1. To'g'ri tarjimani toping Berilgan jumlani to'ldirish uchun to'g'ri so'zni tanlang: 1. I was feeling very ____ after running 10 kilometers. (Exhausted / Easygoing / Pleasant) 2. The museum was full of ____ artifacts from ancient history. (Ordinary / Extraordinary / Convenient) 3. She gave me a ____ answer to my question. (Confused / Brief / Annual) 4. The book is ____ for beginners in this field. (Suitable / Greedy / Nasty) 5. The weather today is very ____, not too hot or too cold. (Mild / Humid / Miserable) 2. Sinonim va antonimni tanlang Berilgan so’z uchun sinonim yoki antonimni ko’rsating: Sinonim: Calm ➡ (a) Quiet (b) Angry (c) Curious Complicated ➡ (a) Simple (b) Hard (c) Plain Obvious ➡ (a) Hidden (b) Clear (c) Unknown Antonim: Temporary ➡ (a) Permanent (b) Timely (c) Annual Generous ➡ (a) Greedy (b) Kind (c) Sociable 3. Bo'sh joyni to'ldiring Bo'sh joylarni mos so'z bilan to'ldiring: 1. 2. 3. 4. He is a very ____ person; he always helps those in need. My brother is very ____, he always wants to learn new things. It was an ____ moment to meet my favorite author in person. The teacher explained the topic in a very ____ way. So’zlar: (Charming, Curious, Pleasant, Efficient) 4. Tasnif qiling Berilgan so'zlarni tegishli kategoriyaga joylashtiring: Kategoriya: Emotion, Appearance, Time, Difficulty, Other So’zlar: Exhausted, Stylish, Brief, Annual, Complicated, Pleasant, Crowded Emotion Appearance Time Difficulty Other 5. Tarjima qilish Quyidagi so’zlarni o’zbek tiliga tarjima qiling: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Efficient Sociable Urgent Obvious Miserable 6. Ingliz tilida gap tuzing Quyidagi so’zlar bilan bir nechta gap tuzing: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Historical Charming Scary Directly Rare 7. Mos juftlikni toping Berilgan so’zlar va ularning ma’nolarini moslang: So'z Ma'nosi Urgent a) Maftunkor Permanent b) Shoshilinch Charming c) Doimiy Miserable d) G’amgin Suitable e) Mos