Questionairre answers 2

Where Have We Been
And what have we been doing?
The information that
follows is a
semi- anonymous
hodgepodge of the
responses we received
from the questionairre.
More School?
Hampshire College
Northeastern University, SUNY New Paltz BS and MS
1 year- took up space
OCCC, 71 to 74, Electrical Technology; New Paltz, 83 to 93,
Software Engineering
S.U.N.Y. at Albany, Bachelors in Biology and
Interdisciplinary Environmental Studies, and University of
Maryland, College Park, and George Washington University
for graduate studies and work)
More School?
O.C.C.C, Mt. Saint Mary
Rollins in Orlando, FL
SUNY Buffalo
OCCC/St Peters Hospital, Albany Internship, Medical Laboratory
Nasson College - BA Humanities; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute - MS
Science and Technology Studies; Cambridge University/Royal Society of
Cornell, OCCC
Empire State College, Associates in Fine Arts
Some of the places you’ve lived
 Maine, Canada, New York
 Marquette Michigan, Newburgh NY and Walden NY
 MA, NY, VA, FL
 Greenwood Lake from 1974-1979, Cortland, NY from 1979
to the present.
 Texas, Florida and New Mexico
 Grahamsville, NY
 Eugene, Oregon for a few years, the Boston area since.
Currently live in Cambridge, MA.
 Thomasville, NC, Washington, D.C., Detroit, Michigan and
Annapolis, Maryland
Some of the places you’ve lived
 Kansas City, Ks.; Brockport, NY; Middletown, NY; New
Hampton, NY
 Thomasville, NC
 All over, last place was Houston Tx, now Middletown, NY
 Pine Bush
 Goshen NY, Hillside Lake NY, Fair Oaks NY,
 Middletown, NY
 Bloomingburg, USA
 Milford, PA
 Built a house on the family farm and never moved. My roots
are way to long.
Where are you now?
J Joly
D Williams
J Decker
M Read
T Novak
P Simmons
D. VanHouten
B Chantrell
G Brola
G Arthur
J Bernard
H Takashige
B Banks
L Neumann
D Baxter
G Sasfai
J Padavano
S Fuller
L Manscheffer
C Dickinson
Ken Zwickel
J Parr
Cathy Jenks
J Thompson
N Russo L Pirog
C VanDerMeulen
M Kellner D Diaz
J Czerniawski
B Doyle
C Cunningham
J Dubois
C Shaw
V Bubulo
P Pitt
B Whaley
D Van Orden
B Jones
The rest of our class still find
their home in New York State
 Getting Divorced
 I was, once
 Michael, 24 Yrs
 Walter, 20 Years
 John, 35 yrs Definitely a good guy
 Patty Dudek, 35years from Washingtonville. Met her
through mutual friend, Middletown Bowling lanes.
 Ted, 37 years, Met in Middletown, through
Celeste Zanelli, who went to OCCC with him. The best
years of my life 
 Susan, 31 years
 Kenneth, 35 years
 James, 34 years, met in church, a musician and the DJ
 Marlene, 33 years, met her at Wehran Engineering.
Great friend, wife and mother
 David, 24 years, met at work
 Richard, 27 years, met on Ferry Crossing the Inside
Passage of Alaska)
 Widowed, Mark, married18 years: He was the greatest
husband anyone could ask for, caring, fun to be with and
a great father. We had a lot of good times together.
 Linda, 39 years, met in High School
 Ricardo, 24 years, a family man who loves to talk,watch
movies, play with the pets. Is excellent grandfather
material. Was a Machinist 30+ years, & recently retired
from United Airlines, (LOVE those flight benefits!)
 Widowed, Mark, married 34 years. Mark bravely battled
illness for over 20 years- he was an incredible cook, great
father and husband and made me laugh. He has been
gone for 2 years and I miss the laughter the most
 Nick-23 (living at home) & Jamie-21 (living in South Lake
Tahoe, Ca). They are both amazing kids who have turned into
even more amazing adults.
