LAERSKOOL VAN DYK PRIMARY District: D 16 EMIS: 160 994 English Home Language November Exam Paper 2 13 November 2018 Examiner: Ms K v.d. Merwe Moderator: Mr R Oelofse Name and Surname: _______________________________________ Time allocated: 2 hours Grade 4._____ Learner’s mark: MEMO Section A 1. 35 years (1) 2. a False (1) b False (1) 3. The do not have tails that grip (1) 4. Scream, grunt and bark (3) 5. a. C. he (1) b. C. grumpy (1) 6. water source/sleep safely Any one (1) 7. Yes/No Any relevant and reasonable answer. (2) 8. Half the size of the male (2) TOTAL: SECTION A: [14] Section B 1. Kenn Nesbitt 2. Alex 3. Yes/No Any relevant and reasonable answer. 4. Any relevant and reasonable title. 5. 1. c) Simile 2. b) Alliteration 3. a) Metaphor 6. The allergy 7. His whole body itched. 8. seal Or similar (1) (1) (2) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) TOTAL: SECTION B: [11] Section B 1. 2. Any relevant and reasonable title. a. C Hardworking b. B food c. C Winter (1) (1) (1) (1) 3. The ant walks on the grass. (1) 4. Why are you so lazy, or do you prefer to die? (2) 5. Past continuous tense: Future continuous tense: (1) (1) 6. He died because he was lazy. (1) 7. 8. 9. Grasshopper Ant It is important to be prepared for the difficult times ahead. Or similar Yes/No Any reasonable and relevant answer (2) (1) (2) He was busy eating. He will be busy eating. TOTAL: SECTION C: [15]