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Cultural Diversity & Healthcare Study Guide

Cultural Diversity & Disparities in Healthcare Study Guide 1
➔​ Balance
◆​ Health
●​ Balance of person
●​ Physical, mental, spiritual (within)
●​ Natural, communal, metaphysical (outside world)
◆​ Illness
●​ Imbalance of person
●​ Within and/or outside
◆​ Healing
●​ Restoration of balance
●​ Within and/or outside
➔​ Culture
◆​ Culture
●​ Metacommunication system
●​ Not only spoken words have meaning, everything else too
◆​ Characteristics of Culture
1.​ Medium of personhood + social relationships
2.​ Complex whole where each part is related to another
3.​ Learned by each person in family/social community
4.​ Dependent on underlying social matric
➔​ Culturally Competent
◆​ Within delivered care
◆​ Provider understands + attends total context (patient situation)
◆​ Combination of knowledge, attitudes + skills
◆​ 5 Steps to Cultural Competence
1.​ Personal heritage (you)
2.​ Heritage of others (demographics)
3.​ Health, health beliefs + practices
4.​ Healthcare culture + system
5.​ Traditional healthcare systems
➔​ Culturally Appropriate
◆​ Provider applies underlying background knowledge
●​ Must be possessed to provide patient w/ best possible health
➔​ Culturally Sensitive
◆​ Provider possesses some basic knowledge + constructive attitude
◆​ Knowledge toward health traditions among diverse cultural groups
●​ Groups in setting in which he/she is practicing
➔​ Culturally + Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS)
◆​ Set of 15 standards
◆​ Created by office of minority health (1997)
◆​ Must be met by healthcare agencies
➔​ Cultural Conflicts
◆​ Events when there is polarization between 2 groups
◆​ Their differences are intensified by the way they are perceived
◆​ Variables leading to cultural conflict
Decade of birth
Class + income
➔​ Trivia
◆​ What act declared all recipients of federal funding must take reasonable steps to steps to
provide access to people w/ limited English proficiency (LEP)
●​ Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
◆​ Official language of the US?
●​ English
◆​ % of US residents over age 5 speaking English at home?
●​ 79.2%
◆​ % of US residents over age 5 speaking no English at all?
●​ 9%
◆​ # of US residents speaking Spanish (over age 5)?
●​ 37.5 million
◆​ What % of Spanish speaking residents over age 5 w/ no English?
●​ 62.9%
➔​ Heritage
◆​ Heritage Consistency
●​ Degree to a person’s lifestyle
●​ Reflects his/her traditional heritage
◆​ Heritage
●​ Determine how deeply a person identifies w/ a traditional heritage
●​ Or acculturated into modern, dominant culture
◆​ Components of Heritage Consistency
1.​ Socialization (extended family, hometown)
2.​ Culture (language, folkways)
3.​ Religion (historic beliefs, religious membership + participation)
4.​ Ethnicity (socialize w/ members of same ethnic group + participates in folkways
➔​ Ethnicity
◆​ Large groups of people classed
◆​ Classed by common racial, national, tribal, religious, linguistic, or cultural origin/bg
➔​ Ethnocentrism
1.​ Belief in superiority of their nation/ethnic group
2.​ Overriding concern w/ race
➔​ Fears
◆​ Xenophobia
●​ Fear/hatred of foreigners/strangers
◆​ Xenophobe
●​ Person fearful of strangers of foreign origin
➔​ Ethnic Groups
◆​ # of ethnic groups of Native Americans?
●​ 106
◆​ # of federally recognized Native American tribes?
●​ 567
◆​ US rank in weekly church attendance?
●​ 7th
◆​ % of US are Christian?
●​ 70.6%
◆​ % of US are Jewish?
●​ 1.9%
◆​ % of US are Buddhist?
●​ 0.7%
◆​ % of US are Muslim?
●​ 0.9%
◆​ % of US religiously unaffiliated?
