Learn the Solutions to Dismiss QuickBooks Error 6000 832 Issues with the company file can trigger many different error codes in QuickBooks. These error codes are mostly 6000 series of errors, which can arise while accessing the company file. One such error is the QuickBooks error 6000 832, which prevents users from working on their company files, and can lead to accidental data loss in the application. QuickBooks error code 6000 832 can be easily eliminated with the help of the solutions provided in this blog. If you are having trouble understanding the steps or resolving the error code on your own, you can reach out to us at 1.855.738.2784 and get assistance from our technical support team. Main Reasons for the QuickBooks Desktop Error 6000 832 You might be encountering the QuickBooks error message 6000 832 due to the following factors – 1. The company file you are trying to access is stored in an external drive instead of the local storage location of your PC. 2. The company file might not be running correctly, and the file might be damaged or corrupted. 3. You are unable to create the company file backup because the file location is incorrect or has changed. 4. The company file folder might be damaged, and you need to repair it to access the company file. 5. There are issues with the company file name, and the file name might contain special characters and spaces. Easy Methods to Eliminate the QuickBooks Company File Error 6000 832 QB error code 6000 832 can be reliably rectified by using the solutions provided below. Method 1 – Create a Company File Backup in a New Location from the File Explorer Window You can fix error code 6000 832 in QuickBooks Desktop by creating a new file backup in the application. 1. Close QuickBooks Desktop on the host computer and navigate to the Start menu to type File Explorer in the appeared search box. 2. Hit the Enter key to open the File Explorer window and choose the My Computer or This PC option to launch the C drive. 3. Right-click on the window and select New and then Folder from the list to create a new folder named QBTEST on your PC. 4. Now, create a new backup company file and save it to the new folder and use this new backup to restore the company file to dismiss the 6000 error code. Method 2 – Scan your QB Company Files with the Database Server Manager You can scan your company files for issues by activating the database service in QB. 1. Go to the Windows Start menu, and in the search bar, type Database Server to access the QuickBooks Database Server Manager. 2. After the scan is over, navigate to the Start menu and type File Explorer to open it, and look for the scanned folders to check that .ND file is present. Conclusion QuickBooks error 6000 832 can be easily removed by using the methods provided in this article. If the issue persists, you can reach out to us at 1.855.738.2784 to get professional help from our QB experts.