 Amanda and Claire
 Miles, 22, and Jonah,18
 Rachael, Sarah, and David
 Two Sons: Joshua and Matthew, 34 & 32. Josh is a wonderful
artist, Matt is in Marketing & Advertising in NYC, and
married to a beautiful woman from Finland.
 Keith and Stacey, 31 and 28, both married, very independent
they takes after their mother.
 James 33, artist, musician; Christopher, 31, vo-tech teacher;
Stephanie, 29 elementary school teacher
 From previous marriages, Ricardo has 2 daughters, I have one
son. Brad is a chef (CIA, Hyde Park), Wanda, stay at home
mom and volunteer extraordinaire, and Sandra, mom, massage
therapist and instructor, wellness coach
 Brian born July 1984 and a son, Jeffrey born October
1987. They each have a Bachelors degree. Brian currently
works at Cleanchannel on real estate leasing and
advertising, and Jeffrey currently works at Johns Hopkins
Medical School on cancer research
 Two feisty sons, complete with remarkable wives.
 One daughter, Shawna. She's 25, beautiful, inside and out, and
a hard worker whose promotions at work show how much she
is appreciated and respected. She has many friends and is
always there when they need someone to talk to or just be there
and listen. She's also my best friend.
 Nicholas IV, 36, married to Kara, and Melinda, 33 married to
Lee Hedrick
 Luke and Ellie, 21 (Twins) Adventurous, smart, talented.
 Dylan Harris 31, Jonathyn Joseph 26, Kaitlyn June 24.
 Gabe, Veronica, Kim and Kathleen
 Jared, Ashley, and Sage
 I have a son, Greg and a daughter Meghan. Greg graduated
from SUNY Albany, where he played football. He manages a
development company. Meghan graduated from Cornell
University, where she was the valedictorian of the college of
human ecology. She has her doctorate in Clinical Psychology,
and is a professor at Drexel University. Both of my children
are honest , hard- working, caring, and family oriented.
 Our 18 year old just graduated HS and is going to PA College
of Tech Next moth to be a surveyor. 39 yr old stepson
graduated from the same school and is now executive chef at
the Wynn and Encore hotels in Las Vegas, His wife is a pastry
chef at the same hotels. They have a 19 month old daughter;
35 yr old stepson, his wife and 2 boys live in Port St. Lucie,
FL, He travels a lot with his job and his wife is a stock broker.
 Not Yet!
 Kelsie, Ashley and Amber
 Tristen and Te’a
 Nope
 Devis, Tyler and Kayla
 One brilliant baby granddaughter with whom I am slavishly in
 Dane (5), Ethan (2)
 2 Boys in Nashville, and boy and girl in Orlando, All with
unique talents that make them incredibly loveable.
 I have 2 grandsons, Owen is 7 and Colin is 4, I have 1
granddaughter, Mary who is 8 months old.
 One brilliant baby granddaughter with whom I am slavishly in
 Dane 5, Ethan 2, Rod 7 and Garrett 5
 Not yet, but 2 of my kids are engaged
 Yes! The Loves of my life!!
 2 Dogs: Meiko and Jeffrey and 2 cats: Ricky and Lionel
 Mr. Gatsby, Allie cat and Fig cat
 I had joint custody of 3 Gerbils until recently
 Cats, dog, goat, sheep, chickens
 Dogs: Peter and Chloe
 Too many to count, equipped with hooves, paws and claws.
 Oh yes! A chihuahua, 2 siamese cats, a balkanize cat, and two
black stray kittens my daughter brought home. Chub the male
stray, almost died from kidney failure, now he's the biggest and
strongest of all of them.
 Abby, a chocolate lab
 Lucky, a Pekingese, and Kitty, a fat cat.
 One cat, Chloe
 Pets? I used to have 2 labradors but am dogless right now
 3 cats (2 Himalayans, 1 American Shorthair: Asarowa,9,
Nepata 9, Natasha 3.
 Dutch, Sam (Dogs)
 Muffin, a shipoo
 Lucy, rescue dog with an embedded collar, now she
plays with my little granddaughter Lilly
 Technical consultant for Medco
 Stay at home Mom, Air Force
 Office Manager
 Retired NYS Corrections Officer
 Health care quality improvement
 Medical Lab technologist Shift Supervisor
 Documentary writer/producer. Photographer.
