Methods to Permanently Remove QuickBooks Error 6189 and 816 Problems with the company file can lead to QuickBooks error 6189 and 816. This error code can arise when the multi-user mode is incorrectly configured and the user is unable to access the company data file. There can be other reasons for this 6000 series error, like damaged components. If you are facing the QuickBooks error code 6189 816, you can read this article till the end to dismiss it permanently. You can reach out to us at 1.855.738.2784 to get assistance from our team of QB professionals in case you are having trouble understanding the steps or resolving the error message on your own. Possible Triggers for the QuickBooks Desktop Error 6189 You might be encountering the QuickBooks error message 6189 816 due to the following factors – 1. You don’t have sufficient permissions to access the folder containing your QB company file. 2. Your QuickBooks Desktop is not correctly installed, and the installation files might be damaged or missing from the system. 3. Some other user is accessing the same company file in single-user mode, which is causing access issues. 4. Essential files, like the ND and TLG files, are not running correctly, or they are damaged or corrupted. 5. The hosting settings on your PC are incorrectly configured, and you need to modify the hosting settings to run the company file. Troubleshooting Steps to Resolve the QuickBooks Company File Error 6189 816 QuickBooks multi-user error 6189 816 can be easily dismissed by using the solutions provided in this article below – Solution 1 – Rename the TLG File to Edit the Extension and Mend the File Corruption You can fix the transaction log files leading to the data file issues in QB by renaming them. 1. Press the Windows + E keys to open Windows File Explorer and go to the QuickBooks Installation folder, where the program files are saved, to search for the ND file. 2. Search for the file with a similar name as your company file with the ND extension and right-click the file to select Delete. 3. Run QuickBooks and create a new ND file to try accessing the company file again and see if the 6189 error is rectified. Solution 2 – Run the Database Service from the Tool Hub to Fix the Network Errors QB error code 6189 816 can be easily fixed by running the database service from the tool hub. 1. Find the database utility in the Network Issues tab of your QuickBooks Tool Hub utility and select it. 2. Choose the QuickBooks Database Server Manager option and install it in your system by following the on-screen instructions. 3. In the QB Database Manager, choose the Start Scan option if you see the company files, or hit the Browse option to find your company file for the scan process. 4. Let the utility repair the firewall permissions causing blockages, and after the scan ends, hit the Close button to launch QuickBooks again. Conclusion You can use the solutions provided in this article to eliminate the QuickBooks error 6189 and 816. If the error code persists, you can call us at 1.855.738.2784 to get assistance from our QB technicians.