Lesson plan in Grade 9 Science Physics Content standards: Understanding projectile motion, impulse and momentum, and conservation of linear momentum. Performance standard: Propose ways to enhance sports related to projectile motion. Learning competency and Code: Describe the horizontal and vertical of a projectile. (S9FE-IVa-34) Quarter: 4 Week: 1 Day: 1 I. Objectives: At the end of 45 minutes, 100% of the learners are expected to: Knowledge: Define what a projectile and projectile motion is. Skills: Illustrate the path travel by a projectile. Attitude: Appreciate the application of projectile motion in relation to sports. II. Content: Subject Matter: PROJECTILE MOTION Materials: Manila Paper, Ball, Chalk/Marker Pictures, Worksheet, Video Clip, Laptop, LED TV, and HDMI connectors. References: Science 9 Learner’s Module, (2015). Department of Education- Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepED-IMCS. Pasig City, Philippines Science 9 Teacher’s Guide. (2015). Department of Education-Instructional Materials Council Secretariat (DepED-IMCS. Pasig City, Philippines III. Procedures/ Learning Tasks: Teacher’s activity Student’s expected responses Preliminaries activity Prayer: Everybody please stand, and let us pray. Student stand for the prayer. Greetings: Good day class! Before you take your seats please align your chairs following Good day Ma’am! the ones in front of you and pick up pieces of paper and trash (Student arranged their chairs and picked up under your chairs. pieces of trash) Checking of Attendance: I have here the attendance kindly sign if you are present and Student pass the attendance. pass it next to you. Setting of General Rules and Guidelines: - Listen Attentively Setting of General Rules and Guidelines: - Listen Attentively - Be respectful all the time. - Participate in the class. ELICIT (Reviewing previous lesson or prior knowledge.) To elicit the prior knowledge, the students will play a game called CHARADES The teacher will Prepare 5 sports-related words for the students to act out: BASKETBALL, SEPAK TAKRAW, VOLLEYBALL, BADMINTON, ARCHERY Ask one student to pick from the box and act out the word in one minute. What is common in all these sports? ENGAGE (Motivating and establishing a purpose for the lesson). The teacher will show a picture. - Be respectful all the time. - Participate in the class. The student will pick and act out the word that he/she got. There is an object that is thrown or launched in the air. The students will observe the pictures. Picture 2: Sepak takaw player kicking a rattan ball. Guide question: What is your observation as you look into the motion of the ball? What do you think would be the explanation? Guide question: The motion of the ball curved. (student’s answers may vary) PROJECTILE MOTION Today we are going to discuss what is projectile and projectile motion! The teacher will present the topic or subject matter. PROJECTILE MOTION The teacher will present the following objectives to the learners: 1. Define what a projectile and projectile motion is. 2. Illustrate the path travel by a projectile 3. Appreciate the application of projectile motion in relation to sports EXPLORE (Discussing new concepts and practicing new skills). Before the activity, the teacher will ask the learners, “What are the things we need to do when doing a group activity?” The teacher will present the following general instructions to the leaners to be guided throughout the activity. General instructions: 1. You will be divided into two as to which you are assigned with your designated differentiated activities. (“Sketch me quick” and “Throw it”) The learners will listen to the teacher. Learners’ answers may vary. (e.g.) “Cooperate with the group.”, “Avoid unnecessary noise.”, etc. The learners will listen to the teacher’s instructions. General Instructions: 2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter. 3. Activity cards that contains instructions, and learning materials will be provided. 4. You have 8 minutes to finish your activity. 5. After you finish the activity, answer the guide questions on the activity sheets provided by the teacher. 6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and explain the answers on the guide questions. Note: see attached activity sheets. 1. You will be divided into two as to which you are assigned with your designated differentiated activities. (“Sketch me quick” and “Throw it”) 2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter. 3. Activity cards that contains instructions, and learning materials will be provided. 4. Take down notes for key words or concepts in order to answer the guide questions. 5. After you finish the activity, answer the guide questions on the activity sheets provided by the teacher. 6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and explain the answers on the guide questions. Note: See attached Activity Sheets. EXPLAIN (Processing and discussing the concept. Should include interaction between the teacher and students). The teacher will listen to the report of the group. Group 1: Sketch me quick Group 2: Throw It The learners will share their work to the class as well as their answer to the guide questions. Group 1: Sketch me quick Group 2: Throw It The teacher will give commendations, constructive feedback and address misconnections to each of the group. The learners will listen and take down notes to what the teacher is saying. Checking of activities! The learners will listen and take down notes to what the teacher is saying. ELABORATE (Students apply the information learned and deepen their understanding). The teacher will elaborate the lesson. The teacher will discuss the Projectile motion. Key Concepts: Projectile