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Science Exam Paper - August 1992

August 1992
45 minutes
1. Which of the following is true about matter? It has
A. Weight and direction B. Weight only C. Weight and volume D. Volume and direction
E. Volume only
2. The combining power of an element is called
A. ion B. electron C. atom D. valency E. proton
3. Why is it bad to throw faeces into rivers? Because
A. Other people collect drinking water from them B. It changes the colour of the river
C. It causes hardness of the water D. The faeces cannot dissolve in the water
E. The riverbanks will be dirty
4. Which of the following methods will be most suitable for separating a mixture of iron
filings and sulphur powder?
A. Winnowing B. Decanting C. Magnetization D. Evaporation E. Distillation
5. During athletics, a boy slipped on a banana peel on the ground and fell. This is because
A. There was no friction B. The ground was hard C. The banana peel was soft
D. The ground was sandy E. The frictional force was too great
6. Which of the following is a rhizome?
A. Potato B. Ginger C. Onion D. Cocoyam E. Cassava
7. How many different elements are present in the compound CuCl2?
A. Five B. Four C. Three D. Two E. One
8. Which of the following energy changes takes place when a church bell is tolled?
A. Potential energy to kinetic energy B. Kinetic energy to sound energy
C. Potential energy to sound energy D. Chemical energy to heat energy
E. Sound energy to Kinetic energy
9. Living things are different from non-living things because living things
A. are made up of protoplasm B. do not have definite forms C. take in liquid foods
D. have chlorophyll E. vary widely in form and size
10. Which of the following gases enable burning to take place?
A. Oxygen B. Carbon dioxide C. Hydrogen D. Ammonia E. Nitrogen
11. The work done when a weight of 40 N is lifted up vertically through a distance of 10m
is A. 400 J B. 50 J C. 30 J D. 4 J E. 0.25 J
12. Which of the following products is not excreted by the skin?
A. Water B. Sweat C. Urea D. Common salt E. saliva
13. An element is formed by the combination of
A. an atom and a compound B. a compound and a mixture C. an atom and a mixture
D. a molecule and a compound E. the same kind of atoms
14. Energy is measured in
A. Kelvin B. Joules C. Watts D. Metres E. Amperes
15. Which of the following is not a characteristic of all living things?
A. Transpiration B. Growth C. Reproduction D. Feeding E. Respiration
16. Which of the following substances is a mixture?
A. Sodium chloride B. Sulphur dioxide C. Sugar solution D. Carbon dioxide
E. Ammonium chloride
17. The best reason why a cooking pan should have a wooden handle is that, wood is a
A. good conductor of heat B. bad conductor of heat C. good radiator of heat
D. bad radiator of heat E. good reflector of heat
18. For healthy growth, the food we eat must contain
A. fat, oils and proteins B. important nutrients in the right proportions C. a good proportion
of carbohydrates and proteins D. mineral salts, vitamins and water
E. mineral salts in right proportion
19. When the testa of a soaked bean is removed, the seed is seen to be made up of mainly
A. micropyles B. hilum C. radicle D. embryo E. cotyledons
20. Which of the following human activities causes pollution of the environment?
A. Cutting down timber in the forest for firewood B. Overgrazing of the field by cattle
C. Burning of coal and petrol in industries D. Building dams across rivers
E. Destruction of diseased crops
21. Which of the following explains why no work is done when a push is made against a
firm wall? A. The force acts in the opposite direction B. The wall does not move
C. The force is in the same direction D. The material of the wall is strong
E. The force is in horizontal direction
22. The process by which a hot saturated solution is cooled to obtain some of the solute is
called A. condensation B. evaporation C. crystallization D. distillation
E. sedimentation
23. Which of the following diseases is caused by a fungus?
A. Typhoid B. Leprosy C. Ringworm D. Measles E. Dysentery
24. Stem cutting is used in propagating cassava because it
A. gives rise to roots and leaves B. stores food in the stem C. gives rise to big tubers
D. gives rise to small tubers E. stores food in the leaves
25. Which of the following methods is not away of preventing malaria parasites from person
to person?
