ARGUMENTATIVE WRITING ON TECHNOLGY: A BOON OR BANE Technology! Yes, technology – that thing that has changed our lives in many different ways. However, there is an ongoing debate: “Is technology a boon or a bane?” Technology as a Boon: Technology has helped us in numerous ways. It has made communication with loved ones and conducting business easier. Technology provides an opportunity for people to buy or sell products without needing to physically visit places like shops or markets, and without direct interaction with the products. It has led to significant advancements in healthcare, improving diagnosis, treatment, and patient care. In education, online learning platforms have made it easier for students to learn complex subjects and develop critical thinking, which is necessary for creating complex technologies like Artificial Intelligence (AI) and advancing space exploration. Technology as a Bane: Technology also has the potential to create dependency and addiction. Excessive screen time, social media obsession, and gaming addiction can negatively impact mental health, relationships, and overall well-being. Cybercrimes occur because social and business apps store vast amounts of personal data, making data breaches and identity theft significant risks to individuals and society as a whole. There is also concern that automation and artificial intelligence may lead to job displacement and increase unemployment. Furthermore, electronic waste, pollution from factories, and rising energy consumption contribute to environmental problems. Conclusion: The positive or negative effects of technology in our lives depend on how it is used and managed. We should be proud of the innovations and inventions that have brought us this far. Technology should be considered as a balance between being both a boon and a bane.