ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff SALMAN HASHMI ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff fff CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 ssfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff [a lot of/a myriad of] Countless number of things or extremely large number of something. STRENUOUS [stressful] Requiring a lot of physical or mental effort; challenging and demanding EPITOME A perfect or typical example of something x The garden was filled with myriad of colorful flowers. x In the city of Lahore, there were a myriad of shops offering a variety of products. x She had a myriad of reasons why she couldn’t attend the party. x Climbing the mountain was a strenuous task for the hikers. x After a strenuous day at work, she enjoyed a relaxing evening at the saloon. x The strenuous workout left him exhausted. x The Eiffel Tower is considered the epitome of French architecture. x She was the epitome of grace and elegance in her flowing gown. x With his kindness and generosity, he became the epitome of a good neighbor. SALMAN HASHMI WHIMSICAL Refers to something which is playful, unpredictable or fanciful (appealing/amusing) Page | 1 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 MYRIAD x The artist’s paintings were known for their whimsical themes. x The children wore a whimsical hat that was covered in feathers and flower. x Her whimsical sense of humor added a light-hearted touch to the office atmosphere. [talkative] Refers to someone who talks excessively or speaks constantly (nonstop) NARCISSIST A person Who admires himself/herself excessively. A self-obsessed person EUPHORIA An intense feeling of happiness, joy or excitement Page | 2 x The garrulous parrot chattered away, mimicking various sounds throughout the day. x The professor's garrulous lecture seemed to go on forever. x The garrulous four guide shared amusing facts throughout the entire journey. x The garrulous lady at the party dominated the conversation with endless stories. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 GARRULOUS x The boss was a narcissist who was constantly seeking praise and attention. x It was hard to have a conversation with Jane because she was such a narcissist. x The narcissistic personality of my aunt ruined the entire wedding. x The crowd erupted in euphoria as the fireworks lit up SALMAN HASHMI the sky. x After months of hard work, Sarah experienced a sense of euphoria as she got her acceptance letter. x Winning the World Cup brought a wave of euphoria over the entire team. When the mouth is wide open in surprise or awe (amazed) BERATE To scold or criticize someone angrily or harshly COBBLER A person who repairs or makes shoes AVENGE To take revenge or seek justice for a wrongdoing Page | 3 x The child stared in awe, with his agape mouth, as the magician pulled out a rabbit out of his hat. x The hiker stood agape at the breathtaking view from the mountain top. x As the acrobat performed her daring stunt, the audience watched with their mouths agape. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 AGAPE x The angry customer berated the store manager for the poor service she had experienced. x Mary's boss berated her in front of her colleagues for a small mistake. x The coach often berates his players, decreasing their confidence and motivation. x The cobbler repaired my favorite pairs of books, making them look as good as new. x The renowned leather cobbler was invited to showcase his designs at an exhibition. x In the West, cobblers earn a good amount of money compared toHASHMI the East. SALMAN x He vowed to avenge his friend's betrayal by exposing the truth. x Anna avenged her brother's murderer. x The superhero promised to avenge the innocent victims by bringing down the villain. Noisy, energetic and lively DAUNTING Appearing difficult, intimidating or challenging FLABBERGASTED Extremely surprised, shocked or astonished. Page | 4 x Children playing in the park were boisterous, laughing and shouting with excitement. x The boisterous crowd at the concert erupted into applause when the band appeared on the stage. x The boisterous winds howled through the trees, causing the leaves to rustle loudly. x The mountain climber faced the daunting task of climbing the peak. x He found it daunting to give a speech in front of the audience. x Facing challenges can be daunting, but with a positive mindset, we can overcome them. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 BOISTEROUS x She was flabbergasted SALMAN HASHMIwhen she won the Lottery and couldn't believe her luck. x The students were flabbergasted when their strict teacher suddenly burst into laughter. x I was flabbergasted when my best friend told me he was moving abroad. To show skill in achieving something by Lying/fraud/cheating/tricking GRANDIOSE Impressive or magnificent in appearance or style MALEVOLENT Having a wish to do evil for others. Page | 5 x The cunning fox silently stalked its prey and waiting for the perfect moment to attack. x With his cunning mind, the con artist managed to deceive even the most cautious individuals. x She used her cunning tactics to outsmart her opponents and win the chess tournament. