John Hathorne

John Hathorne
By: Trent Riley and
Leanna Hoover
Back Ground
Born: August, 1641
Died: May 10, 1717
Children: Joseph Hathorne, Ruth Hathorne
Wife: Ruth Gardner
Family Line: William Hathorne one of the first puritan settlers who had
many political stands. Nathaniel’s son Nathaniel Jr. (who wrote Scarlett
Letter) changed his last name to remove himself from being known as
John’s grandson.
• Appointment: he was chosen by Governor Sir William Phips to be a judge
in the Salem Witch Trials
• He was 50 during the trials
Accused and Executed
• Accused: John Alden · Edward Bishop · Edward Bishop III · Sarah Bishop ·
Mary Black · Mary Bradbury · Martha Carrier · Rachel Clinton · Sarah
Cloyce · Rebecca Eames · Mary Eastey · Mary English · Phillip English ·
Thomas Farrar, Sr. · Abigail Faulkner · Dorothy Good · Elizabeth Hart ·
William Hobbs · Mary Lacy · Sarah Morey · Sarah Osborne · Elizabeth
Proctor · John Proctor · Sarah Proctor · William Proctor · Tituba Indian
• Executed: Bridget Bishop · George Burroughs · Martha Carrier · Martha
Corey · Mary Eastey · Sarah Good · Elizabeth Howe · George Jacobs, Sr. ·
Susannah Martin · Rebecca Nurse · Alice Parker · Mary Parker · John
Proctor · Ann Pudeator · Wilmot Redd · Margaret Scott · Samuel Wardwell
· Sarah Wildes · John Willard
• He was respected as a judge and as a church
going man. He was married to Ruth Gardner
who’s father could be considered as the first
governor of Massachusetts.
• Although Judge John Hathorne died a wealthy
man in 1717, his successors lost both money
and land with each passing generation until it
really did seem as if the family name had been