A. Sleeping in mosquito nets
B. Sleeping outside in the open
C. Draining all stagnant pools of water around our homes
D. Taking anti-malaria drugs weekly
E. Burying all empty cans that hold water in our surroundings
26. Faeces is the
A. excretory products resulting from body activities B. food which is digested
C. food in the mouth which is removed from the body
D. unwanted product of digestion which is removed from the body
E. excess food which is stored in the body
27. Which of the following explains why a wet cloth dries faster on a dry day than on a
humid day?
A. The rate of evaporation is very high during a dry day
B. There is much water vapour in the atmosphere during a dry day
C. It is very misty during a dry day
D. there is no evaporation during a humid day
E. The sun does not set during a humid day
28. Urinating in rivers is a common manner of spreading diseases such as
A. cholera B. bilharzia C. malaria D. measles E. Typhoid
29. Which of the following is not away of preventing soil erosion?
A. Planting trees on bare soil. B. Clearing trees along slopes
C. Planting grasses along slopes
D. Ploughing across slopes
E. Preventing bush fire
30. Atmospheric pressure is measured with
A. an anemometer B. a thermometer C. a galvanometer D. a barometer E. a voltmeter
31. Which of the following is not matter?
A. Iced block B. Air C. Light D. Smoke E. Stone
32. Regular brushing of teeth is primarily done in order to
A. keep the mouth fresh
B. clear away food particles from the teeth
C. remove bad smelling the mouth
D. kill bacteria in the mouth
E. control the flow of saliva
33. On heating a certain solid in a dry container, all the substance was lost without passing
through the liquid state. This means the
A. solid can easily melt
B. solid is an alloy
C. solid cannot stand heat
D. solid particles are held together by weak forces
E. solid undergoes sublimation
34. Which of the following forces tends to pull forces towards the centre of the earth?
A. Electrostatic force
B. Magnetic force
C. Force of gravity
D. Force of attraction
E. Centrifugal force
35. Which of the following diseases will result from eating improperlycooked meat?
A. Tapeworm infestation
B. Guinea worm infestation
C. Small pox
D. Leprosy
E. Measles
36. The angle between a ray of light and the surface it strikes is 30°. Calculate the angle of
A. 210° B. 120° C. 90° D. 60° E. 30°
37. The Central Nervous System consists of
A. the brain and the spinal cord
B. the brain and the ears
C. the spinal cord and eyes
D. the brain, eyes and ears
E. eyes, ears, skin and spinal cord
38. Which of the following classes of food can be broken down into amino acids?
A. Carbohydrates
B. Vitamins
C. Mineral salts
D. Fats and oils
E. Proteins
39. Which of the following is the name of the darkest part of a shadow formed when a
large source of light falls on an object?
A. Partial eclipse
B. Lunar eclipse
C. Total eclipse
D. Penumbra
E. Umbra
40. Which of the following is evidence that particles in gases move faster than those in
liquids and solids?
I. The scent of a perfume fills a room when its container is opened
II. Smoke spreads over a large area as burning takes place
III. The wind blows fast when it is about to rain
A. I only
B. III only
C. II only
D. I and IIonly
E. I, II and III
August 1992
Section A
1. C. Weight and volume
2. D. valency
3. A. Other people collect drinking water from them
4. C. Magnetization
5. A. There was no friction
6. B. Ginger
7. D. Two
8. B. Kinetic energy to sound energy
9. A. are made up of protoplasm
10. A. Oxygen
11. A. 400 J
12. E. saliva
13. E. the same kind of atoms
14. B. Joules
15. A. Transpiration
16. C. Sugar solution
17. B. bad conductor of heat
18. B. important nutrients in the right proportions
19. E. cotyledons
20. C. Burning of coal and petrol in industries
21. B. The wall does not move
22. C. crystallization
23. C. Ringworm
24. A. gives rise to roots and leaves
25. B. Sleeping outside in the open
26. D. unwanted product of digestion which is removed from the body
27. A. The rate of evaporation is very high during a dry day
28. B. bilharzia
29. B. Clearing trees along slopes
30. D. a barometer
31. C. Light
32. B. clear away food particles from the teeth
33. E. solid undergoes sublimation
34. C. Force of gravity
35. A. Tapeworm infestation
36. D. 60°
37. A. the brain and the spinal cord
38. E. Proteins
39. E. Umbra
40. D. I andII only