European federation nurses associations European specialists nursing organisations Nationella föreningen Working together, achieving more EfCCNa’s vision is a world of better health for patients who have been critically ill and where practice decisions are informed by research evidence that is high-quality, relevant and up-to-date. 2 EfCCNas arbete • Representera intensivvårdsjuksköterskor i Europa • Verka för samarbe mellan intensivvårdssjuksköterskor inom Europa • Främja och stödja forskning av sjuksköterskor inom intensivvård Verka för att intensivvård blir en specialist utbildning I Europa Vara en röst när det gäller intensivvård i Europa • Ha ett gott samarbete mellan olika hälsoorganisationer med intresse för intensivvård inom Europa • Utforma riktlinjer för utbildning, omvårdnad och ledarskap inom intensivvård • Harmonisera utbildningsprogrammen i Europa • 3 Anordna kongresser för fortsatt utbildning för intensivvårdssjuksköterskor Projektgrupper EfCCNas Arbete Utbildning/Utbytesprogr am Kongresser Forskning Arbetssituation Riktlinjer Politisk betydelse Ledarskap Strategier för ett enat Europa när det gäller intensivvård 4 Utbildning Studie om utbildning I Europa 2004 Riktlinjer för utbildning för specialisering inom intensivvård EfCCNa Competency Tool for European Critical Care Nurses 2013 5 Utbytesprogram 20062014 totalt 42 sjuksköterskor Norge /Island Sverige /Kroatien, Italien, Spanien, Schweiz Italien /Holland, Sverige England /Serbien Spanien Serbien / England, Norge, Slovenien Finland/Cypern 6 Tidigare kongresser Florens 2008 Belgrad 2013 Köpenhamn 2011 7 6th EfCCNa CONGRESS 2015 Expanding Horizons of Critical Care Nursing in Europe Poster abstrakts till 5 december 2015 8 Arbetssituation Rekommenderade “golden standardards” Sjuksköterska/patient ratio Kritiskt sjuka 1:1 High dependency patients 1:2 Risk patienter 1:4 9 Forskning Amsterdam: Views of European Nurses in the Intensive Care on End-of-life-care: the VENICE study. Results were presented at the congress in Florence and has been published In Nursing in Critical Care In Florence: Professional autonomy and associations with nurse-physician collaboration and moral distress in European critical and intensive care nurses – A pilot study EfCCNa Research Grants 10 Riktlinjer Beskriv era Internationella, nationella och lokala riktlinjer som ger stöd i ert arbete Utarbeta gemensamma riktlinjer som publiceras på hemsidan 11 Välkommen till vår website Medlemsavgiften ökat till 1.50 euro Val till styrelsen: sekreterare och vice president I Valencia. Höst möte i Österrike i september (Wien). Vårmöte I Paris 2016 14 WFCCN • WFCCN has 40 country members representing over 500,000 critical care nurses worldwide. • 2001 - 8th World Congress, Sydney. First Council of the WFCCN, 15 Journal - CONNECT Highlights on Critical Care Nursing • Guidelines: Workforce, education • Research: Sepsis Guidelines – nursing care • Research: Activities and needs of research nurses in critical care • WFCCN Educators Network • International study program – Colombia • Mentorship and support to critical care in developing regions Springer Publishing confirmed their support to publish a web based resource on critical care nursing topics. The intent of this project is to pair an experienced writer with another WFCCN country member who can serve as a secondary author to add edits and include discussion of international considerations on the topic. Please let me know if you or your colleagues might have an interest in serving as a secondary author for a chapter. The yellow highlighted chapters do not yet have a confirmed secondary author. Overview of critical care nursing – back to the basics (Kathleen Vollman USA) • Acute stroke care (Anne Wojner Alexandrov, USA) • Sepsis and Shock (Ruth Kleinpell and Tom Ahrens, USA) • Safety and Quality in the ICU (Belle Rogado, Phillipines; confirmed secondary authors Vedran, Adriano & Esther) • The role of ICU outreach and medical emergency teams (Ged Williams, Australia; confirmed secondary author Laura) • Trauma Management (Rich Arbour, University of Pennsylvania, USA; confirmed secondary author Vida) • Updates in management of liver failure (Lynn Kelso, University of Kentucky, USA) • Pediatric critical care concerns (Martha Curley, USA) • Global critical care issues (Barbara McLean, USA) • Patient and Family Centered Care (Judy Davidson, University of California San Diego Medical Center, USA) • Arrhythmia interpretation and emergency cardiac care (Sandra Goldsworthy, Canada) We are targeting chapter completion by the end of January in order to submit to Springer publishing by the requested date of February 15th. We anticipate publication of the e-book to coincide with the 2015 Critical Care World Congress, Aug 29Sept 1, 2015 in Seoul Korea 19 RID=12 20