CDM 3005 Design Project Management, 2025 Spring Thursday 3:00 - 5:45 AM I 진 B202 Humanities, Arts, and Social Sciences Division, Yonsei University CONTACT INFORMATION Juyeon Song, MBA/Ph. D. Office Hours: Tuesday 9:00 – 11:00 AM via Zoom or by appointment Email: COURSE DESCRIPTION The purpose of this course is to grow design leadership required as a project manager. Students will learn various design process techniques for managing time/human/financial resources and be able to apply them in real life situations. A deeper focus will be put on a set of managerial skills unique to design industry. COURSE OBJECTIVES: By the end of this course, students will have the ability to: Understand the entrepreneurial process Build a workable business model Develop marketing, strategy, team building, financial projections, and business planning. Create a hypothetical arts and cultural organization and make detail business plan with financial planning. Demonstrate the professionalism expected of a future product designer. COURSE REQUIRED TEXTS Zacharakis, A., Corbett, A. C., & Bygrave, W. D. (2020). Entrepreneurship (5th Ed.). Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley & Sons, Inc. COURSE REPERENCES Additional readings as assigned and posted on Yonsei LearnUs ( 2 EVALUATION OF STUDENT’S PERFORMANCE Points 240 360 350 100 100 100 150 150 150 600 100 2400 Attendance Assignments Case Study Competitors' Financial Statements Financial Projection Model (Pro Formas) Three Key Risks Business Plan Marketing Plan Revenue Model Business Planning Proposal Final Presentation Total % 10% 15% 15% 4% 4% 4% 6% 6% 6% 25% 4% 100% GRADING SCALE 67-69 70-72 73-76 77-79 80-82 83-86 87-89 90-92 93-96 97- D+ C- C C+ B- B B+ A- A A+ Percentage Grade COURSE REQUIREMENTS & ASSIGNMENTS Attendance: Attendance credit will be given to all students present at 3:00 pm. You are responsible for all material covered, whether you are there or not. To earn full credit for attendance, students must arrive on time, stay through completion, and be attentive to class lecture and discussion. Students who arrive late to class will receive half credit (50%) for attendance, only if they arrive during the first 15 minutes of class. Students coming later than this time or not showing up for class will receive NO credit for attendance. Each attendance will be marked with 16, 8, or 0 points, resulting in a total of 240 points possible. Assignments: All assignments will be collected during the scheduled weeks (6 assignments total). No late assignment will be accepted. If you are absent on the day assignment is collected, you will receive a zero for that assignment. Each assignment will be evaluated based on completeness, neatness, and effort. Each assignment will be marked with 60, 50, or 40 points, resulting in a total of 360 points possible. Case Study, Due by April 24, 3:00 pm – You will conduct a competitive analysis of your industry and competitors. Competitors’ Financial Statements, Due by May 8, 3:00 pm – Complete the financial information for three competitors in your comparison. Pro Forma Financial Statements, Due by May 15, 3:00 pm – Most entrepreneurs find that pro formas, while difficult to build, are the most commonly used and useful part of the planning process. The mental exercise of building your pro formas helps you gain a deep understanding of your 3 business and clarifies the key assumptions on which your business is built. These assumptions should help you identify the major risks your business will face as you launch. Three Key Risk, Due by May 22, 3:00 pm – Business Plan, Due by May 28, 3:00 pm - 1-page executive summary that captures attention (hook) and excites a potential stakeholder (e.g., key employee, investor, vendor, etc.) Marketing Plan, Due by June 5, 3:00 pm – Complete your marketing plan including your target market strategy and positioning. Revenue Model, Due by June 12, 3:00 pm – Prepare a table that forecasts the revenue of your venture over the next 5 years. The key is to consider the drivers of your revenue. For each market the factors are different. Consider the following: Market potential, market share, product and service offered, frequency of purchase, capacity utilization channel strategy, and price strategy. Business Planning Proposal, Due by June 19, 3:00 pm – Prepare and submit your business proposal including an executive summary, the body of plan, and pro-forma statements. Presentation – (1) professional dress is required, (2) use power point or prezi, (3) prepare a 15-minute presentation of your business planning proposal. COURSE POLICIES If you cannot attend class, notify and submit assignments to me at You are responsible for all material covered, whether you are there or not. Consider class an opportunity to practice professionalism by completing and submitting all assignments by deadlines. I will not accept late work. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Policy: CDM 3005 assumes that all work submitted by students is generated by the students themselves. Students should not have another person or entity write any portion of an assignment for them. This includes hiring a person or a company to write assignments, as well as using artificial intelligence (AI) tools like ChatCPT. The use of any AI-generated content in this course qualifies as academic dishonesty and violates Yonsei’s standard of academic integrity. Use laptops to take notes, but do not use non-class related technology during class that might get you terminated in the workplace. Check LearnUS regularly for changes and updates. Submit all assignments type written & in American Psychological Association (APA) editorial style only. In all cases, the assigned page limits for written assignments include a cover & reference page, but do not need include an abstract. Syllabus Change Policy: "Except for changes that substantially affect implementation of the evaluation (grading) statement, this syllabus is a guide for the course and is subject to change with advance notice.” 