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 CUNNING x The grandiose mansion stood majestically at the top of the hill. x The politician made grandiose promises during his campaign, but failed to deliver in office. x The opera singer captivated the audience with her grandiose performance. x The Villain's malevolent laughter sent shivers down the spines of those around him. SALMAN HASHMI x The malevolent witch cast a curse on the Village, causing misfortune to befall its residents. x His malevolent intentions were clear when he Spread false rumors about his colleague to ruin his reputation. x The Soup had a palatable flavor, perfectly seasoned and leaving a delightful aftertaste. x After a long day of hard work, a cold drink was the most palatable way to quench their thirst. x The chef managed to turn the bitter vegetable into a palatable dish that even the pickiest eaters enjoyed. PLETHORA x The store offered a plethora of options, making it difficult for customers to choose just one item. x The museum consisted of a plethora of artworks. x The student had a plethora of assignments to complete, causing stress and anxiety. A large or excessive amount of something DELIBERATELY Done on purpose or intentionally x She deliberately wore mismatched socks to make a fashion statement. x He deliberately chose the longest route home to avoid the rush hour traffic. x She deliberately left her phone at home to disconnect for the day. SALMAN HASHMI INTRIGUING Something that captures one's interest or curiosity by being mysterious, fascinating or compelling Page | 6 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 PALATABLE Pleasant to taste x The novel's intriguing plot kept me hooked until the very last page. x The intriguing documentary shed light on a real-life event that took place in the 90's. x The mysterious letter contained intriguing clues about a hidden treasure. To trip or momentarily lose balance, resulting in a fall or accident - It can also mean making a mistake or facing a difficulty SUMPTUOUS Something luxurious, lavish or of exceptional quality often linked with being extravagant or splendid. SWELTERING Uncomfortably hot weather refers to hot weather conditions (intense heat & humidity) Page | 7 x She stumbled over a tree root while jogging in the park and sprained her ankle. x The actor stumbled over his lines during the play but managed to recover gracefully. x They stumbled upon a hidden gem of a restaurant while exploring a new city. x The girls booked a sumptuous suite at a fire-star hotel. x The dinner party was held in a sumptuous mansion. x She was known for her sumptuous taste in fashion, always seen in designer dresses. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 STUMBLE x The sweltering heatwave forced people to Stay indoors SALMAN HASHMI with air conditioning. x The tourist sought shade under the trees to escape the sweltering sun. x She could barely concentrate on her work in the sweltering office with proper ventilation. Prevents an infection Sterilized, germ-free COMPELLING Area m something that would bring strong interest, attention or admiration. Used to describe things that are interesting or irresistible HEINOUS An act or behavior that is shockingly wicked or cruel. Itis used to describe something evil. Page | 8 x Using an antiseptic mouthwash twice a day can help maintain good oral hygiene. x The doctor cleansed the patient's burnt skin with an antiseptic spray. x The hospital staff applied antiseptic solutions to ensure the surgical equipment was free from bacteria. x The artist's compelling artwork drew crowds of several art lovers. x The author's compelling storytelling skills had readers engaged in his suspenseful novel. x The evidence was compelling enough to charge the person as guilty. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 ANTISEPTIC x The community was shocked by the heinous crime committed in their peaceful neighborhood. x The heinous acts carried out by Israel against Palestine are not acceptable at all. x The victim's family demanded justice for the heinous act SALMAN HASHMI that had torn their lives apart. No longer in use or is outdated because of advancements in technology, knowledge or trends. TEDIOUS Something that is dull, monotonous or boring because it requires a lot of time, effort or attention. BAFFLED Feeling completely puzzled or confused x Handwritten letters have become obsolete in the era of instant messaging. x floppy disks are now considered obsolete and are replaced by USB drives. x The once popular typewriter became obsolete when computers were invented. x The student found the long, tedious lecture to be incredibly boring and struggled to stay focused. x The girl had a tedious training session at the gym. x The employee had to prepare a presentation that was quite a tedious task. x She was baffled by the complex math problem. x I'm still baffled as to why she made that decision. x The unexpected turn of events left him totally baffled. SALMAN HASHMI EXQUISITE Extremely beautiful or delicate Page | 9 x The bride looked exquisite in her lace gown. x The restaurant served exquisite five-star cuisine. x The sunset over the ocean was truly exquisite. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 OBSOLETE Able to withstand or recover quickly from difficult conditions PRISTINE In perfect condition, untouched or unspoiled ZEALOUS Having great enthusiasm for something. REPULSIVE Causing intense disgust or aversion (strong dislike &towards something) Page | 10 x Despite facing humorous setbacks, she remained resilient and never gave up. x The team's resilient spirit helped them come back and win the game. x the resilient tree withstood the strong winds and remained standing. x The old book was found in pristine condition, as if it had never been touched. x The hike led us to a pristine waterfall hidden in the forest. x She kept her can quite clean, always maintaining it in pristine condition. x The zealous crowd cheered their team on with unwavering support. x He was zealous in dedication to his studies, spending countless hours in the library. x She is a zealous advocate for animal rights. