TED Talk: Jamie Oliver – Teach every child about food https://www.ted.com/talks/jamie_oliver_teach_every_child_about_food Comprehension Questions 1. What is the purpose of this talk? 2. How does the speaker begin the presentation (What type of opener does the speaker use)? 3. Why does Jamie Oliver focus on the United States in his talk? 4. What does Jamie Oliver identify as the key contributors to unhealthy food habits? 5. What are some of the challenges faced in schools regarding food? 6. Why does Jamie Oliver consider the role of the home important in addressing the problem? 7. What is the significance of the visual examples Jamie Oliver used, such as the sugar in milk or the size of coffins? 8. What specific actions does Jamie Oliver propose for schools to address unhealthy eating? 9. How does Jamie Oliver envision supermarkets playing a role in solving the problem? 10. How does the speaker end the presentation (What type of closer does the speaker use)?