Uploaded by Michelle Scott

Plant Reproduction: Cross-Pollination, Self-Incompatibility, Seed Dispersal

Methods of Promoting Cross-Pollination (D3.1.10)
1. Create a labelled diagram showing at least three adaptations in plants
that promote cross-pollination (e.g., different maturation times, separate
male and female flowers/plants).
2. Write a short explanation (100–150 words) describing how animals and wind
assist in cross-pollination, giving specific examples of plants for each.
Self-Incompatibility Mechanisms (D3.1.11)
1. Define self-pollination and explain why it can lead to inbreeding.
2. Research and write a short report (150–200 words) on how genetic
mechanisms in plants prevent self-fertilisation. Use examples such as the
S-gene system or other known incompatibility mechanisms.
3. Include a flow diagram showing the fusion of male and female gametes
from different plants during fertilisation.
Dispersal and Germination of Seeds (D3.1.12)
1. Create a comparison table showing at least three differences between
pollination and seed dispersal.
2. Make a labelled diagram showing the stages of seed germination,
○ The development of the embryo
○ Mobilisation of food reserves
3. Write a short explanation (100–150 words) of how environmental conditions
affect seed germination (e.g., water, temperature, oxygen).
Extension Task:
Choose a flowering plant and describe how it:
Promotes cross-pollination
Prevents self-fertilisation
Disperses its seeds Include labelled diagrams and explanations.