Matching Grant 101 Director’s and Cosponsorship Developer’s Conference Miami, June 2010 Matching Grant What is it ? Where does the Money Come From? A welfare alternative funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR). Provides resettlement assistance to refugees, asylees, and other eligible clients Emphasis on Employment Services Administered by the national voluntary agencies It is not a housing subsidy! It is an Employment Focused alternative to Welfare. Public/ Private Partnership Enables affiliates to fund: additional staff time for expanded case management and employment services Cash support for eligible clients for an extended period Funding Voluntary agencies receive federal funds in the amount of $2,200 per client. A predetermined amount is passed through to the affiliate agencies, provided that the required match is met. Funds are to be spent providing MG services and cash assistance to MG clients. MG Program Goal To support clients in achieving economic self-sufficiency within 120 to 180 days after the date of eligibility, without accessing public cash assistance. Duration of Services Clients are enrolled in the program for a period of 180 days from the date of eligibility. Self Sufficiency Economic self sufficiency means earning a total family income at a level that enables the family unit to support itself without receipt of a cash assistance grant. Clients receiving food stamps and/ or Medicaid without cash assistance are considered self sufficient. ENROLLMENT CRITERIA AND STRATEGIES Eligible Populations Refugees Asylees Cuban and Haitian Entrants Certain Amerasians from Viet Nam Victims of a Severe form of Trafficking Iraqi and Afghan aliens granted special immigrant status (SIVs) Other Eligibility Requirements At least one member of the case must be deemed employable and wish to work. Clients must be enrolled within 31 days of the date of eligibility. Ineligible Populations Those expected to receive SSI Clients who are already self- sufficient Clients receiving ANY form of public cash assistance Dates of Eligibility Refugees and Amerasians: Date of arrival Cuban Haitian Entrants or Iraqi/ Afghan SIVs: Date they obtain status Asylees: date of final grant of asylum **Note that ORR may grant an exception for asylees who receive their letter granting asylum significantly later than the actual date of asylum grant. Victims of Trafficking: date of certification or eligibility letter 120 and 180 Day Measures are taken from the date of eligibility, NOT the date of enrollment! Employability Determined by family and agency Ages 18-64 At least one client per case must be employable ORR Definition Employable: A person who is between the ages of 18 and 64 and is determined by the family and serving agency as either a needed wage earner or an additional wage earner who desires to work. Enrollment Some Enrollment Strategies Enrollment into the MG Program must be a choice! MG is meant to serve the people who need it most, not necessarily those who are seemingly the best candidates for early employment. Avoid profiling. Cases who plan to out-migrate should not be enrolled. Refugee clients must enroll with an affiliate of the VOLAG that resettled them. Exceptions If a case out-migrates within their period of eligibility, and no affiliate of their resettling VOLAG exists in the new location, they may enroll with an affiliate of another VOLAG with approval of the resettling VOLAG and ORR; Proof that they did not enroll in MG or any public cash assistance program in the original location. Exceptions, con’t ORR may authorize cross-enrollment at the end of the year for: Joint sites where one of the VOLAGs has exhausted its slots. The affiliate should contact the VOLAG with unused slots. VOLAGs will coordinate with ORR for approval. In rare instances, to ensure that all slots are utilized. Budgeting your Slots Sites are given a finite number of slots to use each program year. There is competition for slots and they are limited. Enroll those who need MG, but pace yourself when possible. Although there have been times where ORR has provided supplemental slots, this is never a guarantee. Budgeting Slots, con’t If any affiliate leaves slots unused, the entire network suffers. Strategize carefully – don’t save all your slots for the bulge! If you have sub-offices, you may reallocate slots among them without prior approval. Communicate with your national office regularly if concerns arise about too many or too few slots. SPLITTING CASES Cases may be split prior to enrollment. Each new case must maintain eligibility for the program Possible reasons for splitting: Some members of the case are ineligible Members will live in different households Some members will be served under different programs Documenting the Split Rationale Outcomes Each separate MG case must have its own section in the file. Splitting a Case After Enrollment Allowable only if: Part of the case out-migrates At 120 days, part of the case chooses to stay in the program and part chooses to leave Note that if any member of the case accesses cash assistance at any time during the MG Service period, the entire case is dropped from the MG program. Joining or Merging Cases Allowable only under rare circumstances-contact your national agency for specific policy. Must be joined in a way that is in accordance with the household composition of your state Cases must have the same date of eligibility Matching