Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION VIII DIVISION OF SAMAR DISTRICT OF SAN SEBASTIAN San Sebastian, Samar DETAILED LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE 10 Name of the Teacher: Grade Level Learning Area I. : : : JERAMIE M. JABAGAT Grade 10 Science OBJECTIVES A. Content Standards: B. Performance Standards: C. Learning Competencies: II. CONTENT III. LEARNING RESOURCES The learners demonstrate an understanding of how gases behave based on motion and relative distances between gas particles. The learners shall be able to solve problems on gas laws. Investigate the relationship between volume and pressure at constant temperature of a gas. (S10MT-IVa-b-21) Sub-Task Learning Objectives: 1. Identify and plot the given value of volume against pressure at constant temperature of a gas 2. Solve problems using Boyle’s law equation. 3. Appreciate and cite it practical applications in your daily life. A. References 1. Teacher’s Guide Science 10 MELC’s (Week 1) 2. Learners Material pages 3. Textbook pages Science 10 ADM (Module 2: Boyle’s Law: VolumePressure Relationship Science 10 pages 362 - 368 4. Additional materials from Learning Resource (LR) portal. 5. Other Learning Resource,, IV. PROCEDURES Teacher’s Activity A.Reviewing previous lesson or presenting the new lesson Student’s Activity ELICIT: Last meeting you learned four postulates of Kinetic Molecular (The students Theory and the relationship between volume and pressure at will raise their constant temperature which was studied by Robert Boyle. hands. ) Directions: Complete each statement by matching the statement in column A to the correct term in column B. COLUMN A 1. Gases are most likely empty space because of a wide distance between these tiny particles. Thus, gases are highly ___________________ and have low density. 2. Gas particles move rapidly in straight lines, travel constantly, and in ________________ directions. 3. The Kinetic Molecular Theory of gases provides a model to explain behavioral ______________ of gases. 4. Boyle’s Law states that the volume of a given mass of gas held at constant temperature is ______________ proportional to its pressure. 5. Boyle’s Law experiments showed that when volume increases, the pressure decreases; and if the volume decreases,the _______________increases. B.Establishing a purpose for the lesson COLUMN B 1. D 2. A 3. E 4. B 5. C A. Random B. Inversely C. Pressure D. Compressib le E. Properties ENGAGE: Show a video of a bicycle pump. How does Boyle’s law relate to a bicycle pump? Explain this phenomenon scientifically. Ma’am, when you push down on the pump, the volume inside the bike pump decreases, and the pressure of the air increases so that it’s pushed into the wire Unlocking difficulties: 1. Pressure – is the amount of force exerted on an object. 2. Temperature – is a physical quantity that expresses the attribute of hotness or coldness. 3. Volume – the amount of space that a substance or objet occupies. Divide the class into 4 groups and let them perform the C.Presenting following activity. Each group will name their based on the examples/ product found within the municipality. instances of the new lesson. Activity 1: Pressure-Volume Relationship at Constant Temperature of a Gas The students will form a group by counting 1 to 4 Objective: At the end of the activity, you should be able to identify and plot the given values of volume against pressure at constant temperature of a gas. Materials: Graphing paper or clean sheet of bond paper, pencil, and ruler Procedure: 1. Plot the data in table 1 in a graphing paper or in a separate clean sheet of paper. 2. Label the graph with Volume (Y-axis), and the pressure (Xaxis). 3. Use the following scale in plotting the data on the graph: 1 cm for every 0.5 mL, and 1 cm for every 500 mmHg The students will have a presentation of their output. Table 1: Boyle’s Volume Pressure Data P(mmHg) V(mL) 500 2.5 550 2.2 700 1.5 100 0.8 1200 0.6 1800 0.5 Ma’am, the graph illustrated a hyperbolic. Closure: As you observed from the graph above, pressure increases with a decrease in volume. ________, __________ explains that when pressure increases, the volume decreases; and if the pressure decreases, the volume increases. Thus, the relationship between pressure and volume of a gas at constant temperature in inversely proportional. D.Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills #1. EXPLORE: Interactive Instruction (Divide the class into three groups. Let Group 1 solve for P₂, Group 2 for V₂ and Group for P₁) Group 1-Male Group 2-Female Group 3- LGBT Activity 2: Let’s Compute and Check It Right! Boyle’s law Objective: At the end of the activity, you should be able to solve problems using Boyle’s law equation. Materials: Calculator, pen, and paper Directions: Read the given problem. Fill in the table with the correct data, then solve and check it using Boyle’s law equation: P₁V₁=P₂V₂ Problem to be solved and to be checked using Boyle’s Law equation: P₂=P₁V₁/V₂ In a J-shaped tube filled with mercury, initially, mercury levels in both limbs are the same. The initial volume of the 760mmHg(.5L) 0.30L trapped gas in the closed end is 0.50 L. The volume of the gas decreases to 0.30 L after the addition of mercury from the open P₂=1,266.67 end of the tube. Take note that the opened end of the tube is MmHg subjected to the atmosphere; thus, the initial pressure is equal to atmospheric pressure (1 atm = 760 mmHg). What will be the final pressure after the changes of the volume happened? Data Given: Find Equation V₁ = ___L V₂ = ___ L P₁ = ___mmHg Final Pressure P₂ = P₁V₁ V₂ Checked by V₂ V₂=P₁V₁/P₂ Checked by P₁ 760mmHg(.5L) 1,266.67mmHg V₂= 0.30 L Final Volume V₂ = P₁V₁ P₂ Initial volume P₁ = P₂V₂ V₁ Substitutio n Solution Final Answer Closure: What can you say on the computation you have made? How did you arrived at that result? EXPLAIN: Discussion and presentation of outputs for activity. E.Discussing the new concepts and practicing new skills #2. Guide Questions: 1. Which of the following graph represents the correct Boyle’s law? P₁=P₂V₂/V₁ 1,266.67mmHg(.3L) 0.50L P₁=760mmHg Answer may vary The will actively participate during the discussion. 