Name: _____________________________________ Date: _______ Period: _______ The Water Cycle 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Across 2. The draining away of water 6. falling water passes through a layer of freezing air near earths surface 8. At cooler temperature water vapor molecule slow down and form droplets 11. water freezing inside a cloud before it falls 12. forms when water vapor 4. when heat evaporates water condense in tiny water droplets into water vapor water vapor around small particles such as dust moplecules fit into spaces among the and salt molecules that make up air 13. of a plant or leaf the exhalation 5. water falling in temperatures of water vaporthrough the stomata above freezing Down 7. water falling in air temperature so cold that water vapor changes to 1. When liquid water droplets a solid combine and grow to large for the 9. forms water droplets condense atmosphere to support weight the from the air usually at night droplets fall 10. forms when temperatures are 3. when water vapor molecules suspend in the atmosphere at or near near 0 degrees celsus the earth surface Word Bank Condensation Precipation fog Dew Sleet snow runoff frost hail evaporation clouds transpiration Rain