Grant Orientation All enrolled clients should receive orientation to the MG program. Sanctioning procedures must be presented to clients at the time of enrollment. Clients may be sanctioned from the MG program if they fail to comply with the terms of the MG agreement letter or the resettlement plan. Orientation does not necessarily need to be only one session, but is also often provided on an on-going basis. Translation must be provided if necessary. Matching Grant Orientation: MG Agreement This form must clearly state in both English and the client’s native language: a. Services and support the agency will provide to the client b. Duration of the MG program c. Client’s rights and responsibilities d. Agency’s rights and responsibilities e. Agency’s sanctioning policy This form/letter is to be signed and dated by each adult enrolled in the MG program as well as the MG case manager A copy should be given to the client Matching Grant Orientation: Development of Resettlement Plan Describes the steps and projected timeframes to be taken by the client and the agency to work towards the earliest possible employment placement. Assesses the client’s individual employment skills and establish with the client both short- and long-term employment goals. Assesses the client’s barriers to employment (e.g. lack of transportation, need for childcare, limited English language skills) and establish with the client a plan to overcome these barriers. Clearly states the amount of earnings necessary to be considered selfsufficient. The resettlement plan should be reviewed with the client regularly to ensure that progress is being made. The short-term employment goal should be achievable during the MG period. Raising Matching Resources Requirements Raising Match is a contractual obligation of the MG program! Requirements ORR awards $2 for every $1 raised by the agency, up to a maximum of $2,200; therefore, the agency is responsible for raising $1,100 per enrolled client. tabulated as an aggregate for the agency; however, it is important to ensure that each client receives a fair amount of resources This is also true at the VOLAG level: the network is required to raise an aggregate total of 1,100 X the total number of enrollees. Network agencies raising more than the requirement may compensate for shortfall at another site, but please don’t rely on this! Cash and In Kind Donations At least 20% of Match raised must be cash match; the balance may be in-kind services or donated goods. Agencies may count contributions provided to a particular client up to and including the 180th day as long as the client remains in the program at the time of the contribution. Raising Match All goods and services must relate directly to the client’s Resettlement/ Employment Plan and must be allowable , reasonable, and allocable to the Matching Grant Program. Raising Match To determine the appropriateness of a contribution, consider whether the item or service would have been purchased if it had not been donated. Cash Match Can be from: Private individual Corporate donation Any other non-federal source Cash Match Contributions of goods and services can be considered “cash” if the item was bought. The flow of donations does not necessarily have to go directly from the donor to the client. Original receipts for cash contributions must be maintained in the case files. Examples of Cash Contributions A volunteer pays for a winter jacket and gives it directly to the client A church co-sponsor pays rent for a client A client moves in with a family member and the family’s rent and/ or utility bills increase as a result of their moving in. The amount of the increase can be counted as cash match A church donates funds to the MG program and they are used to benefit an MG client In- Kind Match is Volunteer services or donated goods provided to MG clients in order to further program objectives In-Kind Match The flow of donations does not necessarily have to go directly to the client. The agency must determine a value for all donations and contributions These websites provide valuation tables: Volunteer Rates should be reviewed annually For more information, refer to: Examples of In-Kind Contributions A church donates storage space for donations A volunteer drives a client to the grocery store. You may count: The hours the volunteer spent with the client The miles the volunteer drove An intern for the agency with no salary or stipend provides employment training 16 hour/week to MG clients. Not allowable as Match Goods and Services not directly related to the self-sufficiency plan Trips to the park, zoo, movies Housing provided by anchors in their own residence (unless there is an increase in rent, as noted above) School tuition (Childcare costs and day camps for children of newly employed parents or those in employment-related training ARE allowable) Not allowable as Match Allocable costs incurred and services provided in accordance with any Cooperative Agreement may not be charged to the Matching Grant Program or counted as a matching contribution. If someone does not have the benefit of services under a cooperative agreement (R&P, C/H), those services are required and can be charged to the MG program. Not allowable as Match If medical services are performed by private doctors and hospitals claiming reimbursement for such services under Medicaid or Refugee Medical Assistance, additional fees above the Medicaid