 I am now retired. Writing code for IBM on the supercomputers. This
project was for the government. The government recently retired this
project. I was nervous every time this thing took off.
 Maintenance Technician at Piedmont Retirement Homes
 Owner of Natural Transformations, LLC, helping people improve
their health with hi-tech energy medicine tools. Most interesting:
worked in a medical mfr facility outside Washington, DC that
employed about 100 people from over 20 nationalities who spoke
17 languages. Always something to learn when communication
 I am the Senior Democratic Clerk for the Cortland Board of
Elections. The best job I've had...I was a Realtor from 1987-1997;
owned my own firm: Sudol Realty as Broker. I am a published
Poet, and taught Creative Writing Workshops at Ithaca College,
Wells College and Tompkins Cortland Community College from
 I am retired from teaching after 33 years . I also coached Varsity
cheerleading for 15 years. One summer while going to college I was a spot
 Managing partner of Custom Drapery Workroom, Middletown NY, since
1979. I could write a book abaout the interesting people, places and designs
 Electrician, currently,
 Secretary, 40 years same job
 Retired from The Bank of New York/Mellon after 30 years in the Corporate
office in Westchester. Now I'm working at a Family Doctor's office in New
Paltz and part time as a caregiver to the elderly.
 Marketing, sales, and placement counselor at staffing agency
 my Federal career is with the Environmental Protection Agency in
Washington, D.C, as an Environmental Protection Specialist
Most interesting job
 Working at veterinary hospital
 Doing Paste-up ads for the Catskill Shopper in high school
and being Union Delegate for 1199 Hospital & HealthCare
Workers, Organized Strike in 1980.
 Lots! In no particular order: Shepherdess. Sound
engineer/designer for theater and museums. Journalist.
Construction worker. Trauma counselor. Professor of
Communications (documentary/multimedia production).
Fiction writer. Acting/ stage managing. Producer of Capital
District Progressive Radio/Talking History. Itinerant ESL
 working at the Valley Supreme in Pine Bush
Most interesting job
 Limo Driver, right now I’m with Hudson Valley Limo, was a
chef for 12 years
 30 years Banking
 One summer while going to college I was a spot welder
 Worked in a medical mfr facility outside Washington, DC
that employed about 100 people from over 20 nationalities
who spoke 17 languages. Always something to learn when
communicating cross-culturally.
 Millwright
 JAG office during Gulf War
 Board of a national preschool preparedness literacy
organization based in Little Rock, AK called HIPPY (Home
Instruction for Parents of Pre-school Youngsters).
 Master Gardener Cornell Cooperative Extension
 Odyssey of the Mind coach, Rape Crisis Advocate,
Wilderness First Responder, restoration of local opera house.
 I am a Sunday School teacher for the adult developmentally
disabled class at our church
 The Cortland County Democratic Party as a Committeeperson,
with my husband, Ted
 I do some volunteer tutoring
 Orange County Chamber of Commerce and industry memberships
 NRA, SCCA, Walden Sportsmens Club
 For years I was on the BOD for a local developmental Center for
handicapped adults
 4H photographer during the Fair, member of the brain injury
Association of New York State where we set up support groups. We
are in the process of setting one up for our veterans. The military is
a hard nut to crack.
Hobbies/ Books/Interests
 Theatre, Reading, Music, Gardening
 Ancient archeology and civilizations and their mysteries
yet unknown. Anything involving UFOs!
 Happy member of The Dark Side Book Club (think:
mass murder, sinking ships, and the Donner Party.)
Talking! Knitting. Traveling. Cooking. Eating. Currently
enjoying books by Jennifer Worth, Rick Bragg, Per
Petterson, Annie Proulx. Other: History. Environmental
politics. Intelligent dogs. Kind horses.
 Music, reading non-fiction, embroidery, cooking, crafts,
theatre, concerts, movies.