●​ 22.8%
➔​ Religion
◆​ Belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power
●​ Especially personal God/gods
➔​ Acculturation
◆​ Process of adapting and being absorbed into dominant culture
●​ Involuntary process
◆​ Usually takes 3 generations to fully acculturate
➔​ Socialization
◆​ Process of being raised in a culture, acquiring characterizations of the group
●​ Often through schooling
➔​ Assimilation
◆​ Becoming in all ways like members of dominant culture
➔​ Generations
◆​ Silent Generation
●​ Born in 1938-1945
●​ Believe in community service + conforming to society standards
◆​ Boomer Generation
●​ Born in 1946-1964
●​ Like to work hard play hard; often closer to friends than family
◆​ Gen X
●​ Born in 1965-1980
●​ Only work hard if not interfered w/ having a good time
◆​ Millennials
●​ Born in 1977-1994
●​ Very dependent on technology
◆​ Gen Z
●​ Born in 1995-2012
●​ Independent + are eager to jump into life
●​ Prefer personal interaction over technology
●​ Proficient with technology
➔​ Trivia
◆​ Women’s earnings are what % of men’s?
●​ 74-80%
◆​ Percentage of students completing high school between 1980 and 2009 went from __%
to __%?
●​ 69% to 85.3%
◆​ # of American adults scoring below basic on an English literacy test?
●​ 11 million
◆​ In 2010 POC represented what % of population?
●​ 36.3% (continually growing)
◆​ Median age of population?
●​ 37.2 years old
◆​ People aged 16-64 make up what % of the population?
●​ 62.9%
◆​ People 65 and older make up what % of the population?
●​ 13%
●​ % is projected to grow as baby boomers grow older
➔​ Environmental Control
◆​ Ability of members of a cultural group to plan activities
●​ To control nature/ direct environment factors
➔​ Space/Territory
◆​ Personal space
●​ People’s behaviors + attitudes towards space surrounding themselves
◆​ Territoriality
●​ Behavior + attitude people exhibit around area
●​ Area they claimed + defended
●​ Or react emotionally to when others encroach on it
➔​ US Residency
◆​ Naturalization
●​ Foreign born people aged 18+ can become US citizens
◆​ Refugees
●​ People who seek residence in US to avoid persecution in their country of origin
◆​ Lawful Permanent Resident (LPR)
●​ Not US citizens residing in US under legally recognized + lawfully recorded
●​ Have permanent residence as immigrants
➔​ US Residency Trivia
◆​ 3 leading countries of origin for LPRs?
1.​ Mexico (13.6%)
2.​ China (6.9%)
3.​ India (6.6%)
◆​ Largest % of naturalized people origin?
●​ Asia (39%)
◆​ Top 3 cities of residence for LPRs
1.​ New York (16.9%)
2.​ LA (8.1%)
3.​ Miami (6.7%)
◆​ Top 3 states of residence for undocumented people
1.​ California
2.​ Texas
3.​ New York
◆​ Top 3 states of residency for LPRs
1.​ California
2.​ New York
3.​ Florida
➔​ Poverty
◆​ Physical poverty
●​ Substandard housing, limited access to healthcare, poor nutrition, etc.
◆​ Spiritual poverty
●​ Despair, experience of being disparaged + disenfranchised
○​ Disparaged: being of little worth
○​ Disenfranchised: deprive of right/privilege
➔​ Poverty Trivia
◆​ % of black people impoverished?
●​ 26.2%
◆​ % of Hispanics impoverished?
●​ 23.6%
◆​ % of white people impoverished?
●​ 10.1%
◆​ % of children under 18 impoverished?
●​ 21.1%
◆​ # of federal programs to provide aid to impoverished individuals?
●​ 80+
◆​ Largest government program to fight poverty?
