Chapter 12: Centripetal Forces Definitions: Angular Displacement: The angle through which the object has moved Centripetal Acceleration: Acceleration perpendicular to velocity Radian: Angle subtended at the centre by an arc of length equal to the radius of the circle Angular Velocity: Rate of change of angular displacement Chapter 13: Gravitational Forces Definitions: Newton’s Law of gravitation: For any two point masses that attract each other, the force is directly proportional to their product of masses and inversely proportional to the square of the separation Gravitational Field Strength at a point: (Gravitational Force) exerted per unit mass (at a small object placed at that point) Field of force: Region of space where a particle (of a certain property) experiences a force Geostationary Orbit: Orbit in which a satellite is positioned so that it orbits the Earth the same rate as the Earth’s rotation, Satellite remains above a fixed point on the earth’s surface (above the equator) Gravitational Potential at a point: Work done per unit mass in bringing a unit mass from infinity to the point Derivations: Chapter 14: Temperature Definitions: Thermal Equilibrium: A condition when two or more objects in contact have the same temperature so that there is no net flow of thermal energy Thermocouple: A device consisting of wires of two different metals across which an emf is produced when the two junctions of the wires are at different temperature Temperature: Amount of average kinetic energy of particles and shows direction of net heat flow between two bodies in contact Fixed points: Standard reference temperatures that are used when calibrating thermometers Absolute Zero: Temperature at which atoms have minimum or zero energy Calibration: uses fixed points as upper/ lower points and assumes a linear change of property with temperature Thermodynamic/Absolute scale: Scale does not depend on the property of a substance Heat / Thermal Energy: Energy transferred from one object to another because of temperature difference. Increases of internal energy Specific heat capacity: Energy required per unit mass of the substance per unit Celsius degree to raise the temperature by 1k or 1 Celsius Specific Latent heat: Energy required per unit mass of the substance to change its state without any change in temperature Specific Latent heat of fusion: Energy required per unit mass to change the state of a substance from solid to liquid without any change in temperature Specific Latent heat of Vaporization: energy required per unit mass to change the state of a substance from liquid to gas without any change in temperature Boiling: The process by which a liquid changes into its gaseous state at a constant specific temperature know as boiling point. Heat energy goes towards overcoming intermolecular forces to move the atoms far enough so that interatomic forces and potential energy are negligible Evaporation: The process by which molecules on the surface of a liquid with sufficient kinetic energy break from attractive intermolecular forces of the liquid and escape as gas particles this process occurs below boiling point of a liquid Melting: The process by which a solid changes into its liquid state at a constant specific temperature, known as melting point, Heat energy is used to overcome rigid forces between atoms potential energy increase but KE is constant Chapter 15: Ideal Gases Derivations: Chapter 16:Thermodynamics Derivations: None Chapter 17: Oscillations Derivations: Chapter 18: Electric Fields Derivations: None just know when to use FE = FB Chapter 19: Capacitance Derivations: Chapter 20: Magnetic Fields Derivations: Chapter 21: Alternating Currents Derivations: Chapter 22: Quantum Physics Derivations: None Chapter 23: Nuclear Physics Derivations: Chapter 25: Cosmology and Astronomy Saif’s notes Luminosity: The total power output of radiation emitted by a star Radiant Flux Intensity F: The observed amount of intensity, or the radiant power transmitted normally through a surface per unit area, of radiation measured on Earth Standard Candle: Is an astronomical Object which has a known Luminosity due to a characteristic quality possed by that class of the object Supernova: A bright and a powerful explosion which happens at the end of a high mass star's life Wein's displacement Law: The black body radiation curve for different temperatures peaks at a (wavelength of maximum intensity that is inversally proportional to the temperature Stefan Boltzman law: The total energy emitted per unit area by a black body is proportional to the fourth power of the absolute temperature at the body Redshift and blue shift are like doppler effect, their effect can be observed when spectra of distant stars and galaxies are observed Redshift: when the object is moving away from Earth BlueShift: When the object is moving towards the earth Redshift is defined as: The fractional increase in wavelength (or decrease in frequency) due to the source and observer recedeing from each other Hubble's Law: The recession speed of galaxies moving away from Earth is proportional to their distance from the Earth Big bang theory states that the universe started from a small dense point that expanded and is still stretching!