Hobbies/ Books/Interests
 Like to do yard work, love nature. I don't really have much time to
read books but I do surf the internet. Love to cook and bake. Other:
Shopping, having lunch with friends, going on vacations. I enjoy
taking the train to the city and spending the day there. I also love
the ocean and taking long walks along the shore.
 Hunting and fishing
 Reading, snorkeling, beaching, Movie going
 Writing, treasure-hunting at Flea Markets & Antique shops. I love
Sylvia Plath and Maxine Kumin (both Poets).
 Skiing, Biking, Swimming and Hula)/(just read The Paris Wife – a
good book, have been re-reading Prevent and Reverse Heart
Disease by Dr. Cartwell Esselstyn with 150 recipes for vegan no
oils or nuts diet
Hobbies/ Books/Interests
 I like to garden, am addicted to zumba
 Golf, hunting and fishing
 Cooking
 Cars, Motorcycles, Guns, Auto Racing, spectator
 Advocating for a better government.
 Lap swimming and walking
 Stained Glass, reading, jewelry making, meditation, Reiki
 Love Ann Patchett, Chris Bohjalian, Anita Shrieve
Brag time
 My kids, family and military service
 My family
 Started and finished a dozen marathons including 8 Boston’s
 Staying sane and enjoying life on my terms, and of course helping
 Building our own home, one piece at a time.
 Staying alive, raising my kids
 Being part of the Pine Bush class of 71 reunion
Brag time
 Raising 2 kind and competent young men.
 Becoming a mother to my beautiful daughter. Also, my career at the bank.
 I never stop learning
 My writing, Poetry Readings, and teaching. I'm also proud of my work
with the Democratic Party and how far I've made it.
 Raising my children
 Making MONEY$$$
 My family- raising our children; and 2011 graduate of Leadership Orange
 My business received Chamber of Commerce Entrepeneur of the Year
Award at a 500+people black tie dinner dance
 My Family
Where ya been?
 San Francisco, Lake Tahoe
 Germany and Switerland, Cocoa Beach FL, Durango Co
 Ireland, NZ, France, Germany, England, Canada, Mexico, much of U.S.
including Hawaii and Alaska
 Ruins of Tulum, Mexico, Cruising
 Two mission trips to San Paulo Brazil, One Missions trip to Wyoming
 London, England
 Bermuda, many times! most interesting: Newly discovered Mayan ruins
 we do house exchanges with European families, Hawaii, Italy
Where ya been?
Edinborough, Copenhagen, Prague, Budapest, Spain, Antigua, Aruba .. had a trip
planned but cancelled to Sydney and Tahiti in the days following the 9/11 attack.
Damn! Love San Francisco, Cape Cod and many places in New England.
Extensively in the USA, Favorite: Alaska
I travel as much as I can. Iceland, Scotland, England, Wales, Luxemburg,
Germany, Vienna, Italy, Poland, Czechoslovakia. Most Interesting: Dead towns in
vastly polluted Ohio River Valley; burning towns in Pennsylvania. Favorite: Homeschooled my kids (10 and 13) while backpacking through Northern and Eastern
Europe for 3 months, researching family history. (Okay, maybe that doesn’t count as a
Does Walden count?
Where ya been?
 Spain, Favorite: Beaching on Grand Cayman Island and in
 We own several Timeshares in Florida: Lake Buena Vista,
Kissimmee, Ormond Beach & Miami Beach. We go for 2 weeks
each February; will go for 2 months each year after we retire :)
 Acapulco about 25 years ago
 Cross-country trips USA
 Hawaii, Las Vegas and Florida: visiting grandchildren
 The Bahamas, with my husband, daughter, and sister-in-law. We
had such a good time. Most Interesting: St. Maarten
Current favorite Music
 All Kinds . My Ipod has a very eclectic selection from
all my CDs.
 Getting fond of the Indie music my kids listen to
 Allman Brothers, Derek Trucks, moe, Little Feat, Dylan,
Dark Star Orchestra, blues, jazz, and many local
musicians in the Boston area
 Folk, World, Klezmer, Classical…anything with fiddles.
