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Reflective Essay Guide & Example: My Little Brother

essay, well, reflective. I’ll also point out the strengths of two reflective essay examples to
help you get started.
Reflective writing helps us to think more about ourselves, who we are, and how we have
changed. Read on in order to find out more about what a reflective essay is and how
reflective essays are written! Points to note before I proceed;
· Structure of a Reflective Essay
· Examples of Reflective Essays
My Little Brother
Reading My Favorite Book
Creative Communication
Format of a Reflective Essay
While anticipating to read about some reflective essay examples, note. A reflective
essay is a form of writing that examines and observes the progress of the writer’s
individual experience.
Note: Here you can see a Reflective Report Example.
Also, while reflective essays explain and analyze the development of the writer, note.
They also discuss future goals. They’re often associated with academic portfolios. And
especially writing portfolios.
Furthermore, as part of a writing portfolio, reflective essays critically analyze your
development as a student. And this includes a discussion of the strengths you have
developed as a writer. As well as your weaknesses.
Structure of Personal Reflective Essay
Personal Reflective Essay always has an introduction, where the speaker shares, either
directly or indirectly, what the overall focus of the reflection will be. Many popular essay
writers might be a bit indirect about their main topic, or about what part of their lives they
will focus on.
However, an academic writer should be more direct in explaining what aspect of his or
her experiences that he or she will talk about.
The body of the reflective essay explains how the writer has changed or what the writer
has learned. It also explains what things caused the writer to change.
For example, many academic writers are asked to reflect on how they improved as
writers over the semester or quarter. Those writers often share how different
assignments and lessons made them stronger writers.
A strong reflective writer will not only share the change but also give examples as
supporting details. For example, if a writer discusses becoming more optimistic in life,
then examples should be given of what made this change, such as sharing an incident
in which the writer took a positive approach to resolve the incident.
If looking backward, the writer will note how different he or she was in the past. Often,
the writer will compare past and future selves to emphasize the difference.
Personal Reflective Essay: Examples of Reflective Essays
Now that you have an understanding of what it takes to write a reflective essay, check
out a few examples for inspiration.
Quick note: How to write an Essay?
My Little Brother
This essay example is written at a middle or high school level, reflecting on the arrival of
a younger sibling.
In my short life, there are many experiences that could qualify as life-changing. Every
new experience was, at one time or another, the first experience. For good or bad, each
instance changed the course that my life has taken. But, the most transformative
experience was the birth of my youngest brother.
Joel is someone my parents often call a happy accident. At the time that my mother
became pregnant, I was 13, and my other brother, Jake, was 10. We were what you
would call a well-rounded, perfect family of four.
We neatly fit into the perfect classification in nearly every way. We didn’t realize what we
were missing until the moment that my youngest brother first opened his striking blue
In truth, I resented the fact that I would be having another sibling. Nothing needed to be
added to our family, and my mother, already 38 at the time, was considered high risk
because of her age.
The pregnancy itself was full of complications that sent the straight course of my life into
rollercoaster-like loops that my 13-year-old mind had a hard time comprehending. But
now, I can see how forging through those loops helped me to roll with the punches that
life inevitably brings
The day Joel was born, my mother took me with her to the hospital rather than my
father. It wasn’t a planned move, but Jake and my father were both feverish; I was the
next best alternative.
Sitting with her through every contraction, I gained a new respect for just how powerful
and strong a woman could be in what might be considered their weakest moment.
Holding her hand and feeding her ice chips, I gained a connection with my mother that I
didn’t realize we were lacking.