4 UNIVERSITY POLICIES Academic Regulations: Excused absences include documented illness, deaths in the family and other documented crises, call to active military duty, religious holy days, and official University activities. I will accommodate these absences in a way that does not arbitrarily penalize students who have a valid excuse. Aid for the Challenged Student: If you have a disability or condition that compromises your ability to complete the requirements of this course, you should: 1) register with the Yonsei University Ablecenter for Student with Disabilities, 2) bring a letter form the Center, and 3) schedule an appointment to speak with the instructor regarding necessary accommodations during the first week of class. The syllabus and any other class materials can be made in alternate formats upon request. COURSE CONTENT & OUTLINE Week 1 (March 6): Course Overview & Professionalism Assignment for next week 1) Read: Syllabus, Chapter 1, 2 2) Read: Business Casual 3) Due: Assignment 1 1. What innovations or new technologies will drive these worldchanging opportunities? 2. What skills do you need to develop to take advantage of these opportunities? 3. What ideas do you have for a new business? Are these ideas related to your past work or family experiences? 4. Is your idea an opportunity? Explain. Week 2 (March 13): The Entrepreneurial Process Assignment for next week 1) Read: Chapter 3 2) Due: Assignment 2 1. What ideas do you have for a new business? How can you multiply the stimuli around these ideas to enhance them and identify attractive opportunities? 2. Put three of your ideas through the opportunity checklist in Figure 3.10. (p. 92). Which ideas seem to have the highest potential? 3. How can you shape, reshape, and refine your opportunities so that they have a greater chance to succeed and thrive? Week 3 (March 20): Librarian Session & Opportunity Recognition, Shaping, and Reshaping Assignment for next week 1) Read: Chapter 4 5 2) Due: Assignment 3 1. How might you leverage prototyping to explore your idea for an entrepreneurial venture? 2. What simple prototype could you develop today, or this week, to test some core aspect of your concept? Week 4 (March 27): Prototyping your ideas Assignment for next week 1) Read: Chapter 5 2) Due: Assignment 4 1. Describe your business model. What are your primary sources of revenue? 2. What is your customer value proposition? How does this lead to differentiation? 3. What is your overall strategy? Why does this strategy help you sell to customers? What is your cost to acquire customers (CAC)? Does this exceed the customer lifetime value (CLTV)? Week 5 (April 3): Understanding your Business Model & Developing Your Strategy Assignment for next week 1) Read: Chapter 6 Lawrence, S., & Moyes, F. (2004). Writing a successful business plan, University of Colorado at Boulder. 2) Due: Assignment 5 1. How do you learn about your customer? 2. What secondary resources can you use? 3. What primary resources will you collect? 4. How do you segment your market? Who’s your PTA, your core customer? Who are your STAs? Week 6 (April 10): Research your industry, competitors & Entrepreneurial Marketing Assignment for next week 1) Read: Chapter 7 2) Due: Assignment 6 – Opportunity Validation Memo (4 page summary) Customer interviews and survey data will provide the primary data needed to conduct thorough planning. Although most ideas start with the entrepreneur’s vision based upon a need or want (s)he perceives, that vision must adapt to the true market opportunity. Although only a market test can truly validate your opportunity, deep conversations and market survey information can help you refine and shape your opportunity in a cost-effective manner before your initial market test. To that end, I expect you to have in-depth conversations with three potential customers. Your goal is to develop a detailed understanding of customer requirements, price sensitivity, preconceptions, potential objections, possible competitors, etc. You will write a business report describing your discoveries and explaining how they helped refine your opportunity. Week 7 (April 17): Building the Founding Team Assignment for next week 6 1) Due: Case Study Paper & Presentation - Market & Industry Analysis by April 24, 3:30 pm. You will conduct a competitive analysis of your industry and competitors. Week 8 (April 24): Case Study Presentation (Mid-term) Assignment for next week 1) Read: Chapter 8 Week 9 (May 1): The Business Planning Process Assignment for next week 1) Read: Chapter 9 2) Due: Analyzing your competitors’ financial statements Week 10 (May 8): Income Statement & Balance Sheet Assignment for next week 1) Read: Financial Projections Model 2) Due: Pro Forma Statements Week 11 (May 15): Risk Management Assignment for next week 1) Read: Cast Study 2) Due: Three key Risks Week 12 (May 22): Overview of Business Plan Assignment for next week 1) Read: Lawrence, S., & Moyes, F. (2004). Writing a successful business plan, University of Colorado at Boulder. 2) Due: Executive Summary Week 13 (May 29): Developing Marketing Plan Assignment for next week 1) Due: Marketing Plan Week 14 (June 5): Refining Revenue Model Assignment for next week 1) Due: Revenue Model Week 15 (June 12): Reading Period Week 16 (June 19): Business Planning Proposal & Presentation