Community Helpers of Rutherford Co.

1453B Hope Way
Murfreesboro, TN 37129
Tuesday - Thursday
9:00 a.m. - 4:30p.m.
(615) 898-0617
Mission Statement: Community Helpers is a non-profit, United Way
agency whose purpose is to provide emergency financial assistance to
the people of Rutherford County since 1981.
Community Helpers service for the less fortunate is made possible by
New Slogan Ideas:
 “Your Community Your Help!
 “It only takes a dollar”
 “It’s only a dollar”
 “Help one with just $1”
 “Give a dollar”
 Increase actual knowledge and trust of the Community
Helpers. Help the community believe in this program.
Raise awareness within Rutherford Co. by looking to
various businesses for funding or space to put up flyers,
brochures, donation cans etc.
How to interest other community residents to help and
provide stability for their fellow Rutherford people.
23 % of funding goes straight to Medical.
77% of funding helps with the other.
Local dentists are currently helping as well as Reeves
Sain with prescriptions.
Utility companies: Murfreesboro Electric, ATMOS, Water
and Sewer, all provide assistance.
Could use more help in the medical aspect (free tooth
pulling, help with expensive medications, insulin for
diabetes, etc.
 Try to involve other churches in the community, other then the
13 they currently receive funding from.
 Create webpage, new brochure, maybe try having some
donation cans at MTSU football, softball, baseball, any
donation will help.
 Use the churches as an outlet for new information and needs.
The members of these new churches may want to help out
there people of the community.
Magic dollar
◦ Residents can participate by adding any amount to
their existing utility bill. Money collected helps out
families who have house emergencies.
◦ We could also utilize the round up method on
customer bills ( round up to the nearest dollar).
◦ This is a great program but the awareness of it is
not available enough for the customers of MED.
Customer Contribution
◦ This incorporates the customer letting the utility
company add so much to the bill every month.
◦ This is also tough for the customers to know about
from not seeing it on the bills. Most people have
not seen or recognized this on any bills in the past.
◦ Better recognition and more word of mouth will be
the promotion that is greatly needed.
 It’s only just a dollar
But can go a long way
It can keep a house warm or cold on a rainy day
You can find it in the laundry
Or you can borrow it from your spouse
It only takes a dollar to help someone out.
Social Media: Facebook/Twitter/YouTube
New Logo
◦ Recreate the Community Helpers logo by using our own hands
connected in a circle just as a community as a whole should be.
New Brochures
◦ Have the new brochure less compacted with information so it
is easier to read while still being educational about the
Free website
◦ This website will help the community recognize how
trustworthy and important charity can be.
 Facebook
There are billions of people on facebook as we speak.
Facebook is a huge channel of friends and family.
Implementing our program into the facebook realm will
create new revenue as well as awareness.
 Twitter/ YouTube
 Twitter will help inform the younger minority about the company
with blogs, tweets, etc.
 YouTube creates mental and visual aids for the residents of
Rutherford County. People would always prefer a video over
reading a brochure.
• Implement brochures to businesses (1st 2 months of the year).
• Have community fairs for the county to raise money (4 month mark.)
• Have the companies that donate compete with each other to raise money
for one or two days (6 months into).
• Start adding up the cost to see if this plan is feasible or not for Community
Helpers. See if the company actually brings in more revenue because
of our campaign ( 8 months into).
• Begin an evaluation of how our plan helped the Community Helpers
throughout the whole year (12 months into).
- We will try to incorporate the Community Helpers name in with
other companies such as Chic-Fil-A, local dentists offices, Kroger,
Publix, etc..
- Hit on the companies that receive business from the community and
would not be profitable without them. Ask the community for a small
donation while at the store.
 Radio/YouTube
- Have the local country, rock, rap, stations speak out to the
community to help the families stay warm or cool . Have
companies compete in a contest on who can raise the
most money in so many hours for community helpers.
Post videos on YouTube of the families that have been helped
out because of the communities generosity.
 $1,000 will have to go towards the brochures and the design
behind them. Even if we just do black and white it will still be
costly. With the new awareness and interest, we will have to
distribute the brochures to more companies and districts.
 $200 can get the company some air time on the radio.
 $200 will make a cheap commercial on TV.
 $600 will go to the other expenses.
Phillip Robinson, President
George Huddleston, Jr., Vice President
Robbie Snapp, Treasurer
Robert Creekbaum, Assistant Treasurer
Ruth Howard, Recording Secretary
Joyce Arnold, Assistant Recording Secretary
Peggy Thomas, Corresponding Secretary
Amy Byers
Jamie Caskey
Salina Chee
Helen Dam
Dr. Richard Detmer
Emily Farmer
Sissy Follis
Chris Jones
Jackie Matherne
Patty Rucker
Sandra McCasland
Peggy Robinson
Sharon Porterfield
In Memoriam
Jo Call
Founder of Community Helpers