●​ Medicaid, SNAP and Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
➔​ The Health People Series
◆​ Science based 10 year national objectives
◆​ Designed to improve health of all people (made by surgeon general)
➔​ Health + Wellbeing
◆​ Health equity
●​ Attainment of highest level of health for all people
◆​ Health disparity
●​ Particular type of health difference
●​ Closely linked to social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage
◆​ Physical wellbeing
●​ Relates to vigor + vitality
●​ Feeling very healthy + full of energy
◆​ Mental wellbeing
●​ Being satisfied w/ life, accepting oneself, balancing positive + negative emotions
◆​ Social wellbeing
●​ Providing + receiving quality support from friends, family, + others
◆​ Main components of sick role
1.​ Sick person is exempted from performance of certain normal social obligations
2.​ Exempted from certain responsibility of their own state (not blamed for being
3.​ Legitimization of sick role is only partial (attempt to recover quickly)
4.​ Being sick except in mildest of cases is being in need of help
➔​ Illness + Care
◆​ Phases of illness
1.​ Onset: when first symptoms appear
2.​ Diagnosis: disease is identified and sick role is now socially accepted
3.​ Patient status: person adjusts to social aspects of being ill
4.​ Recovery: relinquishing of sick role + assumption of pre-illness roles
◆​ 5 phases of illness
1.​ Symptom experience
2.​ Assumption of sick role: ask friends + family for advice
3.​ Medical care contact stage: go to health professionals for official diagnosis
4.​ Dependent patient stage: person under control of healthcare providers +
expected to comply w/ their demands
5.​ Recover/rehabilitation phase
◆​ Primary care
●​ Clinics + local doctors offices
●​ Usually stable condition
◆​ Secondary care
●​ Surgery, specialty care, mental health care
●​ Unstable status
◆​ Tertiary care
●​ Extensive surgery, radiation, other high tech care
●​ Deteriorating patient
◆​ Health Maintenance
●​ Everyday ways to go about living + attempting to stay well/healthy + ordinarily
function within family, community, or society
●​ Ex. wearing jacket in the cold, eating balanced diet
◆​ Health Protection
●​ Ability to understand cause of certain illnesses/symptoms + prevent them
●​ Ex. getting vaccinated, wearing red ribbon to protect from evil eye
➔​ Evil Eye
◆​ Belief that someone can project harm by gazing/staring at other’s property or person
◆​ Oldest + most widespread superstition
◆​ Common beliefs
1.​ Power emanates from eye/mouth + strikes victim
2.​ Injury/misfortune is sudden
3.​ Person who cast evil eye may not be aware
4.​ Afflicted may or may not know source
5.​ Injury may be prevented/cured w/ rituals + symbols
◆​ German term: aberglobin or abergläubisch
◆​ Polish term: szatan
◆​ YIddish term: kayn aynhoreh
◆​ Expression used by Jewish people after giving compliments/statements of luck to prevent
●​ Kineahora
➔​ Cultural Beliefs
◆​ Dybbuk: wandering, disembodied soul that enters another’s body and holds fast
◆​ Traditional practices used in protection of health
1.​ Use of protective objects
2.​ Use of ingested substances, removal of item from diet, hanging of substances
around body/house
3.​ Practices of religion
◆​ Amulets
●​ Sacred objects worn on string/chain around neck, wrist, or waist
●​ Protect wearer from evil spirits
◆​ Mano milagroso
●​ “Miraculous hand”
●​ Worn by many people of Mexican origin
●​ For luck and to ward off evil spirits
◆​ Mano negro
●​ Placed on babies of Puerto Rican descent
●​ Wards off the evil eye
●​ Place on wrist or pinned to diaper during early years of life
◆​ Bangles
●​ Open silver bracelets
●​ Open to let evil spirits out and close to prevent evil from entering
●​ Tinkle when wearer moves to scare away evil spirits
●​ Worn from infancy onwards by people from west indies
●​ Tarnishes and leaves black ring on wrist when wearer is becoming ill