reimbursement level may not be counted as a matching contribution. Not allowable as Match Staff costs for time spent on services provided for under the Cooperative Agreement housing-related matters, medical orientation and referral for initial health screening, assistance in obtaining a social security card, initial intake and development of a resettlement plan, greeting refugees at the airport household goods and furniture during the first month. casework staff costs associated with the requirements of the Cooperative Agreement. Strategies for Raising Match Count donations from or time served by: Co-sponsors/ volunteers US Ties Community Groups- may have a pot of donated money you can tap into Donations from stores Interns Rummage sales/ Thrift stores- ask for free stuff for refugees Strategies for Raising Match Count donations from or time served by: Department or other stores which are closing Places where clients work- employers or coworkers providing transportation/ interpretation/ teaching clients about job Gift cards Ask for donations of used vehicles Professional organizations Holiday gifts/ events Collecting and Documenting Match Staff must carefully document the goods and services provided to each client enrolled in the program. Agencies should develop a strategy to most effectively gather information from clients, cosponsors, volunteers and donors. Collecting and Documenting Match Some agencies ask clients to record the time and goods provided to them by volunteers and bring documentation with them when picking up their cash allowance. This practice is acceptable as long as the client is not required to document matching resources in order to receive cash assistance. Collecting and Documenting Match Documentation of Volunteer time via e-mail is acceptable as long as such reports are submitted in a timely fashion and reviewed and approved by the case manager or other specified staff. Tips for making sure all matching resources are documented: Educate clients/volunteers/anchors about the importance of raising matching resources. Stress that this helps other refugees. The federal government will match each dollar raised with two dollars! Create flyers in appropriate languages. Provide clients with a monthly activities calendar to fill out regularly, and a folder to keep documents organized. Tips for making sure all matching resources are documented: Give a small bonus or gift card to clients who bring in commitment sheets regularly. Engage staff from other programs. Share information about this aspect of the program. Send regular reminder postcards or e-mails to volunteers and co-sponsors. Keep on top of your documentation. Include an up to date amount on your reimbursement request each month. In House Services Employment Services Objective: To place employable clients as quickly as possible into appropriate jobs which will enable the household unit to become self-sufficient within 120-180 days. Employment Services Employment services are to be provided to employable adult clients beginning upon enrollment in the Matching Grant program and continuing as needed through the 180th day. The level of employment services received by each client should reflect the skills, needs and barriers determined in the Resettlement Plan. Employment Services Job Development- networking with employers to develop job prospects Employment Counseling- ongoing interaction with client both before and during employment Job Placement identify and contact prospective places of employment; schedule appointments for job interviews prepare clients for interviews, and follow up on results of interview US ties and volunteers may assist, but the agency is ultimately responsible for provision of this service Employment Services Follow-up with employer and client At two weeks, 120, and up to 180 days Must be completed by MG staff member Services that lead to job upgrades for clients with particular skills, or when necessary in order for the family to achieve economic self-sufficiency Subsidized employment outcomes are only counted when the subsidy ends and the client retains employment; the transition to a non-subsidized job must be completed by the 180th day. Employment Services Agencies must assist clients seeking to be self-employed in obtaining required business licenses and retain copies in the file. 100 Mile Exception Agencies must request permission to place MG clients in jobs further than 100 miles from agency of resettlement. Maintenance Assistance provides support adequate to meet the subsistence needs of the refugee and to preclude the need to access public cash assistance. Includes provision of: food or food subsidies suitable housing cash allowance transportation assistance Timeframe: throughout the first 120 days from the client’s date of eligibility or, if necessary, up to 180 days, provided that the grantee’s total grant budget and the amount charged to the grant do not exceed the grant award Maintenance Assistance: Housing Agencies are responsible for ensuring that housing is provided for all MG clients. In cases where a client’s housing is provided by a family member, friend, or other source, case files should clearly indicate that such an agreement exists. For clients who require housing as a part of maintenance assistance, rent payments shall continue at a minimum for the month following job placement up to the 120th day. Agencies may elect to provide housing assistance