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 RESILIENT HASHMI x SALMAN The smell coming from the garbage bin was repulsive, making everyone cover their noses. x The repulsive images shown in the horror movie made some viewers feel sick. x The taste of spoiled milk was repulsive that she immediately spit it out. Causing shock, horror outrage OVERWHELMING Intense, overpowering or difficult to handle or resist PECULIAR Strange, odd or unusual Page | 11 x The news of the terrorist attack was absolutely appalling. x The amount of plastic waste in the ocean is truly appalling and harming marine life. x The restaurant received an appalling health inspection report with evidence of Cockroach infestations and unsanitary practices. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 APPALLING x The crowd at the concert was overwhelming, with thousands of screaming fans. x The support and love of my family was overwhelming, making it easier to cope with the loss. x The number of options at the supermarket was overwhelming, making it difficult to decide what to buy. x The peculiar-looking man wore mismatched clothes and walked with a limp. SALMAN HASHMI had a peculiar smell, a combination of x The old house dampness and age x The peculiar structure of the building, with its distinct design, caught everyone's attention. Poor quality or performance - below the accepted standard ATROCIOUS Something that is extremely bad, unpleasant or of low quality ELOQUENT Expressing oneself clearly and persuasively in speech or writing. HINDER To create difficulties or obstacles that prevent someone or something from making progress Page | 12 x The substandard quality of the product was evident from the moment I opened the package. x The substandard customer service at the restaurant led to a decline in its reputation. x The teacher was disappointed in the substandard essays submitted by some students. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 SUBSTANDARD x The food served at the cafeteria was absolutely atrocious; even the students could not eat it. x The customer service at that restaurant was atrocious; the waitstaff was rude and unhelpful. x The team's performance in the game was simply atrocious; they lost by a huge margin. x The professor's lectures were always eloquent and engaging, making the subject easily understandable· x The CEO delivered an eloquent speech at the conference. x The poet's words were eloquent and contained strong emotions. x The heavy rain hindered our plans for a picnic; we had to SALMAN HASHMI stay indoors instead. x The slow internet connected hindered my ability to complete the online tasks efficiently. x His fear of public speaking hindered his career advancement opportunities. To damage or degrade the quality, reputation or appearance of something. ULTIMATELY At the end of a process or period of time eventually cat last ABUNDANT Plentiful or in great supply/in excess DEAFENING Extremely loud or causing temporary or permanent hearing loss. Page | 13 x The tarnished vase destroyed the entire look of the room. x The irresponsible behavior of some students tarnished the school's overall reputation. x The graffiti on the historical monument tarnished its beauty. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 TARNISH x She worked hard through challenges, ultimately achieving her dream of becoming a doctor. x The project faced many difficulties, but ultimately, it was completed successfully. x The team faced a lot of challenges, but ultimately, they emerged as champions. x The forest was abundant with tall, lush trees. x The buffet table was filled with an abundant variety of delicious foods. x After the rain, the garden was abundant in blooming flowers. SALMAN HASHMI x The concert was so deafening that I had to cover my ears. x The sound of the jet engine taking of was deafening to those nearby. x The construction site noise was deafening, making it difficult to concentrate. Extremely ugly or unpleasant in appearance HUMOROUS Funny or entertaining, causing laughter OVERJOYED Extremely happy or filled with great joy Page | 14 x The old mansion had been neglected for years and had a hideous appearance. x The actor's makeup for the movie transformed him into a hideous monster. x She wore a hideous outfit that clashed with all the colors. x The rotten smell coming from the garbage can was absolutely hideous. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 HIDEOUS x The cartoon show was filled with humorous characters and made children laugh. x The sitcom had a hilarious and humorous plot that kept viewers entertained every week. x The children giggled at the humorous antics of the circus clowns. x She was overjoyed when she received the acceptance letter to her dream university. SALMAN HASHMI team was overjoyed after winning the championship x The game. x After months of hard work, she was overjoyed to see her business become successful. Watchful, alert and attentive to potential dangers or problems DISTRAUGHT Deeply upset, agitated (stressed/disturbed) or troubled IMMACULATE Perfectly clean, spotless or free from flaws Page | 15 x The security guard remained vigilant throughout the night to ensure the safety of the building. x Drivers should always be vigilant on the road to prevent accidents. x It is important to be vigilant while walking alone at night in unfamiliar areas CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 VIGILANT x The parents were distraught upon receiving the news of their child's illness. x The family was distraught after the sudden passing of the beloved pet. x She was distraught when she realized she had lost her grandmother's heirloom (something that is passed down for generations through family members). x The kitchen was so immaculate that it looked like nobody had ever cooked there. x Her white dress was immaculate, without a single stain or wrinkle. The hotel roomHASHMI was immaculate, with fresh linens and a x SALMAN sparkling bathroom. Extremely tiring, demanding or exhausting APPARENT Clearly visible or understood obvious FLIMSY Lacking solidity or strength; easily damaged or destroyed Page | 16 x The actress underwent a gruelling schedule of back-to-back film shoots. x The hikers faced a gruelling climb up the steep mountain trail. x After a gruelling day at work, all he wanted to do was relax and unwind. