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Fallacies Assignment(Taha Saeed & Wardah Rasheed)

Name: M. Taha Saeed & Wardah Rasheed
Date: 18th Feb 2025
Writing and Communication
Assignment: Logical Fallacies
1. Education is the only way to combat unemployment.
Fallacy: Either OR
2. Clinton's infidelity to his wife invalidates his Mideast peace policy.
Fallacy: Ad Hominem
3. Drink Vichy water; Paris Hilton does.
Fallacy: False Authority
4. Defending his rationale for pursuing the Vietnam War, president Lyndon Johnson
said, "We learned from Hitler at Munich that success only feeds the appetite of
Fallacy: False Analogy
5. Jim MacPherson should be treasurer; as everyone knows, the Scots are naturally
Fallacy: Hasty Generalization
6. Mike: It is morally wrong to cheat on your spouse, why on earth would you have done
Ken: But what is morality exactly?
Mike: It’s a code of conduct shared by cultures.
Ken: But who creates this code?...
Fallacy: Red Herring
7. The Pope told me that priests could turn bread and wine into Jesus’ body and
blood. The Pope is not a liar. Therefore, priests really can do this.
Fallacy: False authority
8. My opponent suggests that lowering taxes will be a good idea -- this is coming from a
woman who eats a pint of Ben and Jerry’s each night!
Fallacy: Ad Hominem
9. Tim: Boss, you heard my side of the story why I think Bill should be fired and not
me. Now, I am sure Bill is going to come to you with his side of the story, but please
keep in mind that we have two witnesses to the event who both agree that Bill was the
one who told the client that she had ugly children.
Fallacy: Poison the well
10. We must carefully identify these promoters of hatred so that they can be removed
from positions in the public services.
Fallacy: Dogmatism
11. Sky-diving is dangerous because it is characterized by extreme risks.
Fallacy: Circular Reasoning
12. Citizens must choose between supporting gun control and supporting murder.
Fallacy: Either OR
13. Loading students with hours of homework is pointless when the world is about to be
destroyed by the greenhouse effect.
Fallacy: Slippery Slope
14. Every Siamese cat I’ve met has been temperamental and so they all are.
Fallacy: Hasty Generalization
15. College students pay for their classes much like customers pay for a product.
Obviously, one of the first goals of a company is to make a product that pleases the
customers. Thus, one of the first goals of a professor should be to run a class that
pleases the students.
Fallacy: False Analogy
16. How could you doubt that angels exist? A recent poll has shown that 75% of
Americans believe in angels.
Fallacy: Bandwagon
17. Apparently, our honourable governor would rather see unemployed people out on the
street than receiving state aid. But can anyone believe that this is a reasonable
position? Does increasing the homeless population really make a society better off?
Fallacy: Straw Man
18. And if that weren’t enough, artists put something of themselves in their artwork. Just
think of how terrible those students must have felt to have their artwork rejected like
that. It must have been like having a part of themselves rejected, too! Just spat upon,
called immoral and rejected! How would you like that?
Fallacy: Appeal to pity
19. How can you believe that some people have had religious experiences of God? Just
think of all the atrocities that have been committed thanks to such alleged contact
with God! Wars have been waged, people have been tortured and killed, cultures have
been eradicated, all because someone thought that God appeared or spoke to him!
Fallacy: Part of the whole
20. I believe that God exists. After all, you can’t prove that he doesn’t.”
Fallacy: Appeal to ignorance