Engineering Mathematics 경연웅 ( 1 Contact • Contact • Office: 창학관 227 • E-mail: 2 Materials • Advanced Engineering Mathematics – ERWIN KREYSZIG (10th Edition) • KREYSZIG 공업수학 10판 (상) 3 Goal of “Engineering Mathematics” • This course aims to develop the ability to understand and solve engineering problems using mathematical methods • In engineering, various phenomena need to be expressed and analyzed mathematically, which requires tools such as differential equations, calculus, linear algebra, and complex analysis • →modeling 4 The importance of modeling (in general) Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. Numerical equations (differential equations, matrix formulation, probability distribution, graph, etc.) Solution Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 5 An example of modeling (in general) Solution 6 An example of modeling (in general) Solution 7 An example of modeling (in general) Solution 8 An example of modeling (in general) Solution 9 An example of modeling (in general) Solution 10 An example of modeling (in general) 11 An example of modeling (in general) 12 The importance of modeling (in Engineering Mathematics) Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. Differential equations Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 13 The importance of modeling Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. Differential equations Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 14 In “Engineering Mathematics”? Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. Differential equations Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 15 In “Engineering Mathematics”? Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. Differential equations “Engineering Mathematics” Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 16 In “Engineering Mathematics”?, then? Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. “Your Major” e.g., Electromagnetics, Circuits, RF, Communications, etc. Differential equations “Engineering Mathematics” Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) “Your Major” e.g., Electromagnetics, Circuits, RF, Communications, etc. Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 17 In “Engineering Mathematics”?, then? Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. “Your Major” e.g., Electromagnetics, Circuits, RF, Communications, etc. Differential equations “Engineering Mathematics” Can be extended Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) “Your Major” e.g., Electromagnetics, Circuits, RF, Communications, etc. Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 18 Conventionally, Differential equations “Engineering Mathematics”? Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) 19 Recently, Differential equations “Engineering Mathematics”? Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) 20 In “Engineering Mathematics”? Falling stone, outflowing water, car braking distance, etc. “Your Major” e.g., Electromagnetics, Circuits, RF, Communications, etc. Differential equations “Engineering Mathematics” Solution (equation: f(x,y) = c) “Your Major” e.g., Electromagnetics, Circuits, RF, Communications, etc. Interpretation, prediction, understanding, application, etc. 21 Schedule (can be changed) Contents 1 OT 2 First-Order ODEs 3 First-Order ODEs 4 First-Order ODEs 5 Second-Order Linear ODEs 6 Second-Order Linear ODEs 7 Second-Order Linear ODEs 8 Midterm exam 9 Higher Order Linear ODEs 10 Higher Order Linear ODEs 11 Laplace Transforms 12 Laplace Transforms 13 Laplace Transforms 14 Laplace Transforms 15 Final exam 22 Teaching Method: Flipped Learning • Monday • Offline • Focused on the review and problem-solving (except for 3/10) • Thursday • Online • Focused on theoretical concepts 23 Evaluation • Attendance (10%) • Exams (90%) • Midterm (40%) • Final (50%) 24