4-H Diary


4H Diaries!!!

Forget Gold…

Go for Platinum!

Table of Contents

 How to Obtain Diary Points

 Where Your Diaries can take you

 Resumes

 Selections

 Scholarships

 College

 Memories

How to Obtain Diary Points

 Be a 4H member in good standing

 Complete a communications activity

 Community Service

 Participate in 4H activities and events at all levels

 Hold a position on councils (be they club, district, regional or provincial)

 Participate in achievement day

How to Obtain Diary

Points cont.

 Be an active citizen

 In your community and school

 Sports teams, youth groups, clubs or other organizations

 Recognition or Service awards

Where can your diary can take you?!

 Help Complete Job Resumes

 Apply for selections

 Trips

 Ambassador

 Apply for Scholarships

 Looking back on 4H memories

Job Resume

 Diary awards look good on a resume

 Reminds you of certain events that you can add

 It impresses employers

 Shows dedication and motivation


 You need diary points when applying for


 Selections can lead to:

 Trips

 Becoming an ambassador

 Scholarships


 Having a good diary can help when applying for scholarships

For more information visit www.4h.ab.ca

or talk to your key leader

Post Secondary

 College admissions people see it as a sign of:

 Responsibility

 Dedication

 Commitment


Alberta 4H Award of Excellence

Diary Points

90 points

150 points

220 points

320 points

= Silver

= Gold

Approximate years of membership

= Bronze

= Platinum

3 years

4-5 years

6-7 years

8+ years

Clubs apply for medallions once per year

Sponsored by:

4H Award of Excellence

Bronze Silver Gold

Not shown: Platinum

4H Awards of Excellence Order Form

 http://www1.agric.gov.ab.ca/$department/deptdocs.nsf/al l/4h1178/$FILE/4H_AwardOfExcellence.pdf
