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Blended Learning: Models, Tools & Lesson Design

Blended Learning
PLC – Group 4
Do these first
WeChat Group
Open EdPuzzle
Open Google Jamboard
Game Plan
• What is Blended Learning?
- EdPuzzle
• Instructional Models
- Google Jamboard
• Instructional Tools
• Homework
Part 1 – What is Blended Learning?
• Open the site www.edpuzzle.com/join/isnuope
• Watch the video and answer some questions
• 2-3 mins group discussion
What is it?
• Mix of traditional and digital strategies to deliver lessons
• Create an engaging learning experience
• Interactive (engagement + focus)
• Differentiated instructions
• Instant feedback
• Better and deeper understanding
• Higher thinking skills
Part 2 –Instructional Models
• Open Google Jamboard (link from email or WeChat group)
• Each pair will work on assigned frame
• 5 mins research + 5 mins pair-presentation
Instructional Models
1. Flipped classroom - Bryan
2. Enriched virtual -Carwyn
3. Lab rotation - Sam/Grace
4. Station rotation – Weizhi/Lucy
5. Flex (breakout rooms) - Annie/Marius
6. Pod – Lilei/Darren
Flipped Classroom
- students are introduced to content at home and practice working
through it at school
Enriched Virtual
- enhanced online courses with required face-to-face (minimal)
Lab Rotation
- having students in the class rotate in and out of a classroom into a
computer lab. Data from the lab is directing classroom instruction.
Station rotation
- having multiple groups rotate in the classroom from direct instruction,
guided practice, computer learning and partner work.
- students are working mostly on the computer while the teacher pulls
a few students at a time to give more guided instruction.
- multiple grades and skill levels learning at their own pace. Teacher
acts in multiple roles and responsibility in classroom.
Lesson Examples
Exponential functions (lab rotation)
Sequences and Patterns (flex)
Unit Revision (class rotation)
Game-based activity (flex)
Khan Academy (flipped)
Part 3 - Instructional Tools
Google Jamboard – online digital whiteboard (collaboration)
Padlet – online bulletin board (post any type of media)
Pear Deck – Google Slides and PPT
NearPod – student engagement platform
Kahoot/Quizizz/Quizlet – quiz game app (formative assessment)
Flipgrid - online video discussion platform
EdPuzzle – interactive video content
ShowMe – create and share video lessons
Desmos/Khan Academy – interactive math activities/assessment
LMSs – Google Classroom, Moodle, Schoology, Canvas, WeChat?, DingTalk, etc..
Part 4 - Homework (2 session)
1. Design a blended learning lesson
2. Target Date
3. Instructional Model
4. Tech Tools
5. Assessment and future lesson integration
6. Upload HW on Google Jamboard platform
PLC input - Michael
• Initial reflection
• PLC session 1: 25th September 2020
• Input session 1
• Action Research
• Choose 3 strategies to trial
• PLC session 2: 30th October 2020
• Input session 2
• Reflection on strategies used
• Target setting
• PLC session 3: 13th November 2020
• Input session 3
• Reflection on strategies used
• Peer observations
• Target setting