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 GRUELLING x His disappointment was apparent in his facial expression. x The apparent lack of interest from the audience surprised the performer. x It was apparent that Emily could do anything for money. x The old bridge was deemed unsafe due to its flimsy structure. x He hesitated to purchase the flimsy-looking chair at the store. x The flimsy umbrella couldn't withstand the strong winds. HASHMI x SALMAN The flimsy carboard box couldn’t protect the fragile items inside. Having a positive outlook on situations hopeful about the future RECKLESS Careless Irresponsible lacking caution LIMPID Clear, transparent or easily understood x His optimistic attitude inspired the team during difficult times. x Despite the challenges, she remained optimistic about achieving her goals. x His optimistic approach towards his work led to his promotion. x His reckless behavior behind the wheel led to a car accident. x Reckless spending habits left him in financial trouble x Her reckless behavior was disliked by her parents. x Jumping into the decision without consideration was a reckless move. x The river was so limpid that I could see the fish swimming beneath the surface. x The limpid writing style of the author made the complex ideas easy to understand. x The limpid morning light illuminated the grass. SALMAN HASHMI AVID Having a strong interest or enthusiasm for something Page | 17 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 OPTIMISTIC x She is an avid reader, always seeking out books of all genres. x The avid football fan painted his face in the team colors for every game. x She was an avid supporter of animal rights and dedicated her time to volunteering at the shelter. A large or excessive amount of something BLATANT Done openly & ashamedly; Obvious (in an offensive way) PERSEVERANCE The continued effort to achieve something despite difficulties (It’s the determination to keep going even when things get tough) Page | 18 x The store offered a plethora of options, making it difficult for customers to choose just one item. x The museum consisted of a plethora of artworks. x The student had a plethora of assignments to complete, causing stress and anxiety CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 PLETHORA x His blatant rudeness towards the waiter shocked everyone at the dinner table. x The blatant lie was easily exposed when the truth came to light. x The blatant display of wealth drew lots of negative remarks from the guests. x The blatant injustice of the decision sparked outrage among the community. x Perseverance helped her achieve her dream of becoming a doctor, even though it was a tough journey. x Through perseverance, the team managed to win the SALMAN championshipHASHMI after a series of tough matches. x Success requires perseverance, as it's rarely achieved overnight. Weak; Lacking physical strength, especially as a result of age or illness SOLEMN Formal, serious or with deep sincerity TERMINATE To bring to an end; To conclude Page | 19 x After his illness, he felt feeble and needed help to walk. x The feeble cry of the puppy made everyone rush to help it. x A feeble light flickered in the distance, barely illuminating the path. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 FEEBLE x She gave him a solemn look, showing she understood the gravity of the situation. x He spoke in a solemn tone, making it clear how serious the issue was. x The crowd Observed a solemn moment of silence in the memory of those lost. x They were forced to terminate their journey because of severe weather. x She had to terminate the call when her battery died. x The company decided to terminate the project due to budget constraints. x SALMAN The movie willHASHMI terminate with a surprising twist that no one expects. Showing hesitation or unwillingness to act or engage in something DILIGENT Hardworking, with a focus on thoroughness and persistent effort COMPASSIONATE Showing kindness and a deep sense of care and empathy for others x He was reluctant to speak in front of the class, fearing he might make a mistake. x She felt reluctant to share her opinion, as she wasn't sure how others would react. x The child was reluctant to try the new food, wrinkling his nose at the sight fit. x She is a diligent student who always finishes her assignments on time. 2.The scientist was diligent in recording every detail of the experiment. 3. Even on weekends, he remains diligent, working to improve his skills. x the compassionate nurse comforted the patient during a difficult time. x The teacher was compassionate towards her students, especially those struggling in class. x Being compassionate, he volunteered to help at the shelter. SALMAN HASHMI MYSTERIOUS Difficult or impossible to understand, explain or identify Page | 20 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 RELUCTANT x No one knew the origin of the mysterious sound coming from the basement. x She loved reading mysterious stories filled with secrets and suspense. x The stranger's mysterious behavior made everyone curious. Limitations or restrictions that prevent something from happening freely RESIDUE A small amount of something that remains after the main part has been removed or used ATROCITY An extremely wicked/cruel act, involving Physical violence or harm Page | 21 x Students faced constraints on their time due to multiple assignments and exams. x Despite the constraints of a small stage, the theater company performed brilliantly. x Her creativity was restricted by the constraints of strict art guidelines. x After washing the dishes, a sticky residue remained on the pan. x After burning the wood, only a fine residue of ash remained. x A small residue of toothpaste was left in the sink after brushing. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 CONSTRAINTS x The world was shocked by the atrocity committed during the war. SALMAN HASHMI x survivors of the atrocity shared their experiences to bring awareness. x Human rights groups work to prevent such atrocities from occurring again. The feeling of pleasure or satisfaction that comes from fulfilling a desire or need. CALLOUS Showing or having an insensitive or cruel disregard for others; emotionally hardened GLUTTONY Excessive indulgence (Fulfillment/satisfaction) in eating or drinking, often to the point of overindulgence Page | 22 x Instant gratification from online shopping can lead to impulse purchases. x The gratification of seeing her students succeed motivated her to keep teaching. x She felt immense gratification after completing her challenging project. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 GRATIFICATION x She became callous to criticism after years of harsh feedback. x His callous remarks about the accident shocked everyone in the room. x Despite witnessing suffering, he remained callous and indifferent. x Gluttony can lead to health issues if not kept in check. x The feast was an extravagant display of gluttony with SALMAN HASHMI endless food and drink. x During the holiday season, gluttony often takes over as people enjoy lavish meals and desserts. Having a desire of appetite that cannot be quenched; impossible to satisfy REPLENISHING Refilling or restoring something to its original State or level VIGOROUSLY Done with great energy, force or intensity Page | 23 x She had an insatiable curiosity for learning about new cultures. x The dog had an insatiable thirst after running around all day. x No matter how much he achieved, his desire for success remained insatiable. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 INSATIABLE x After a long run, she focused on replenishing her energy with a healthy meal. x The rain is replenishing the dry soil after weeks of drought. x Drinking water is essential for replenishing fluids lost during exercise. x The athlete trained vigorously to prepare for the marathon. x She cleaned the windows vigorously to remove the stubborn stains. x The lawyer argued vigorously in defense vigorously to of her client. x The protesters marched vigorously to demand justice for their cause. SALMAN HASHMI Done on purpose; deliberate FATAL Causing death or leading to a disastrous outcome. INFLAMMABLE Easily set on fire; capable of catching fire and burning quickly. Page | 24 x His decision to donate money was intentional and heartfelt. x He made an intentional choice to spend more time with his family. x The artist used bold colors in an intentional effort to draw attention to her work x Her harsh comment was not intentional; it was completely intentional. x The car crash turned out to be fatal, claiming the lives of two passengers. x The disease was diagnosed as fatal, with no known cure available. x The explorers faced a fatal storm while climbing the dangerous mountain. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 INTENTIONAL x Paper and dry wood are examples of inflammable items that burn easily. x The fire department warned residents about the dangers of keeping inflammable objects near heaters. x Children should be taught to handle inflammable SALMAN HASHMI substances cautiously. Experienced or done by two or more people or groups equally; shared or reciprocal VACANT Empty; not occupied or being used INTACT Not damaged or broken, remaining whole or unaltered. x Their mutual respect foreach other strengthened their partnership. x The neighbors have a mutual agreement to keep their yards clean. x The two teams shared a mutual goal of winning the championship. x The house down the street has been vacant for over a year. x The hotel had no vacant rooms during the busy holiday weekend. x He quickly found a vacant seat on the bus before it became crowded. x The package arrived intact despite the long journey. x She managed to keep her confidence intact even after facing criticism. x Thankfully, the fragile vase was still intact after the earthquake. SALMAN HASHMI SCRUTINY Careful and detailed examination or observation of something Page | 25 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 MUTUAL x The teacher observed the students' projects with great scrutiny to ensure fairness. x The new policy underwent intense scrutiny before it was implemented. x Under public scrutiny, the politician clarified her controversial statement. Causing excitement, happiness or a thrilling sensation PONDER To think about something deeply and carefully LINGER To stay in a place longer than necessary, often because of reluctance to leave Page | 26 x Skydiving was the most exhilarating experience of my life. x Winning the competition was an exhilarating moment for the entire team. x Reading that plot twist in the book was an exhilarating surprise. x The breathtaking view from the mountain summit was truly exhilarating. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 EXHILARATING x He paused to ponder whether he should take the job offer or wait for another opportunity. x The philosopher spent hours in solitude to Ponder the meaning of existence. x She sat by the window to ponder her next move in the chess game. x The delicious aroma of freshly baked bread seemed to linger in the kitchen. x He chose to linger by the park enjoying the sunset a little longer. x Memories of herHASHMI childhood would often linger in her mind SALMAN during quiet moments. x A sense of unease continued to linger long after the meeting had ended. The highest point of a hill, mountain or an achievement; Also used to describe high-level meetings between the leaders DISTRAUGHT Deeply upset, agitated or distressed, often dull to worry or sorrow JANGLING A harsh or metallic sound which is associated with clanging or clashing objects; It can refer to causing an unpleasant effect Page | 27 x After hours of hiking, we finally reached the summit of the mountain and enjoyed the breathtaking view. x The summit her career was receiving the prestigious award for her contributions to science. x World leaders gathered at the summit to discuss global climate change policies. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 SUMMIT x She was distraught after losing her favorite necklace at the beach. x The news of the accident left the entire family distraught and in tears. x He became distraught when he realized he had forgotten to submit his final project. x The jangling keys in his pocket announced his arrival before he even entered the room. x As the coins fell from his pocket, they hit the ground jangling loudly. SALMAN HASHMI x The jangling of the old wind chimes woke me up during the stormy night. Moving in small waves can refer to water, fabric or even emotions spreading gently INTRUSIVE Unwelcome or causing disruption by being where one is not wanted or needed; can also describe something excessively invasive GOGGLING Staring with wide-open eyes, often in amazement, surprise or disbelief Page | 28 x The sunlight danced on the rippling surface of the lake. x Her silky dress moved in rippling folds as she walked across the room. x A wave of laughter came rippling through the classroom after the joke. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 RIPPLING x His constant questions felt intrusive and made everyone uncomfortable. x The intrusive sound of construction interrupted the peaceful morning. x The new software's pop-up ads were intrusive and difficult to ignore. x The children were goggling at the magician’s tricks, unable to believe their eyes. x She walked in the room, her classmates goggling at her stunning dress. x The tourists goggling at majestic waterfall, captivated by its beauty. SALMAN HASHMI x He was goggling at the enormous cake, wondering how they would finish it. extremely anxious, panicked or excited, often due to fear, stress or urgency EXASPERATED Feeling extremely annoyed, irritated or frustrated due to persistent problems or difficulties. CLENCHED Tightly closed or gripped, often due to strong emotions like anger, tension or determination. Page | 29 x She made a frantic search for her keys when She realised, she was running late for work. x The dog became frantic during the thunderstorm and started barking loudly. x After hearing the fire alarm, there was a frantic rush to evacuate the building. x The parents grew frantic when their child didn't return home from school on time. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 FRANTIC x She was exasperated by the endless delays at the airport. x The exasperated parent scolded the child for not cleaning their room. x The manager was exasperated by the employee’s repeated mistakes. x He became exasperated when his computer froze for the third time that day. x He clenched his fists tightly as he prepared to consort fort the bully. x She clenched theHASHMI steering wheel nervously while driving SALMAN through the storm. x He clenched his teeth stayed silent to avoid saying something he might regret. x The frightened boy clenched the blanket and refused to let it go. Pulled or dragged something with effort or transported something heavy ENTANGLED Caught or twisted together in a complicated situation or physical mess INTRICATE Very detailed or complicated in design, structure or arrangement Page | 30 x The workers hauled heavy crates of supplies onto the tuck. x He hauled the broken-down car to the nearest mechanic using a tow rope. x She hauled her groceries up the stairs because the elevator was broken. x They hauled the fishing nets onto the boat, filled with their catch of the day. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 HAULED x The kite became entangled in tree branches after a sudden just of wind. x He was entangled in a web of lies that made it difficult to tell the truth. x The two dogs became entangled in their leashes during their walk in the park. x The rug featured an intricate pattern of flowers and vines. x Solving the intricate puzzle took them hours of focused effort. x Her dress was adorned with intricate beadwork that sparkled in the light. SALMAN HASHMI Without enthusiasm or full commitment; done in a weak or indifferent manner HURL To throw something with great force INEVITABLE Certain to happen; unavoidable x He halfheartedly apologized, clearly not feeling sorry for his actions. x She halfheartedly stirred her coffee, lost in her thoughts. x He halfheartedly agreed to attend the event but didn't put much effort into his outfit. x The wicket-keeper hurled the ball toward the wicket with incredible speed. x The child hurled the toy across the room in frustration. x Angry protesters hulled insults at the speaker during the controversial event. x She hurled her backpack on to the couch after a long day of school. x After studying all night, falling asleep in class seemed inevitable. x Change is inevitable, no matter how much people resist in. x It is inevitable that technology will continue to evolve and shape our daily lives. SALMAN HASHMI WEARISOME Causing exhaustion or boredom; tiresome Page | 31 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 HALFHEARTEDLY x The long and wearisome journey left everyone feeling drained and irritable. x Reading through the wearisome legal documents took hours of focus. x His constant complains became wearisome to everyone around him. Showing a lack of concern or awareness for the feelings of others SUPERSTITIONS Beliefs or practices based on fear of the unknown, magic or chance, often without logical or scientific basis EXCURSION A short journey or trip, especially one made for leisure, education or pleasure Page | 32 x His insensitive comment about her appearance hurt her feelings deeply. x The insensitive driver honked impatiently at the elderly Pedestrian crossing the road. x His insensitive action showed a lack of empathy for the grieving family. x Laughing during the serious discussion made him appear insensitive and rude. