Get complete eBook Instant Download Link below (SPECIAL NOTE) "We have all the books, eBooks, test banks, and solution manuals available at a cheap price for instant download. If you need any book other than this, feel free to contact us for instant access and downloads, please contact us via email or WhatsApp. Whatsapp link: Email: ("And we also provide academic writing services.") Do you need the best quality, organic,and plagiarismfree assignments, and dissertation help without using AI tools? I am a UK-based professional researcher and tutor. I have been consulting and tutoring for more than 14 years in dissertations, essay help, reports, and other assignments. SERVICES OFFERED We are accepting a variety of projects. Some of the projects we have engaged in the past but not limited to; - Assignments - Essay help - Report - Dissertation consulting - Research proposal - Literature review - Business plan - Case study analysis - Annotated bibliography - PowerPoint presentation and oral script - Proofreading and editing work - Statistical Analysis Help & Tutoring Services (SPSS, Stata, R, EViews) Whatsapp link: Email: CHAPTER WISE BOOK SUMMARY "Microeconomics, 6th Edition" by David Besanko and Ronald Braeutigam is a comprehensive textbook that delves into the principles and applications of microeconomic theory. Below is a chapter-wise summary based on the table of contents: Part 1: Introduction to Microeconomics 1. Analyzing Economic Problems: Introduces the fundamental tools of microeconomic analysis, including constrained optimization, equilibrium analysis, and comparative statics. 2. Demand and Supply Analysis: Examines the mechanics of demand and supply, market equilibrium, and the effects of external factors on market outcomes. Part 2: Consumer Theory 3. Consumer Preferences and the Concept of Utility: Explores how consumers make choices based on preferences and utility maximization. 4. Consumer Choice: Analyzes the decision-making process of consumers given budget constraints and utility functions. 5. The Theory of Demand: Discusses the derivation of demand curves and the responsiveness of quantity demanded to changes in price and income. Part 3: Production and Cost Theory 6. Inputs and Production Functions: Investigates how firms transform inputs into outputs using production functions. 7. Costs and Cost Minimization: Focuses on how firms minimize costs in the production process and the behavior of cost functions. 8. Cost Curves: Examines the shapes and implications of various cost curves in the short run and long run. Part 4: Perfect Competition 9. Perfectly Competitive Markets: Analyzes the characteristics and outcomes of markets with perfect competition. 10. Competitive Markets: Applications: Applies the principles of perfect competition to real-world scenarios and policy discussions. Part 5: Market Power 11. Monopoly and Monopsony: Explores markets dominated by a single seller or buyer and the implications for prices and welfare. 12. Capturing Surplus: Discusses strategies firms use to capture consumer surplus, such as price discrimination. Part 6: Imperfect Competition and Strategic Behavior 13. Market Structure and Competition: Examines various market structures between perfect competition and monopoly, including oligopoly. 14. Game Theory and Strategic Behavior: Introduces game theory as a tool to analyze strategic interactions among firms. 15. Risk and Information: Discusses how uncertainty and asymmetric information affect economic decisions. 16. General Equilibrium Theory: Explores how markets and agents interact in an economy-wide equilibrium. 17. Externalities and Public Goods: Analyzes market failures arising from externalities and the provision of public goods. This structured approach provides readers with a thorough understanding of microeconomic concepts, from basic principles to complex market dynamics Get complete eBook Instant Download Link below (SPECIAL NOTE) "We have all the books, eBooks, test banks, and solution manuals available at a cheap price for instant download. If you need any book other than this, feel free to contact us for instant access and downloads, please contact us via email or WhatsApp. Whatsapp link: Email: ("And we also provide academic writing services.") Do you need the best quality, organic,and plagiarismfree assignments, and dissertation help without using AI tools? I am a UK-based professional researcher and tutor. I have been consulting and tutoring for more than 14 years in dissertations, essay help, reports, and other assignments. SERVICES OFFERED We are accepting a variety of projects. Some of the projects we have engaged in the past but not limited to; - Assignments - Essay help - Report - Dissertation consulting - Research proposal - Literature review - Business plan - Case study analysis - Annotated bibliography - PowerPoint presentation and oral script - Proofreading and editing work - Statistical Analysis Help & Tutoring Services (SPSS, Stata, R, EViews) Whatsapp link: Email: