Exploring Russia ussia, the largest country in the world by land area, stretches across R Eastern Europe and northern Asia, encompassing a vast range of climates and landscapes. Its historical journey from the rise of the Tsarist Empire through the era of the Soviet Union to its current status as a federal semi-presidential republic has profoundly shaped its national identity. The end of the Soviet Union in 1991 marked a significant turning point, leading to substantial economic and political reforms aimed at integrating Russia into the global economy and establishing its place in the modern world. oday, Russia remains a major global player, leveraging its extensive T natural resources, particularly oil and gas, to assert its influence on the international stage. The country faces ongoing challenges, including economic sanctions, regional conflicts, and internal political issues. espite these difficulties, Russia's rich cultural heritage, characterised by D its contributions to literature, music, and the arts, continues to play a vital role in shaping its global image and national pride. Capital: ● Moscow: The capital and largest city, major political,economic, and cultural centre. Education: System:Structured in primary, secondary, and tertiarylevels. ● ● Higher Education:Notable universities include LomonosovMoscow State University and St. Petersburg State University. ● Challenges:Regional disparities in educational quality,issues with funding and modernization. Healthcare: System:Public healthcare system, largely funded bythe state. ● ● Challenges:Uneven access across regions, ageing infrastructure, and a shortage of medical professionals. ● Recent Reforms:Efforts to improve healthcare accessand quality. Medical: Facilities:A mix of public and private hospitals. ● ● Key Issues:Rural areas face limited access to high-qualitymedical care. Schooling: Compulsory Education:Free and compulsory up to 9thgrade. ● ● Curriculum:Includes basic subjects with a strongemphasis on mathematics and science. ● Quality:Varied, with significant differences betweenurban and rural areas. Social Issues: ● Economic Inequality:Significant disparities betweenurban and rural regions. ● Corruption:Perceived as widespread, affecting varioussectors. ● Human Rights:Concerns regarding freedom of speech,press, and political opposition. Travel and Heritage: ● Tourist Attractions:The Kremlin, Red Square, Trans-Siberian Railway, and cultural sites in St. Petersburg. ● UNESCO Sites:Includes historic centres of Moscowand St. Petersburg, and Lake Baikal. ● Challenges:Travel restrictions and diplomatic tensionscan impact tourism. Military: ● Structure:Includes the Ground Forces, Navy, Air Force,Aerospace Forces, and Strategic Rocket Forces. ● Capabilities:Significant nuclear arsenal, extensivemilitary modernization efforts. ● Current Issues:Ongoing military engagements in Ukraineand Syria, regional military presence. Current Affairs: ● Ukraine Conflict:Ongoing war with Ukraine, involvingterritorial disputes and military operations. ● International Relations:Tensions with Western countries,economic sanctions, and diplomatic disputes. ● Domestic Issues:Economic challenges, political protests,and societal unrest. Economy: ● Major Sectors:Oil and gas, heavy industry, manufacturing,and services. ● Challenges:Economic sanctions, dependency on energyexports, and fluctuating oil prices. ● Reforms:Efforts to diversify the economy and reducereliance on oil and gas. Government: Political Structure:Federal semi-presidential republic. ● ● Executive Branch:President (head of state) and PrimeMinister (head of government). ● Legislative Branch:Federal Assembly (State Duma andFederation Council). ● Judicial Branch:Includes the Constitutional Courtand Supreme Court. Language and Culture: Official Language:Russian. ● ● Culture:Rich in literature, music, and arts; notablefigures include Tolstoy, Dostoevsky, and Tchaikovsky. ● Traditions:Includes unique festivals, Orthodox Christiancustoms, and traditional folk art. History: ● Early History:Kievan Rus, Mongol invasion, and riseof the Grand Duchy of Moscow. ● Tsarist Era:Russian Empire expansion and autocraticrule. ● Soviet Period:Bolshevik Revolution, formation ofthe USSR, Cold War era. ● Post-Soviet Era:Collapse of the USSR in 1991, transitionto market economy, and current geopolitical tensions. General Questions: 1. How does your country plan to balance its national interests with its commitments to international cooperation? 2. What specific actions is your country taking to address [a current global issue, e.g., climate change, migration, etc.]? 3. Can you elaborate on your country’s stance on multilateral versus unilateral approaches to global challenges? Economic and Trade: 1. How does your country plan to mitigate the impact of economic sanctions or trade barriers on its economy? 2. What are your country’s priorities in global trade negotiations, and how do they align with international trade agreements? 3. How does your country address economic inequality and ensure fair economic growth? Security and Defense: 1. What are your country’s primary security concerns, and how does it address them within international frameworks? 2. How does your country balance military spending with social and economic development? 3. What is your country’s strategy for countering global terrorism and promoting international security? Human Rights and Social Issues: 1. How does your country address criticisms related to human rights and political freedoms? 2. What steps is your country taking to address social inequalities and improve the quality of life for its citizens? 3. How does your country support global human rights initiatives while managing domestic challenges? Environmental and Climate Issues: 1. How does your country plan to meet its environmental targets and commitments under international agreements? 2. What are your country’s strategies for dealing with the impact of climate change on its economy and population? 3. How does your country balance economic development with environmental protection? Diplomatic Relations: 1. How does your country handle diplomatic disputes with neighboring states, and what is its approach to conflict resolution? 2. What role does your country see itself playing in regional and global diplomatic efforts? 3. How does your country address issues of sovereignty and intervention in its foreign policy? Current Affairs: 1. What are your country’s immediate priorities in response to recent international events or crises? 2. How does your country view its role in ongoing global conflicts, and what solutions does it propose? 3. What impact do recent global developments have on your country’s domestic policies and international relationships?