motion is a form of motion where an object given an initial velocity is thrown or projected and is allowed to be acted on by gravity in a curved-like path. These objects are called projectiles. The curved path followed by a projectile is called a trajectory. Type 1: Horizontally Launched Projectiles Horizontally launched projectiles are projectiles that are launched with an initial velocity from an elevated position and follows a curved-like path to the ground. Type 2: Angle-Launched Projectiles Angle-launched projectiles are projectiles launched at an angle with respect to the horizontal and rises to a peak while moving horizontally. Upon reaching the peak, the projectile falls with a motion that is symmetrical to its path upwards to the peak. The learners will participate to the activity and answer the question. An angle-launched projectile exhibits a full parabolic trajectory motion. What is projectile? What is projectile motion? What is the difference between a projectile and trajectory? Cite example of a sports that applies projectile motion? Give your daily routine that applies projectile motion? EVALUATE (Evaluating or assessing learning). Test I The students will answer the test. Test II- for 5 points. Draw a situation that illustrate projectile motion. EXTEND (Deepen conceptual understanding through use in new context). Give the meaning of the following terms: 1. Horizontal motion 2. Vertical motion The teacher will end the lesson for the day and will bid The learners will bid goodbye to the teacher. goodbye. Reflection: A. No. of learners achieve 80%: ____ B. No. of learners who require additional activities for remediation: ____ C. Did the remedial lesson work? ____ D. No. of learners who have caught up the lesson: ____ E. No. of learners who continue to require remediation: ____ F. Which of my teaching strategies worked well? Why did these work? ____ G. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or supervisor help me solve? ____ H. What innovation or localized materials did I used/discover which I wish to share with other teacher? ____ ML (Mastery Level): ____________________ ID (Instructional Decision): _______________ Prepared by: MARIEL PAZ I. DANGAN Pre-service teacher _____________ Date: Checked by: ________________________________ ___________________________ _____________ Date: GROUP ORAL PRESENTATION RUBRIC 5 All group members participate equally 3 All group members participate 2 Some group members participate Group members Group members Some group help each other as help each other members speak needed clearly and are easy to understand All group members Most group Some group speak clearly and are members speak members speak easy to understand clearly and are easy clearly but are to understand difficult to understand All group members Most group Group members speak to the entire members speak to speak to only part audience the entire audience of the audience Information is presented in an organized way Information is presented partially organized Information is presented Oral presentation includes many details Presentation is visually organized and complete Oral presentation includes some details Presentation is organized and complete Oral presentation includes few details Presentation is complete 1 Only 1 or 2 group members participate Most group members are hard to understand Only 1 or 2 group members speak and can be understood Most group members speak to only part of the audience Information is presented in a disorganized manner Oral presentation includes few or more details Presentation is disorganized or incomplete Group 1 “Sketch Me quick” General Instructions: 1. You will be divided into two as to which you are assigned with your designated activities. 2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter. 3. Activity cards that contains instructions for the simple activity and the learning materials that you will perform will be provided. 4. Take down notes for key words and concepts that best describe the process of different phase changes in order to answer the guide questions. 5. After you perform the activity, answer the guide questions on the activity sheets provided by the teacher. 6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and explain the answers on the guide questions. Activity instruction: 1. You are provided with drawing materials. 2. Sketch the path/direction of the ball. 3. Post your work on the board. Situation1: Free Kick! Sam was given a free kick. Illustrate the path/ direction of the ball in order for Sam to get a goal. Free kick scenario in soccer. Guide question: o Explain how you came up with that path/ direction? MEMBERS: Group 2 “Throw it” General Instructions: 1. You will be divided into two as to which you are assigned with your designated activities. 2. Choose a leader, secretary and a reporter. 3. Activity cards that contains instructions for the simple activity and the learning materials that you will perform will be provided. 4. Take down notes for key words and concepts that best describe the process of different phase changes in order to answer the guide questions. 5. After you perform the activity, answer the guide questions on the activity sheets provided by the teacher. 6. Show in front of the class how you did your work and explain the answers on the guide questions. Activity instruction: 1. You will be provided some materials you need for the throwing activity; ‘paper’ 2. Crumple the paper and look for a trash bin. 3. Throw the garbage (crumpled paper) into a trash bin. 4. Observe the path/ direction of the garbage as you throw it into the trash bin. Guide question: o What have you observed with the path/ direction of the crumpled paper? Explain. MEMBERS: