Breat e Ea y: Preve ti g A t a Welcome! This presentation will guide you through asthma prevention. We'll explore causes, triggers, and environmental controls. Learn about creating smoke-free spaces. Discover nutrition and exercise for lung health. Recognize early warning signs and create an action plan. Partner with your healthcare provider for optimal care. U der ta di g A t a: Cau e a d Trigger Ge etic Factor Allerge Irrita t Asthma can be hereditary. A family Pollen, dust mites, and pet dander Smoke, pollution, and chemical history increases risk. are common triggers. fumes can exacerbate asthma. E viro e tal Co trol: Mi i izi g Expo ure 1 Regular Clea i g 2 Air Purifier Dust and vacuum HEPA filters remove frequently. Use allergen- airborne particles. proof bedding. 3 Hu idity Co trol Maintain moderate humidity. Prevent mold growth. Creati g a S oke-Free Ho e Ve icle Establish a smoke- Keep your car Post "No Smoking" free home policy. smoke-free. signs. Remind guests Protect your family's Secondhand smoke of your policy. health. is harmful. Nutritio a d Exerci e for Lu g Healt 1 2 3 Bala ced Diet Regular Exerci e Stay Hydrated Eat fruits and vegetables. Reduce Improves lung function. Consult Drink plenty of water. Keeps airways processed foods. your doctor. moist. Recog izi g Early War i g Sig Sy pto 1 I crea ed Coug i g 2 W eezi g 3 S ort e 4 C e t Tig t e Especially at night or early morning. A whistling sound when breathing. of Breat Feeling breathless or winded. A feeling of pressure in the chest. Developi g a A t a Actio Pla 1 Ide tify Trigger E erge cy Step 2 4 3 Mo itor Sy pto Medicatio U e Part eri g wit Your Healt care Provider Regular C eck-up Medicatio Review Discuss symptoms and adjust Ensure proper use and treatment as needed. address side effects. A t a Educatio Learn self-management techniques and strategies.