Help yourself to food and drink and please take handouts • Call to order • Approval of meeting agenda • Approval of Fall 2013 meeting minutes • Announcements • Chapter business • Reports/discussion • Good of the order • Adjournment Approval of Agenda Approval of Fall Meeting Minutes (8/21/13) ◦ See handout AAUP website ( State Ballot Referendum on Minimum Wage Coping with Distressed and Distressing Students General Education Council Forum Advancing Diversity at NMU, Dr. Mordean Taylor-Archer ◦ Look for latest information and links ◦ Please sign the ballot petition ◦ March 21st, 1-3pm, Whitman Commons ◦ March 24th, 3-5pm, Charcoal Room, University Center ◦ March 26th, 4-5pm, Mead Auditorium Michigan AAUP Annual Meeting ◦ April 5th, 9am-3pm, EMU, Ypsilanti, MI AAUP National Officers and Council Elections ◦ Return your ballot by April 15th Promotion and Tenure Workshops ◦ April 15th, 3-4pm and April 16th, 4-5pm location TBD Board of Trustees Meetings ◦ May 1st and May 2nd, location TBD Wednesday, March 26th, 4 p.m., Mead Auditorium Co-sponsored by the AAUP & the Office of the President Nominations for Elections Approval of Budget Proposed Amendment to the Chapter Constitution Balloting Committee Bruce Sarjeant, Chair Committee Members ◦ Mitch Klett ◦ Marsha Lucas Persons nominated will have their name placed on a ballot Secret ballots will be sent out in late March/early April Faculty will have several weeks to cast their ballot Detailed voting instructions will be provided when the ballots are distributed Election winners and vote tallies will be announced before the end of the semester Newly elected officers will take office on July 1st President ◦ Rebecca Mead ◦ Nominations from the floor Vice President (special 1 year term) Treasurer ◦ ??? ◦ Nominations from the floor ◦ Carol Johnson ◦ Dan Kill ◦ Nominations from the floor We Need You Arts & Sciences Representative (1) Professional Studies Representative (1) Business/AIS Representative (1) ◦ ???? ◦ Nominations from the floor ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦ Nancy Maas Bob Marlor Chris Kirk Nominations from the floor ◦ ???? ◦ Nominations from the floor Business/AIS Representative (1) ◦ ??? ◦ Nominations from the floor Carol Johnson, Treasurer AAUP ACTUAL & BUDGET DATA Actual 7/1/11-6/30/12 Cash Inflows: Dues $ Interest Earned 158,923 Budget 7/1/11-6/30/12 $166,000 Actual 7/1/12-6/30/13 Budget 7/1/12-6/30/13 $160,272 238 Total Cash Inflows Cash Outflows: Pers. Serv.-Personnel Services $159,161 $ AAUP National Dues $166,000 $160,272 $168,000 $ Budget 7/1/13-6/30/14 Budget 7/1/14-6/30/15 180,000 $ 194,500 1,000 1,000 1,000 $169,000 $181,000 $195,500 12,720 $ 15,000 $ 12,089 $ 15,000 $ 7,500 $ 18,000 40,639 40,000 42,566 48,000 56,700 60,000 State Dues 6,927 15,000 6,482 8,000 8,600 9,000 Telephone 820 2,200 2,100 2,200 2,000 2,000 Supp Office 628 1,000 825 1,000 1,000 1,500 Postage 259 200 9 200 200 200 Printing 750 2,000 690 2,000 1,000 1,000 Legal 3,269 7,000 3,979 10,000 5,000 5,000 Food 4,580 4,000 4,879 4,000 4,000 8,000 20,238 20,000 16,260 20,000 2,500 10,000 330 755 2,000 1,000 1,000 5,000 490 500 250 500 Negotation Expense Data Admin Stipends Paid 28,079 22,000 28,416 24,000 32,000 32,736 Federal Witholding 7,068 7,000 5,683 7,000 6,400 6,547 FICA & M-Care Wtheld 2,148 3,500 2,557 3,500 2,448 2,504 State Tax Wtheld-State Witholding 1,685 1,000 1,279 1,000 1,360 1,391 904 2,500 2,500 2,500 500 3,000 2,000 500 Audit 954 Insurance 2,366 6,000 Travel 2,874 10,000 7,505 10,000 10,000 10,000 Grant/ Gifts 5,000 500 10,250 2,000 1,500 1,000 443 1,000 561 1,000 1,000 1,000 Misc Computer & Software 525 2,000 228 2,000 - FICA Tax Paid 1,865 5,000 2,557 5,000 2,448 2,504 FUTA-Federal Unemployment 2,246 4,000 350 4,000 1,920 378 SUTA-State Unemployment 1,000 1,762 1,000 Total Cash Outflows $ 152,166 $ 169,400 $ 153,675 $ 178,900 $ 153,826 $ 181,160 Cash Inflows - Outflows $ 6,995 $ (3,400) $ 6,597 $ (9,900) $ 27,174 $ 14,340 Fund Balance History 754 2011 $ 183,059 2012 $ 195,055 2013 $ 198,341 500 3,900 2011 Balance = $183,059 2012 Balance = $195,055 2013 Balance = $198,341 “AAUP members have the right to equal treatment regardless of union rank, gender, sexual orientation, or ethnic minority status. Members may voice dissenting opinions without fear of retaliation. Disciplining or censuring of members is not the role of the NMU-AAUP” (see handout) Discussion Vote ◦ Consider for Chapter Ratification ◦ Do not Consider for Chapter Ratification Grievance Officer (Brent Graves) Educational Policy Committee (Amy Orf) Committee C (Kristine Granger) Committee O ( Lynne Johnson) Committee W (Mollie Freier) Safety Committee (Nancy Maas) President (Ron Sundell) Contract Enforcement Promotion and Tenure Academic Program Planning and Support Academic Program Review Enhancement Position Requests Contingent Appointments and Faculty Governance “Special Presentation” Report on Activities Future Actions Upcoming Meeting Lynne M. Johnson Contingent Assistant Professor NMU English Department 208 Gries Hall (906) 362-0882 Current Activities Future Actions Background and Purpose Forums ◦ Tomorrow, March21st, 1-2pm, Whitman Commons Future Topics State of the Union Challenges Ahead New Opportunities My Thanks to All! Comments, questions, thoughts Always remember it’s not “the union,” -- it’s “OUR UNION!!!