 I enjoy a huge variety of music. Anywhere from Johnny
Cash, Frank Sinatra, Prince, to Maynard Ferguson and
Grover Washington Jr. And there's Carly Simon, Heart,
Frank Zappa, etc. I could go on and on.
Current favorite Music
 60-70’s, light jazz, some classic, easy listening, zen
 Steely Dan, Stephen Bishop, The Dixie Chicks, Hall &
Oates, Christopher Cross, Carole King, Carly
Simon...Old stuff :)
 Top 40
 All- my husband is a musician and a dee-jay
 Everything except strict country, and hard core rap. The
Rolling Stones, Warren Zevon, Don McLean, rob
 Dylan, Springsteen, Mellencamp, Beatles, Doors
 Katy Perry and also Hawaiian music)
 Music and English
 Business
 Physics
 Art and Band
 English
 That's hard to say. I really liked the business courses, except
shorthand. I could not stand that subject. Nothing against
Mr VanDuser, just did not like the course.
 Algebra, it got me thinking, there is more in the world than
milking cows
 Biz, secretarial
 Math
 English Literature and
 Business classes
 Phys Ed
 History, Social Studies
 History
 English and Business classes
 Gym
 Mr. McIntyre
 Mr. Hazen, Mrs. Roebuck, Mr. Graham, Mr. Anderson, Mr. Rhoda,
Mr. Peay
 Mr. Amelio, Miss Hart
 The teacher who guided me the most was Mr. Amelio. I worked for
thim at the school store, and he helped me get a job after school at
Kassel Brothers, he even drove me there after school. I worked there
full time after graduation.
 Ken Keiser/Mr. Tavino: Brought out the best in me and showed
great appreciation for my effort
 Mr. McIntyre
 There were a few: Mr. White, Miss Overhiser, and Mr. McIntyre.
 Ms Overhiser, Mr. Mac., Mrs. Russell
 Mrs. Roebuck
 Mrs. Roebuck
 Mr. White
 B. White
 Mr. Amelio, Mr. White
 Mr. Peay- Excellent teacher, good listener, and we teased the
crap out of him
 Don Hauck
 Miss Hart 5th and 6th
 Mr. Hodges – year-after-year, I enjoyed his math problems
and solutions done on the overhead projector
 Too many to choose
 All the fun that Tina, Jeanie, Cheryl and I had. The trips, parties, hanging out
and dancing at the discos
 They’re all kind of blurry actually …
 When the Senior Band did 1812 Overture and cut an album. Oh yeah, when
our Jazz band won the battle of the bands at Valley Central High and Cousin
Brucie gave us the award. When Cindy Dorey and I used to cut up and blow
wrong notes on purpose. Sorry Mr. Keiser.
 No one memory in particular. Just having a good time with my friends. I
remember all of us (at the old High School) walking downtown for lunch and
going to the PB Diner (greasy cheeseburgers and fries), the ice cream stand
(creamy thick shakes) or The Pot Luck (fantastic meatball parm heros).
 the senior class trip’s disco dancing where I lost the pants to my long pants
suit and my scarf
 Distribution of Thanksgiving baskets, senior year
 Senior Trip to the Poconos
 Being on the football team that won the championship
 Playing baseball; Played my heart out on the team and I never got a
letter for it!
 Jeanie, Cheryl, Jane and me at Cape Cod senior year
 Graduation night
 Hangin’ with my friends: Padavano, Grossi, Athur, Novak, Edmunds,
Chantrel, McIntyre, Decker
 Not having to play field hockey!
 the can-can performance that the French class put on
 Simon and Garfunkel, CSN&Y, Judy Collins, Joanie Mitchell
 Bee Gees
 Probably dancing to the Young Rascals songs at school dances
 Joan Baez
 Beatles, Doors, Cream, CSN, S&G, Beach Boys (Little Surfer!)
 Favorite well known group was the Stones, still love them. Two of my
favorite songs were Ruby Tuesday and Paint It Black. Favorite group from
the HS dances was the one Matt and Danny Straut were in, can't remember
the name. No one memory, just good times at the dances.
