Dormansi Sasi Gendro Sari Fisiologi Tumbuhan 1. Dormansi Adalah periode terjadinya hambatan pertumbuhan Secara alami, merupakan sinkronisasi pertumbuhan dan perkembangan dengan kondisi lingkungan yang diinginkan (seperti tanaman atau bagian tanaman yang dorman selama periode dingin atau kering) Dalam periode pascapanen, kondisi dormansi sering dimanipulasi Ada 3 macam dormansi berdasarkan tempat atau penyebab hambatan pertumbuhan: 1. 2. 3. Ekodormansi (jika 1 faktor lingk. tdk mendukung) Endodormansi (terdapat mekanisme internal) dimana signal yg diterima terjadi pada struktur dimana dormansi dimulai) Paradormansi (sama dengan endodormansi, tetapi signal yg diterima oleh suatu struktur diluar dari terjadinya tempat dormansi) Why dormancy? ENVIRONMENT (season) METABOLISM DORMANCY favorable active non-dormant unfavorable inactive dormant To survive (prolonged) periods of unfavourable conditions What happens to a seed after dispersal? The soil seedbank seeds incorporated in soil seedling emergence seedling death in situ germination non-dormant seed dormant seed non-viable seed Germination 100 0 January April July October January Seeds in the soil go through successive cycles of dormancy to survive unfavorable periods and to germinate in the right season Primary vs. secondary dormancy: Dormancy cycling Environment GERMINATION NONDORMANT DORMANT Genotype After-ripening Chilling Light Temperature Nitrate Breaking of dormancy and induction of germination • Temperature • Light • Nitrate Factors that influence germination • Temperature • T1 long-term, (AR, cold strat.) sensitizes seeds; • T2 short term controls germination; • Light • Nitrate T1: when? T2: how much and how fast? Dual role of temperature How do these factors interact in the field and what is their ecological relevance? Seasonal emergence Mean monthly temperature Germination in the light Germination in the dark Chenopodium album Germination at prevailing field temperature +/- nitrate Germination at 20 °C in the light +/- nitrate Germination at 20 °C in the dark +/- nitrate Dormancy cycling: summer and winter annuals Winter annual Field temperature Summer annual Seasonal temperatures determine overlap of germination window with field temperature, light- and nitrate thresholds 40 30 20 Min Pfr/Ptot Tfield 10 0 Oct Jan Apr Jul Oct Time Hilhorst, 2007 Nitrate content [nitrate] Light quality Field temperature, °C Max Roles of light and nitrate The role of light: phytochrome Pr red 660 nm Pfr Germination 730 nm far-red inactive active The extent of germination is determined by: Pfr Pr + Pfr = Pfr Ptot =φ © Peter v. Sengbusch - Pfr Ecological relevance of Ptot =φ φ Spectral distribution of light under leaf canopy Neighbor detection and avoidance of competition Decrease of φ (and germination) with increasing LAI Of the 5 known phytochromes, PhyA, PhyB and PhyE are involved in light-induced germination... Henning et al. Plant Phys. 2002 Penetration of light in the soil is very low So, how can light-requiring seeds in the seed bank be induced to germinate when they are buried at lower depths? Germination may be induced by disturbance of the soil, allowing the seeds to perceive a short exposure to light. Cultivated in the dark 2% coverage Cultivated in the light 80% coverage The role of nitrate Neighbour detection and avoidance of competition; Indicator of soil fertility; Relationship between nitrate content of soil and seed and germination Bouwmeester, 1990 Hilhorst and Karssen, 1990 Light and nitrate act on the GA/ABA balance nitrate Oh, E., et al. Plant Cell 2007;19:1192-1208 Copyright ©2007 American Society of Plant Biologists Pages in text book Lambers: Pp. 329-330 What is phytochrome? Pp. 375-385 Seed dormancy and germination