2. What is Boyle’s Law and what is its significance? 3. Give sample problems on Boyle’s Law. F.Finding practical applications of concepts and skills in daily living. ELABORATE: The students will read the paragraph silently. Word Jumble Race Read and understand the paragraph silently. Activity 3: Boyle’s Law in Scuba Diving Objective: At the end of this activity, you should be able to appreciate Boyle’s law and cite its practical applications in your daily life. Materials: Picture of a scuba diver Directions: Rearrange the jumbled letters inside the parenthesis, then fill in each blank with a correct answer. Relate 1.Boyle’s each statement to scuba diving activities. Diving into deep water is another application of (1) ___________ (s’leByo) law. As the diver moves down to the bottom of the water, the (2) ____________ (respseru) increases. Increasing pressure leads to a decrease in (3) _________ (lovemu), and the diver’s blood begins to absorb the nitrogen gas. The opposite happens when the diver starts to rise again, and the nitrogen gas molecules begin to expand and return to its volume. If the diver makes a slow rise, the nitrogen gas (4) _____________ (lesmolecu) expand and return to normal without problems, but if it rises quickly, the diver’s blood turns into foam and the same mess that occurs in the soda bottles causes the diver to bend and feel strong pain. In the worst case, this sudden drop in body pressure can instantly terminate the diver’s (5) ___________ (ifel). Closure: When a scuba diver dives beneath the water surface due to the hydrostatic pressure on divers, the air inside their lungs contract. As a diver approaches the surface, the air inside their lungs expand since the pressure (6) ____________ (seresdeac)on the surface of the water. 2.Pressure 3.Volume 4.Molecules 5.Life 6.Decreases G.Making generalization and abstraction about the lesson. Name: ___________________________________________ Topic: ___________________________________________ I know that I know something about___________________ First, ____________________________________________ Second, _________________________________________ Finally, __________________________________________ Now, you know something that I know about___________ As a student, what do you think should be constant in you in order to respond on the laws of nature? Why? H.Evaluating learning EVALUATION: Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answer on your answer sheet. 1.Which among the units of measurements below can be the correct unit of volume? A. 0F, OC, and K C. L, mL, m3, and cm3 B. atm, mmHg, Pa, and torr D. Kg, g, and moles Answer may vary. 1.C 2. A 3.A 4.B 2.The graph of Boyle's law is known as pressure-volume graph. 5.C Which of the following is a hyperbolic graph? A B C D For numbers 3 and 4, refer to the given problem below: Problem: At 00C and 5 atm, a given sample of a gas occupies 75 L. The gas is compressed to a final volume of 30 L at 0C. What is the final pressure? 3.Which of the following formulas will be used to solve the given problem? A. P₂ = P₁V₁/V₂ B. P2= P1V2/V1 C. P₂ = V₁V₂/P₁ D. P1= P2V2/V1 4. Which of the following is the correct answer to the given problem above? A. 2.0 atm B. 12.5 atm C. 150 atm D. 450 atm 5.In the case of soda bottles or cans, all of us apply Boyle’s Law but unintentionally. Note that when you open the bottle of soda quickly, the gas rushes from everywhere in the form of foam, causing a mess. So, what is the cause of this mess? A. This mess occurs because the soda bottle is pumped by passing the water on carbon dioxide. B. This mess occurs because the soda is pumped into the soda bottle by passing carbon dioxide into the water. C.When you open the bottle, you are actually reducing the pressure on the gas, and the volume of the gas expands. D.When you open the bottle, you are actually increasing the pressure on the gas, and the volume of the gas expands. I.Additional activities for application and remediation. ENRICHMENT: Divide the class into 4 group. Each group will create: Group 1: Song; Group 2: Tiktok; Group 3: Powerpoint; Group 4: Poem about Boyle’s Law. Present your output next meeting. Rubric: Category Content Organization Creativity 5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 2 Points There is very clear main idea that is welldeveloped with lots of detail throughout the presentation. Information is very organized with wellconstructed slide/tiktok/son g or poem. Students clearly explored and expressed multiple ideas in a unique way. The main idea is clear and the development throughout the presentation can be seen. The main idea is somewhat clear, but needs more development throughout the presentation. Information is organized, but the slide, song, tiktok/poem is not wellconstructed. Student project original, but mostly based on an existing idea The main idea is not clear or welldeveloped. Information is organized with wellconstructed slide/tiktok/son g/poem. Students clearly explored and expressed multiple ideas in a fairly original way. The information appears to be disorganized. Students follows set of direction to complete the project, but did not explore new ways to alter the idea. Incomplete Complete Incomplete Quality of Complete solution with solution with solution with solution with Information correct answer correct answer. incorrect answer I. REMARKS II. REFLECTION A. No. of learners who earned 80%in the evaluation B. No. learners who require additional activities for remediation who scored below 75% C. Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have caught up with the lesson? D. No. of learners who continue to remediation E. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did this work? incorrect answer. F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor can help me solve? G. What innovation or localized material did I use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers. Prepared by: JERAMIE M. JABAGAT Secondary School Teacher III Process Observers: RUEL M. BABON Principal IV/ Chairman THELMA M. BABON HT-II/Member Approved: CRISTITA T. MARABUT District In-Charge WILLIAM HT-III/Member