Name :_____________________________ Registration Number BL.EN.U4 Amrita School of Engineering Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Bengaluru Campus Department of ECE Event: Q1 Branch/ Semester/ Section: ECE/II/H, I & J Course code/ Course Title: 23ECE111/Electronic Devices and Circuits Duration: 15 minutes Q.NO 1[2] Date:14/02/2025 2[2] 3[1] 4[1] 5[2] 6[2] Set: B Max. Marks:10 Total [10] Sign of Faculty Sign of student Marks Obtained CO Course Outcomes CO1 CO2 Characterise semiconductor diodes Analyse diode-based circuits CO3 CO4 Design diode-based circuits for specific applications Understand the operation of transistors 1 Find the values of I and V in the circuit shown in Fig. 1. [2] [CO2, BTL3] Fig. 1 V = 3-0.7 = 2.3 V (1 mark) 2 I = [2.3-(-8)]/2k = 5.15mA (1 mark) For the circuit shown in Fig. 2 using ideal diodes, find the labeled values of voltage and [2] current. [CO1, BTL3] 1 Name :_____________________________ Registration Number BL.EN.U4 Fig. 2 3 4 5 If the reverse saturation current at 30oC is 6nA, then the reverse saturation current at 60oC is ______________. 48nA Mention the advantage and disadvantage of graphical analysis using exponential method. Graphical analysis aids in the visualization of circuit operation. However, the effort involved in performing such an analysis, particularly for complex circuits, is too great to be justified in practice. Assuming the availability of diodes for which vD = 0.71 V at iD = 1 mA and n = 1, design a circuit that utilizes four diodes connected in series, in series with a resistor R connected to a 8-V power supply. The voltage across the string of diodes is to be 3.1V. [1] [CO1, BTL1] [1] [CO1, BTL2] [2] [CO2, BTL3] 2 Name :_____________________________ Registration Number 6 BL.EN.U4 The zener diode shown in Fig. 3 has VZ = 15 V and RL = 15 Ω. The voltage across the [2] load stays at 15 V as long as IZ is maintained between 180 mA and 2.5 A. Find the value [CO3, of R so that Eo remains 15 V while input Ei is free to vary between 22 V to 28V. BTL3] Fig. 3 The zener current will be minimum (i.e. 180mA) when the input voltage is minimum (i.e. 22 V). The load current stays at constant value, IL = VZ/RL = 15/15 = 1000 mA. 1 mark R = (Ei – Eo)/[(Iz)min + (IL)max)] = (22-15)/(180+1000) = 7/1180 = 5.93 Ω 1 mark Course Outcome / Bloom’s Taxonomy Level (BTL) Mark Distribution Table CO Marks BTL Marks CO1 4 BTL 1 01 CO2 4 BTL 2 01 CO3 2 BTL 3 08 CO4 -- BTL 4 -- 3