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 INSENSITIVE x Many people avoid walking under ladders because of old superstitions. x His superstitions led him to carry a lucky charm to every exam. x The villagers' superstitions about the haunted house made it a place everyone avoided. x The students went on an excursion to the local museum to learn about ancient artifacts. x Our family plansHASHMI a weekend excursion to the mountains SALMAN every spring. x During our Paris excursion, we visited the Eiffel tower and took a boat ride. x The cruise offered several excursions to explore nearby islands. Suggesting or showing involvement in a crime or wrongdoing FEVERISHLY In a way that shows intense emotion, energy or activity -Often with great excitement QUIVERED Shook or trembled slightly, due to fear, excitement or a strong emotion Page | 33 x Her emails containing incriminating details about her involvement in the fraud. x He was careful not to leave any incriminating fingerprints on the weapon. x She refused to answer the question, worried it might be seen as incriminating. x The detective found incriminating evidence at the crime scene, linking the suspect to the robbery x He worked feverishly to finish the project before the midnight deadline. x The fans clapped and cheered feverishly as their team scored the winning goal. x The search team worked feverishly to rescue the trapped hikers before the storm worsened. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 INCRIMINATING x Her voice quivered as she delivered the emotional speech at the wedding. x The rabbit quivered in the bushes, trying to remain hidden from the predator. SALMAN HASHMI x His hands quivered nervously as he prepared to step onto the stage for his first performance. Extremely frightening or terrifying; causing a feeling of fear or horror DISMISSIVELY In a manner that shows disregard, lack of interest or disrespect BLUNTLY To speak in a direct or straightforward manner, often without regard for someone's feelings x The spine-chilling howl of the wolf echoed through the dark forest. x The horror movie was so spine-chilling that I had to sleep with the lights on. x The spine-chilling scream pierced the silence of the quiet night. x The students groaned when the teacher dismissively ignored their request for a break. x The manager waved of the employee's suggestion dismissively, without even considering it. x "I don't care what they think, " she said dismissively, shrugging her shoulders. x She told him bluntly that his project was a failure. x The manager bluntly rejected the proposal, stating it wasn't feasible. x The doctor spoke bluntly about the risks of surgery to ensure the patient understood. SALMAN HASHMI RUTHLESS Having no compassion or pity; being cruel or merciless Page | 34 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 SPINE-CHILLING x The ruthless general ordered an attack on the defenseless village x the ruthless competition in the market forced small businesses to shut down. x His ruthless disregard for others' feelings made him unpopular among his colleagues. Deeply engrossed or absorbed in thought, often to the point of not noticing other things DECIPHER To figure out something that is difficult to understand SURREPTITIOUS Done in a secretive manner to avoid notice or attention Page | 35 x She was so preoccupied with her phone that she didn't hear the doorbell ring. x Preoccupied with thoughts of the exam, she forgot to eat breakfast x The teacher noticed that the student was too preoccupied to focus on the lesson. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 PREOCCUPIED x It took her a few minutes to decipher his messy handwriting. x The spy had to decipher a coded message to prevent a crisis. x The archaeologist worked tirelessly to decipher the ancient script on the walls. x I couldn’t decipher his true intentions from his vague response. x The puzzle was challenging but she managed to decipher the hidden meaning. x He cast a surreptitious glance at his watch during the lecture. SALMAN HASHMI x The thief made a surreptitious entry into the house under the cover of darkness. x She took a surreptitious bite of the cake before the guests arrived. Speak critically or insultingly about someone or something PRATTLED Talked at length in a foolish or unimportant way SNAFFLING Taking or grabbing something in a quick or Sneaky way, often without permission CONFIDED To tell someone a secret or private matter while trusting them not to repeat it to others Page | 36 x She badmouthed her coworker during the meeting, which made the atmosphere tense. x The politician badmouthed his opponent in a heated debate. x He felt her when he overheard his friends badmouthing him behind his back. x The little girl prattled about her day at school, barely stopping to take a breath. x He prattled on about his vacation, but no one seemed interested. x While waiting for the bus, the old man prattled about his younger days x He was caught snaffling candy from the jar when he thought no one was watching. x A thief was seen snaffling purses in the crowded marketplace. x She felt guilty after snaffling her sister’s favorite scarf without asking HASHMI SALMAN CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 BADMOUTHED x She confided in her best friend about her fears before the big presentation. x He confided his plans to quit his job to his brother. x