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Systems Analysis Assignment 1: Techniques & Requirements

Systems Analysis
Assignment 1
Done by: Nelago Nakanyala, 250035588
Introduction .......................................................................................................................................... 3
System Analysis Techniques ................................................................................................................. 3
System Requirements ........................................................................................................................... 3
Modelling and Documentation ............................................................................................................. 3
Stakeholder involvement and Communication .................................................................................... 4
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 4
1. Introduction
System analysis aims to gain a clear understanding of how a computer system operates.
It is a systematic process of analyzing and evaluating a system, whether existing or in
development, to gain a comprehensive understanding of its components, processes, and
The system analysis phase is of utmost important and essential to ensure that the
development and/or improvement of an information system meets the needs of the
business and all stakeholders involved. This phase is also critical during the system
development life cycle as it sets the foundation for system design and implementation.
Without a thorough analysis, it is difficult to create systems that are efficient, reliable, and
aligned with the organization’s goals.
In this assignment, I will begin by outlining the various system analysis techniques. Next,
I will explain how I plan to gather the system requirements. I will then delve into the
significance of system modeling and documentation. Finally, before I conclude I will
discuss the crucial role of stakeholder involvement and communication throughout the
2. System Analysis Techniques
3. System Requirements
4. Modelling and Documentation
5. Stakeholder involvement and Communication
6. Conclusion
7. References
Reference List;
Drucker, P. (2005). Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Practice and Principles. ButterworthHeinemann. Repr.
Gretzel, U., Fesenmaier, D. R., Formica, S., & OʼLeary, J. T. (2006). Searching for the Future:
Challenges Faced by Destination Marketing Organizations. Journal of Travel Research.
45(2), 116- 126.
Ministry of Food Processing Industries (MoFPI), Government of India. Understanding
entrepreneurial risks. National Institute of Food Technology, Entrepreneurship and
Management (NIFTEM) – Kundli. Retrieved from https://niftem-t.ac.in/pmfmesna/images/Handbook/M3.pdf
Shahidi, M. and Smagulova, A. (2008). The Challenges of Entrepreneurship in Dynamic Society.
Central Asia Business. 1(1), 34-45.