for an additional 60 days, if necessary. Agencies are reminded to pay particular attention to placing clients in housing that is near employment and/or where public transportation to employment is readily available. Under no circumstances should a client use MG cash allowances on rent. Maintenance Assistance: Cash Allowance Provided to clients from the date of enrollment until the date of selfsufficiency Agencies must provide a minimum of $200 cash allowance per month ($50 per week) to each adult in the case and $40 per month ($10 per week) to each minor in the case, or the maximum amount that will not affect Medicaid eligibility. Cash payments are to be distributed to clients within ten working days of enrollment. This minimum cash allowance should be used by clients to buy personal items as necessary and not for basic maintenance assistance. Agencies may provide some of the weekly allowance in the form of vouchers if such form of payment is in the overall best interest of the refugee and he/she concurs. Agencies may opt to withhold a portion of the minor’s allowance until the end of the MG service period to build up a family’s savings, provided that the monthly allowance is sufficient to buy personal items as necessary, that such savings will not affect Medicaid eligibility, and that client has voluntarily agreed to these terms in writing. Case Management Enrollment through the 180th day To ensure that services: are provided in a planned, effective, and timely manner to eligible clients are appropriate to the needs of the clients will to contribute to their community integration, early employment and self-sufficiency support and strengthen clients’ motivation and capacities to become self-supporting. Case File: Forms Required MG Letter of Agreement signed and dated, English and client’s language (or initialed by translator) Sanctioning Policy signed and dated, English and client’s language (or initialed by translator) Employment Plan or Resettlement Plan, depending on the site Declining Budget MG-2/3 reports 180 day termination letter Language requirements Indicates self-sufficiency status of client States eligibility for additional refugee services for up to five years Provides referrals to services as appropriate. Reminder to adjust immigration status to Lawful Permanent Resident one year after date of arrival or asylum granted date. Reminder to submit AR-11 change of address form to USCIS and a change of address form to USPS. Please note: The guidelines require documents to be translated into the language of each office’s primary caseloads. Other required documentation Intake information: date of eligibility, date of enrollment, date of MG service termination, number and names of members of the case upon arrival; and, for those in MG, proof of identification to show eligibility (alien number, birth date, current address, health status, educational level, native language, literacy and English level on arrival, prior work experience and skills, and social security number). This information may be listed on the resettlement plan or other MG forms. Signed Assistance vouchers for direct payments to client (client’s signature and date required)/all cash transactions Donation sheets Volunteer Log Summary sheet of cash and in-kind donations If case is terminated, documentation and proof of referrals to subsequent programs Proof of compliance with tax regulations: pay stub, W-2 or W-4 Copies of business licenses for self-employed clients. Clear documentation of all services provided to clients based upon the needs and goals identified in the resettlement services plan (usually in the form of case notes) If client enrolled in training program, the date, type, intended duration, expected outcomes, and provider of the training program should be indicated in the case file. Documentation of childcare and after school care, if needed Documentation of full provision of housing. Case notes Documentation of regular contact with, and monitoring progress of, members of the case over time with summary notes regarding the purpose and outcomes of that contact Include caseworker initials, mode, date and program Represent contact with potential employers on behalf of client, referrals to services, any contact with client Record of two-week follow-up with employer and client Record of maintenance support termination Statement of Status at 120th and 180th days Redact other client names Separation of MG file documentation from other programs, including R&P program. Please note: Emails should not be included in the actual case note log and should not take the place of case notes. Reporting to VOLAGS The following reports are due monthly: 1. MG-1 MG-1 report used to make sure enrollments are in pace with projections; employment outcomes are meeting projected performance goals. 