vs. DUO
• DUO conflicts with new clerk agreement
• Upgrade to level 21 = All regular clerks
• Clerk hour guarantee vs Postmaster work
- 15 hours in level 15 &16; 25 in level 18
- Clerk work hours are calculated on the office level last
• Does window work count for PM? Yes.
• APWU National Grievance debating earned vs. actual
work hours is not yet resolved.
• Grievance # APWU#HQTG200917 & USPS# Q06C4QC10005587
Potentially greatest impact is the amount of savings that can be achieved
Cost Savings Analysis
• 10 year ROI is used to project savings
• If a DUO office is upgraded all clerks become regular.
This must be considered
• If APWU prevails in grievance, a move in level 15 – 18
office with clerks will more than like cost the USPS.
• DUO savings must be > DUO costs: President & affected
Postmasters should evaluate rural, city & transportation
• Use PS 4012 to project rural costs
• DUO savings normally = clerk reduction, reduced office
level (PM salary) & transportation. Other considerations
are lease renewal, plans to discontinue the office.
• State President files RL if necessary
VPO, CFR 241 and DUO
• DUO was designed to reduce medium size post offices
to lower level and consolidate carrier operations.
• VPO is designed to replace small post offices in
communities where applicable.
• CFR 241 implemented w/o violating the law (instead of
replacing PM with clerk = VPO)
• DUO will continue to set up offices for study and possible
closure unless Congress enacts legislation
• Every Postmaster & their community must be engaged in
the legislative decisions that will be made in coming
DUO / Postmaster Assessment
• Every Postmaster must review current Form 150 and SOV.
• Exempt to Non-exempt status change. (Form 50 - OT issues)
• Form 50 change should be ASAP = 60 days due to the review
process timelines
• FLSA change to non-exempt must be immediate. There is a
separate form HR uses for this. It’s a federal law – not postal.
• Level 1 F4 must be completed prior to move (determines suitability
for DUO candidate office) & a Level 2 F4 must be completed after
the move. Important to determine new work load and staffing
• Finance Manager must provide cost assessment of savings after 45
– 60 days. First offices are due or overdue. State President must
ask for it if necessary.
• Notify NAPUS State President when an office receives a letter
identifying them for DUO, process violations, cost savings or other
State President Challenges – Resolution Log
1. Process Steps are required to be followed per VP Dean Granholm. *
2. Space - traffic flow, parking, restrooms, etc. (AS 503)
4. Safety/ Space: OSHA violations need to determined.
5. Cost Savings Analysis – HQ has a form but some Districts use their own.
Presidents need to ask for the analysis and review each move for savings.
6. Mileage: Excess of 15-20 miles is generally unacceptable
7. Greater than 9 routes is possible but should make sense financially
8. F4 review indicate clerk will stay–Especially in light of new contract.
9. Postmasters are not required to travel > 50 miles between old and new
10. Use Resolution Log and go through channels if necessary; NAPUS HQ has
good success resolving the issue when process is used.
* Presidents
need to help Districts assess if the move makes sense.
HQ Questions & Answers
Presented by NAPUS
July 2011
1. Has a uniform DUO cost savings analysis system been developed
and can it be made available to NAPUS chapter presidents?
• Answer: Currently under review for release to Field
2. If a DUO office cannot show a savings, will the DUO office be
reverted back to their original status?
• A: Yes, per VP Dean Granholm its possible
3. When does the two year saved salary protection begin?
• A: The day the Form 50 is processed.
4. Please provide an explanation as to how salary protection is
provided to DUO impacted Postmasters when the office is
downgraded to a part time office (A-E.)
• A: The Postmaster hourly salary remains unchanged but is based
only on the number of hours worked per day/week
HQ Questions
5. Has there been a change in the DUO Guidelines
requirement for POOMs to perform the onsite candidate
office visits?
• A: No, the POOM’s are required to perform the visit. (per
6. Request a uniform posting policy for vacant same level
positions that DUO impacted Postmasters may apply for.
A: Each District will determine the methods for posting;
however, it is required per the ELM 415 change HQ
Labor issued for DUO affected managers.
***All other concerns must be addressed at District level
with state President via Resolution Log and then moved
through the channels to HQ.
Membership Advice
Be involved – Attend meetings, write to PRC &
Congressman. Bob Levi will give guidance on the bill(s)
to support.
• File Resolution Logs when disputes are not settled at
District level per VP Dean Granholm.
(Guidelines are not restrictive – use discretion)
• Stay informed: NAPUS website contains the SOP
Guidelines, contact information and breaking news
updates regarding DUO
• State Presidents are encouraged to assist Districts in the
process. Process is new and honest mistakes will occur