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Young’s Double Slit Experiment

Young’s Double Slit Experiment
It is a famous experiment proposed by Thomas young
in 1801 which demonstrates interference of light waves
by passing monochromatic light through two narrow
slits. The emerging waves overlap and interfere,
forming bright and dark fringes on a screen
The pattern consists of alternating bright and dark
fringes due to interference.
Bright fringes (constructive interference) occur when
waves meet in phase.
Dark fringes (destructive interference) occur when
waves meet out of phase.
The central bright fringe (central maximum) is the most
"Young’s Double-Slit Experiment provided undeniable
proof of the wave nature of light. By demonstrating
interference patterns similar to water waves, it
showed that light is not just a stream of particles but
also behaves like a wave. This groundbreaking
experiment laid the foundation for modern physics,
leading to the discovery of wave-particle duality and
the development of quantum mechanics."