FLOODGUARD: FLOOD ALERT SYSTEM USING ARDUINO AT TATENAP BRIDGE, PIAT, CAGAYAN REASEARCHERS: JEAMARIE G. OCASO PATRICIA SEMANA RESEARCH METHODOLOGY - JEAMARIE ANALYSIS - JEAMARIE Phases of Agile Model 1. Requirements Gathering - JEAMARIE 2. Design of Requirements - JEAMARIE 3. Construction/Iteration - JEAMARIE 4. Testing - PATRICIA 5. Deployment - PATRICIA 6. Feedback - PATRICIA Chapter IV RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter will present the methods and procedures that will be employed by the researchers in gathering data and information essential for the development of the "FloodGuard: Flood Alert System using Arduino at Tatenap Bridge, Piat Cagayan." ANALYSIS The meaning of Agile is swift or versatile. The "Agile process model" will refer to a software development approach based on iterative development. Agile methods will break tasks into smaller iterations or parts and will not directly involve long-term planning. The project scope and requirements will be laid down at the beginning of the development process. Plans regarding the number of iterations, the duration, and the scope of each iteration will be clearly defined in advance. Phases of Agile Model 1. Requirements Gathering The first stage in the project development will be identifying the project scope and requirements. In this stage, the specific needs of the FloodGuard system will be determined. Subsystem requirements and unit requirements will all be defined in this phase. If this phase is completed s uccessfully, it will ensure a smooth workflow for the remaining Agile model phases. Requirement Specification This phase will outline the necessary software, hardware, and user requirements needed for the development and implementation of the FloodGuard system. HARDWARE: Arduino Uno Water Level Sensor GSM Module (SIM800) Buzzer Solar Panel with Battery Backup Power Supply (DC Adapter) SOFTWARE: Arduino IDE Windows Operating System Microsoft Word 2010 (for documentation) PEOPLEWARE: Computer Literate Developers Local Government Staff (end users) 2. Design of Requirements After gathering all the necessary requirements, the next step will be designing the system. The design phase will present the structure of the proposed FloodGuard system, including its physical and logical framework. The system architecture and alert mechanisms will all be finalized in this phase. 3. Construction/Iteration Once the requirements are well defined, the development team will start building the system. Developers and engineers will work on implementing the functionalities of the FloodGuard system. The system will undergo different stages of improvement to ensure functionality, reliability, and efficiency. 4. Testing Testing will be an essential phase that determines the efficiency and effectiveness of the system. The FloodGuard system will be tested for: Functionality Testing: Ensuring that all components (sensors, GSM module, and buzzer) work as expected. System Integration Testing: Evaluating the communication between the hardware and software components. User Acceptance Testing: Local government officials and staff will test the system to determine its usability and effectiveness in providing flood alerts. 5. Deployment Once the system is fully developed and tested, it will be deployed at the Tatenap Bridge, Piat Cagayan. The installation will include placing the sensors in strategic locations and setting up the GSM module to send alerts. The deployment phase will also involve training the end users (local government officials and emergency response teams) on how to operate and maintain the system. 6. Feedback After deploying the FloodGuard system, the final step will be gathering feedback from the users. Feedback will be collected from the local government, emergency response teams, and community members. Any necessary improvements and enhancements suggested by the users will be considered for future updates to optimize the system’s performance. The Agile model will ensure that the FloodGuard system undergoes continuous improvement, making it more effective in providing real-time flood alerts to the local government and residents of Piat Cagayan.