GRADE 9 DAILY LESSON PLAN School Talave Integrated School Grade Level 9 Teacher Euphrosyne Chyne D. Lagahit Learning Area English Teaching Date Quarter I RPMS: KRA’s A. Content Standards At the end of the discussion, the Grade 9 – Dalton learners will be able to: 1. Identify the appropriate communicative style used in social situations; 2. Realize the importance of using appropriate communicative style in daily conversation; and 3. Write and perform a dialogue based on the communicative style assigned to them. The learners demonstrate an understanding of giving the appropriate communicative styles for various situations. B. Performance Standard The learners shall be able to characterize the different language registers. I. OBJECTIVES Employ the appropriate communicative styles for various situations (intimate, casual, conversation, consultative, and frozen) C. Learning Competencies / Objectives II. CONTENT TYPES OF COMMUNICATIVE STYLES (FROZE, FORMAL, CONSULTATIVE, CASUAL, INTIMATE) III. LEARNING RESOURCES TV, LAPTOP, CHALK A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide Pages 2. Learner’s Materials 3. Textbook Pages 4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource B. Other Learning Resources IV. PROCEDURES A. Reviewing the previous lesson or presenting a new lesson Refer to Quarter 1 Module 3: Communicative Style Refer to Quarter 1 Module 3: Communicative Style,+formal,+consultativ e,+casual, +intimate+communicative+styles&source=lmns&rlz=1C1GCE B_enPH874P H874&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjEz_OCnsj4AhUCR5QK HXj6AxIQ_AU oAHoECAEQAA 1. Prayer 2. Greetings 3. Checking of Attendance 1. 2. What are the 4 types of conditionals? Why are conditionals important in the English language? ACTIVITY (5 mins) Individual Activity: WHAT KIND OF COMMUNICATOR AM I? Thinking about your behavior with others, listen to each statement and indicate which best typifies your behavior where you: B. Establishing the Purpose of the lesson 1 = disagree strongly; 2 = disagree somewhat; 3 = agree somewhat; 4 = agree strongly. 1.I express my opinions honestly, openly, and appropriately all the time. 2.I can get angry and am comfortable letting this show. 3.I find it difficult to say ‘no’. 4.If I do not agree with a task I’ve been given, I find a way of dragging my feet on it 5.If someone knows more than me, I feel comfortable in asking for help from them. 6.I feel guilty if I leave on time for a valid reason and other people are still working. 7.I can be sarcastic. 8.I think my way of doing things is better than other people’s. 9. If someone takes advantage of me, I find a way of getting my own back. 10. I feel I have a right to say ‘no’ to other people’s requests and to negotiate a compromise Ask the students to add their scores. The highest score represent the communicative style you tend toward most of the time. ANALYSIS C. Presenting examples/ instances of the new lesson 1. Students will unscramble the words through the use of pictures to reveal the 5 different communicative styles in 2. Anyone ready to answer must shout “Darna” with feelings. INDICATOR 7: Established a learnercentered culture by using teaching strategies that respond to their linguistic, cultural, socioeconomic, and religious backgrounds. ABSTRACTION Unlocking the words STYLE and COMMUNICATIVE STYLE Style – is a particular manner or way of behaving, doing, creating, or performing a thing. D. Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills #1 Communicative Style - is a form of language that a speaker uses and it is characterized by the degree of formality. This implies that the language used by the speakers varies based on a given situation or setting and the persons involved. --Discussion on the 5 Types of Communicative Styles. --Part of the discussion will be the students analyzing which communicative style a picture falls under. E. Discussing new concepts and practicing skills # 2 What is the situation? Who are the people in the situation? What do you think is the speech used in this situation? Who do you think are the speakers? What can you about the way they address each other? Who are the speakers in this situation? What do you think is the purpose of the patient? Who are conversing in this situation? How do you know they are friends? What do you think is the relationship of the two? How do you know that they are so? FROZEN STYLE - is also known as fixed speech - the style of communication rarely or never changes. -it is the most formal communicative style that is often used in respectful situations or formal ceremony Examples: Wedding Vows, Prayer, The Preamble of the Constitution FORMAL STYLE - is the language used in formal settings and is one-way in nature -this use of language usually follows a commonly accepted format Examples: Sermons, Speeches, Announcements INDICATOR 4: Display Proficient use of Mother tongue, Filipino and English to Facilitate Teaching and Learning. CONSULTATIVE STYLE - is a formal and societal expectation accompanying the users of this speech -giving advice or recommendation - It is a professional discourse Example: Doctor and patient, Teacher and student, counselor and client CASUAL STYLE - is an informal language used by peers and friends - Slang, vulgarities, and colloquialisms are normal Examples: buddies, chats and emails, letters to a friend INTIMATE STYLE - a style that communication is private - it is reserved for close family members or intimate people Examples: husband and wife, boyfriend and girlfriend, parent and siblings F. Developing Mastery (Leads to Formative Assessment) G. Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living H. Making generalizations and abstractions about the lesson After discussing all 5 communicative styles, students will identify what communicative style is being used in the following context. 1. " How's my little cute baby?" - INTIMATE 2. " Thanks for following up on the Pedro Dela Cruz account. Great job!" - CONSULTATIVE 3. "Thank you for calling the Republika ng TM." FORMAL 4. "Welcome to Banaue Hotel. Please remember that no flash photography is allowed during this tour." CONSULTATIVE 5. " Republic of the Philippines versus Vicente Ariway." FROZEN 6. "I love you always, my baby." - INTIMATE 7. "Good morning. May I speak to the director, please?" CONSULTATIVE 8. "I offer you all my prayers, works, joys, and suffering of this day." - FROZEN 9. "Thank you for applying for this position. We'll let you know within a week if you have been chosen for an interview." - FORMAL 10. "Oh my God! Nice catch!" - CASUAL INDICATOR 6: Maintained a learning environment that promoted fairness, respect, and care to encourage learning 1. Why is determining the communicative style important? 2. How is this lesson applied in your daily conversation? (RESPECT) – Values Integration The purpose of different communicative styles is to help people know the specific approach they should use in every situation, person, and place, and being tactful is very important in communication. INDICATOR 1: Apply Knowledge of Content within Across Curriculum Teaching areas ASSESSMENT (20 mins) I. Evaluating Learning It’s Showtime! (20 mins) -Performing a play. (DIFFERENTIATED ACTIVITIES) -Write and perform a dialogue. -The teacher will divide the learners into 5 groups. -The mechanics and rubrics of the presentation will be given. Mechanics: 1. Each group will be assigned to a certain communicative style. 2. The learners will be able to present it creatively using the appropriate communicative style. 3. They will be given 5 minutes to practice and 2 minutes to present. 4. Each member of the group will have to cooperate in writing the dialogue and then choose a presenter of a play and speech lines to utter. GROUP 1: CASUAL STYLE GROUP 2: INTIMATE STYLE GROUP 3: FORMAL STYLE GROUP 4: FROZEN STYLE GROUP 5: CONSULTATIVE STYLE RUBRICS: Appropriate style and language used- 5 points. Grammar- 5 points Delivery- 5 points Creativity/Interpretation- 5 points Teamwork- 5 points Total- 25 points J. Additional Activities for application or remediation V. REMARKS VI. REFLECTION 1. No. of learners who learned 80% on the formative assessment 2. No. of learners who require additional activities or remediation 3. Did the remedial lessons work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson. 4. No. of learners who continue to require remediation Prepared by: EUPHROSYNE CHYNE D. LAGAHIT Teacher I, Talave Integrated School INDICATOR 3: Applied a range of teaching strategies to develop critical and creative thinking, as well as other higherorder thinking skills.