Introduction to SDG 5 Sustainable Development Goal 5 (SDG 5) targets achieving gender equality and empowering all women and girls. It strives to eliminate discrimination and unequal opportunites however most importantly it recognizes gender equality as not only a fundamental human right but also a necessary foundation for a peaceful and prosperous world Globally gender inequality is a very major issue and is found in many forms such as: unequal pay, gender-based violence and Limited access to education and healthcare. The United Nations highlights that achieving gender equality is essential to addressing challenges that are connected such as poverty, economic inequality, and climate change. SDG 5’s main objectives include Eliminating violence and discrimination against women and girls, promoting equal leadership oppurtunities and finally ensuring universal access to reproductive health and rights for all women. The United Nations also states that tackling these issues are a step forward in building a more inclusive, peaceful and prosperous world. However SDG 5 includes major challenges globally such as Weak legal frameworks and their enforcement, Limited access to quality education and healthcare and culturally systemic barriers. All of these issue make it harder for SDG 5’s goals to be met. Globally, 1 and 3 women experience violence, and women hold only 26.7% of parliamentary seats. However on a more positive note these numbers are slowly coming down. Pakistan like many other countries faces many challenges in achieving gender equality making SDG 5 particularly relevant. Despite many efforts made to counter these problems traditional societal norms and cultural barriers limit the effectiveness. Education and workforce participation are two major issues and this can be seen as only 32% of girls are enrolled in secondary education compared to 45% of boys. Like wise women account for only 21% of the workforce most of which are employed in informal sectors with low wages. SDG 5 is essential in achieving gender equality not only in Pakistan but globally by addressing systemic barriers and Promoting education, leadership and empowerment in girls