SEISMOLOGY – the study of ___________________ Effects/Disasters from EQ’s ________________________________ EQ WAVES ________________________________ EARTHQUAKE - the ________________ of the ground caused by a ________________________________ ________________________________ sudden ____________________of rock along a plate _____________________ P S ________ _______ SEISMOMETER or SEISMOGRAPH FAULT – a _________________________ in Earth’s crust such as the _________________ ________________ in California The machine that measures the ______________ FOCUS – is the EPICENTER – the spot on Earth’s of an _______________________ _________________ spot ______________ directly ________________ where the ____________ the spot where the earthquake originated (started) earthquake happened MAGNITUDE = __________________________ VOLCANOES – a ____________ spot in Earth’s _________ where_________________________, rocks and gas erupt. WHERE ARE VOLCANOES? LAVA _________ Earth vs Effects/Disasters from Volcanoes ____________________boundaries ________________________________ along __________________zones MAGMA ________________________________ _____________ Earth ________________________________ ________________________________ _________ _______________ like the Hawaiian Island Chain