2. MG-2 and MG- 3 MG 2/3s correspond to the MG-1 and provide more in-depth information on cases. Copies of MG-2 reports must be sent to the VOLAG if a client is any status other than self-sufficient/status 1 at the 120th day. ( Copies of MG-3 reports must be sent to the VOLAG if the client was status 2/not self-sufficient at the 120th day or if there have been any changes in status since the 120th day. Reporting to VOLAGS 3. MG-8 MG-8 report is used for national agency to know how much and when to reimburse affiliates and to make sure that affiliate budget expenditures match projected budgets. CWS would like to see the maintenance/client assistance to administration ratio of 60/40%, but each affiliate is required to provide at least a 50/50% ratio. The national office will review your agency’s ratio during the proposal process and monitor it throughout the year. If the ratio is different than suggested, CWS will request revised budgets. Reimbursement for program expenses are contingent upon the timely submission of both statistical and program narrative reports, as well as consistently providing the required cash and in-kind match. *CWS requires that the MG-1 and MG-8 are submitted together. Reimbursement cannot occur without an MG-1 submission. Match must be reported on a timely and regular basis. Reporting to ORR We need timely information from affiliates in order to relay information to ORR. Data from monthly reports is used to compile the ORR Program Progress Statistical (Performance) Reports which are due at 4-month intervals + one final cumulative report External Services Services Funded Either Directly by the Matching Grant Program or by Referral (Can be in-house or by outside referral): English language training to be provided without cost to client enrollment and attendance must be documented in case file must be taught by certified ELT instructor classes should not inhibit employment opportunities Health and medical services (costs for initial health screenings may only be charged to MG for those clients without R&P benefits) Short term job training or recertification (if necessary for employment or indicated in resettlement plan) Social adjustment Mental health services Support services such as childcare and transportation services Match Grant Finance and Budgeting Tracking MG Program Expenditures Case Budgets and Expenditures The Declining Budget Budgeting and Tracking Expenditures Initial MG Budgets are approved by ORR. Changes of 10% or more must be approved. Always account for money case by case. MG Coordinators (and possibly caseworkers) should know how much money is available in the MG budget for overall client direct assistance as well as for each case. Budgeting and Tracking Expenditures Track the amount of funds remaining throughout the year Through monthly MG 8 Financial Reports Reconciling the estimated budget with actual expenditures for each case. Factor in cash and in-kind match as part of your budget Example (In this example, the pass through is $2000) 50 MG slots = total MG Budget of $100,000 50% for Admin/Staff = $50,000 50% for Direct Client Assistance = $50,000 An average of $1,000 per client Budgeting and Tracking Expenditures The MG program is flexible and allows you to provide individualized budgets based on true client needs. Factor in R&P funds that must be used by 90th day. Larger families with more R&P per cap funds will help leverage MG funds for smaller families or singles. Cash Match and In-kind Match is measured on the aggregate and will vary per case. Budgeting Overview According to ORR Guidelines page 8, every case file must have: Proposed budget for the respective case with actual expenditures to date. (Estimated Budget/Actual Expenditures) Budget for each family unit translated if necessary showing a list of proposed expenses and income (from MG cash payments and employment) necessary to cover such expenses. (Declining Budget Model) Budget and Expenditure Summary Sheet Matching Grant CASE INFO Case Number PA Name # Weeks of MG Assistance # of Adults in Case CASE BUDGET TOTAL SUMMARY OF ACTUAL EXPENDITURES Agency Cash In-Kind Federal TOTAL Agency Cash In-Kind Federal Housing/Utilities Cash Allowance Food Transportation Medical Other Total $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - $ - ame: ____________________________ ase Number: ______________________ ate of Arrival: ______________________ umber in Case: _________ 0-60 days G Month # 1 Expenses Expenses Total Estimated Monthly Expenses Agency Responsibility Number of Employables: __________ Estimated Income of Primary Employable: _________________ Estimated Income of Secondary Employable: ______________ Other Income: __________________________________________ Total Estimated Income: _________________________________ 60-90 days MG Month # 2 Expenses Co-Sponsor Responsibility Refugee Responsibility Expenses Total Estimated Monthly Expenses ousing Housing tilities Utilities hone (Basic) Phone (Basic) ood Food lothing Clothing edical Medical ransportation Transportation ther Other otal Total 0-120 days G Month # 3 Expenses 120-150 days MG Month # 4 Expenses Expenses Total Estimated Monthly Expenses Agency Responsibility Co-Sponsor Responsibility Refugee Responsibility Expenses ousing Housing tilities Utilities hone (Basic) Phone (Basic) ood Food lothing Clothing edical Medical ransportation Transportation ther Other otal Total Total Estimated Monthly Expenses Agency Responsibility Co-Sponsor Responsibility Refugee Responsibility Agency Responsibility Co-Sponsor Responsibility Refugee Responsibility Per Cap Increase Money can be used to pre-pay items, such as rent in order to spend down R/P money R/P money can be also be used to pay rent during MG: the guidelines state that MG clients need to have rent covered, but they do not state where this money needs to come from. Funds can be spent concurrently as long as MG money is not used to supplant services being provided by R/P funds Questions? Please contact me with your questions: Sonja Ausen 212.870.2815 Thank you!