She confided in her diary because she didn't trust anyone else with thoughts. A dark shape or outline of someone or something against a lighter background IMBUED To fill or inspire someone or something with a particular quality, emotion or characteristic IMPRACTICALLOOKING Appearing to be unrealistic, inefficient or difficult to use in a practical way x The sunset cast a beautiful silhouette of the mountains against the sky. x The photographer captured the bride's silhouette against the glowing city lights. x As the power went out, the only visible silhouette was that of the cat sitting by the window. x Her speech was imbued with passion and determination. x The teacher's lessons were always imbued with wisdom and kindness. x The old house was imbued with memories of generations past x The designer's futuristic chair was stylish but impractical looking for every day. x She wore an impractical looking dress covered in layers of heavy fabric and sequins. x The gadget was so impractical-looking that no one could figure out how to use it. SALMAN HASHMI RUMMAGE To search through something in a hurried, untidy or careless way, often looking for something specific Page | 37 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 SILHOUETTE x I had to rummage through the drawer to find a pen. x She rummages through her bag trying to find her car keys. x The detective rummaged through the suspect's belongings for clues. A false appearance or act of pretending to be something one is not; a way of making something seem true when it is not UNASSAILABLE Impossible to attack/challenge/defeat; completely secure INCESSANTLY Without stopping/ continuously/ constantly Page | 38 x Her kindness was just a pretense to gain their trust. x The invited him to the party under the pretense of friendship, but they have other motives. x The thieves entered the house under the pretense of being carpenters. x She smiled under the pretense of being happy even though she was feeling sad. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 PRETENSE x His argument was so well-researched that it was unassailable. x Her reputation as an honest leader was unassailable. x With years of experience and knowledge, her position in the company was unassailable. x The fortress was built on a high cliff, making it unassailable for enemies. x The baby cried incessantly throughout the night, keeping everyone awake. x He complained incessantly about the bad weather. x The phone rang incessantly until someone finally answered SALMAN HASHMI it. x The dog barked incessantly at the strangers passing by. To treat someone as if they are a child, often in a way that limits their independence MYSTIFIED Confused or puzzled by something difficult to understand NONCHALANTLY In a relaxed, unconcerned or indifferent manner x Parents should guide their children but not infantilize them as they grow older. x The teacher believed in empowering students rather than infantilizing them. x The manager infantilized his employees by micromanaging every small task. x x x x The magician's trick mystified the entire audience. She was mystified by the strange message she received. His sudden disappearance mystified the Police. I was completely mystified by the complex math problem. x He nonchalantly tossed his keys on the table and walked away without a care. x She nonchalantly sipped her coffee while the others panicked about the test. x Despite the bad news, he nonchalantly smiled and changed the subject. SALMAN HASHMI FRIVOLOUS Lacking seriousness or importance; carefree Page | 39 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 INFANTILIZE x She spent her money on frivolous things instead of saving for important expenses. x They argued over the most frivolous details of the wedding decorations. x Instead of focusing on his studies, he wasted time on frivolous distractions. Resembling or behaving like an animal, often in a wild manner MANGLED Severely damaged or disfigured, usually by being crushed, torn or twisted HERALDED Publicly announced or considered as important or good Page | 40 x The haunted house triggered an animalistic fear in those who entered. x His animalistic instincts took over as he fought to protect his family. x The wrestler let out an animalistic growl before charging at his opponent. x The dancers moved with an animalistic energy, captivating the audience. CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 ANIMALISTIC x The mangled car was barely recognizable after the accident. x His shirt was mangled after getting caught in the washing machine. x After the storm, trees were mangled and scattered across the streets. x The old book had mangled pages that were difficult to read. x The new policy was heralded as a step forward for environmental protection. x The invention of the internet heralded a new era of communication. SALMAN HASHMI x The authors latest book was heralded by critics as a masterpiece. Spreading throughout or be present in every part of something PALPABLE So intense or obvious that it ca almost be physically felt BEMUSED To be confused, puzzled or slightly amused x The smell of freshly baked bread was pervading the entire house. x The feeling of nostalgia was pervading her thoughts as she looked through old photographs. x Fear was pervading the air as the storm grew stronger. x There was a palpable sense of relief when the missing child was found safe. x The fear in the room was so palpable that no one dared to speak. x His excitement was palpable as he opened the acceptance letter from his dream university. x She had bemused expressions on her face after hearing the strange question. x His bemused smile showed that he found the situation both odd and amusing. x The magician’s trick left the audience bemused and amazed. SALMAN HASHMI Page | 41 CIET Academy Areeba Rehan -03350133663 PERVADING