 "One Less Bell to Answer" by Brasil '66 (wore the record to death after a
 Maggie May- Cape Cod vacation after graduation with Tina, Jane
and Cherie
 Maggie May- Rod Stewart; Bee Gees
 The Rolling Stones!!! I think I was Pine Bush’s 1st Stones fan (1964)
 James Taylor, Beatles, Stones, Kinks
 Favorite well known group was the Stones, still love them. Two of
my favorite songs were Ruby Tuesday and Paint It Black. Favorite
group from the HS dances was the one Matt and Danny Straut were
in, can't remember the name. No one memory, just good times at the
 Chicago – I remember the drum solo
 We’ll leave that a secret
 Ivan from Valley Central
 Cheryl Dickinson, 9th grade
 I had many high school crushes, nothing really worth
mentioning. My first love would have to be divided between
two people. My first husband, Jimmy, who I married at 19,
he was more like my first 'lust'. I was 19 and he was 17. He
was from Newburgh and we had a lot of good times. But my
first true love was my husband Mark. We hit it off from the
beginning. I remember our first date was the St Patrick's Day
parade in New Paltz. We went to every single bar there was
afterward and sampled all the beers.
 Ken Zwickel—Ted knows about him, he broke my heart!:)
I’m ok now…hahaha
 Linda Kiesling- I married her!
 Sandy Irwin
 John Huntoon
 Angela Galazzo
 Jim Ploof—Lots of memories, loved his family
 this is simple every girl in school
 My husband, Richard, he is the only one!
 Parties at Valley Central
 Spin the bottle party at Mark Read’s house. What cool
parents he had!
 Ditto
 I didn't get to go out much at night except for school
orientated events, dances, sports, etc. or to friends
houses. During the summer I loved to hang out at the
Grove swimming pool in Wallkill. Lots of great times
there and I met a lot of new friends.
 Dino’s
 Winter snow party at OC Park, then at my place after.
 Never went to them
 18th birthday party with Cherie and Barb
 Dino’s, Golden Garter, Shack
 Lake Minnewaska
 Fickens
 Nancy Briggs had a great party that I went to.
 Definitely have never been a party animal!
 Dino’s and Tommy Kiernan’s in Walden
 Bloomingburg Rolling Rink and Bridge
 Too much time in Hermans!
 Don Tirrell’s
 Rode bicycle about 30 miles a day during summer taking long
hikes. And Diane's house!
 Can't remember any!
 The woods! And Diane Schwarting’s house.
 With friends, the Grove, Thornwood's Dairy Bar, downtown,
 I liked to hike up my road & in the woods around my
 Pool Hall
 Jane’s house, Jean’s house
 Downtown, the Diner, or Dino’s in Middletown
 Ficken’s
 parking lot of Dinos drinking Tab, and Herman’s
 Not really
 Fell down front steps of boyfriends house just after meeting parents.
 The frozen turkey escapades .. a few of us Jopy Edmunds, Mark
Spadola & me) sophomore year stole a few frozen turkeys from the
school cafeteria and gifted one to our basketball coach (who’s name
is escaping me) .. and then got busted a few days later and thrown off
the team.
 Ripping Gary Arthur’s shirt in the attempt to steal his ‘fairy loop”
 Too many to count! Ask my kids – I think they have a special
 Not that I can think of.
 Um....No~~Can't share it! ;)
 Getting caught skipping class
 The time I passed out in 4th grade
 Yes/no
 Getting caught by Libby or Katie Andrews staring at the legs,
they look the same.
 many – just ask in person!
¾ ton construction pick-up
1963 Rambler “Roseanne”
No…I hate cars! Prefer horses.
No, I was supposed to take my drivers test the week before my senior year
started but ended up in the hospital having a spine fusion and was in a body
cast for 9 months. Any favorite car memories? When I did get my license after
I graduated I bought a car that was a 4 speed, never drove standard before but
learned real quick. I loved it.
I didn’t have one but remember Barb’s Marvin Mercury, Jim Padavano’s vet,
and a green GTO that Jim Grossi had.
Learning to drive stick on Jane’s car, and burning out the clutch
A 67 Rambler- Going to party graduation night and then several of us sleeping
in that car
Truck, goin’ fast