Republic of the Philippines Department of Education REGION IX, ZAMBOANGA PENINSULA ZAMBOANGA CITY DIVISION LESSON PLAN IN SCIENCE 7 Grade 7 4th Quarter February 27-28, 2025 I. CONTENT, STANDARDS, AND LEARNING COMPETENCIES A. CONTENT System models B. CONTENT STANDARDS Rapid movements along normal, reverse or strike slip faults cause earthquakes. C. PERFORMANCE STANDARD GRADE LEVEL/ GRADING PERIOD/DATE D. LEARNING COMPETENCIES E. F. LEARNING OBJECTIVES AND DURATION INTEGRATION II. LEARNING RESOURCES 2. Use models or illustrations to explain how movements along faults generate earthquakes and identify and explain which types of faults are most likely to occur in the Philippines and explain why. 5. Identify which type of geological faults are most likely to occur in the Philippines. 6. Explain why these types of geological faults are most likely to occur in the Philippines. Grade 7 Matatag Curriculum Science Learning Tasks with HOTS-SOLO Integration 2023-2024 III. Lesson Exemplar for Science Grade 7 Quarter 4: Lesson 1 (Week 4) SY 2024-2025 TEACHING AND LEARNING PROCEDURE A. Activating prior knowledge- (Minds and Moods) (Day 1) Are You in a Safe Location? Let the learners analyze the Philippine East and West Valley Fault lines and answer the processing questions. Image retrieved at: Processing Questions: Which locations does the West Valley Fault passed through? Calamba, Santa Rosa, Binan, Mutinlupa, Carmona, Quezon City and Makati How about the East Valley Fault? San Mateo, Taguig, Marikina, Pasig Considering your location, do you think you are safe? Answer varies B. Developing and Deepening Understanding (Tasks and Thought) The teacher can make a giant word puzzle and ask learners to look for the words in the puzzle, crossing it out using their fingers. After finding the words, define the terms. Word Puzzle. The learners will look for the following words inside the puzzle. It could be horizontal, vertical, diagonal, or reverse. 1. FOCUS 2. EPICENTER 3. MAGNITUDE 4. INTENSITY 5. WAVE O F W A V E A M I C A S E S O R A N E F U D G E T G T S U C O F R S N U N E E D S I E I R I N T E N S I T Y C T U I D K N U E E E R G A B R D D E P I C E N T E R FOCUS. The point within Earth where rock under stress breaks, resulting in an earthquake. EPICENTER. The point on the Earth's surface that is directly above the focus. MAGNITUDE. Earthquake magnitude is a measure of the “size,” or amplitude, of the seismic waves generated by an earthquake source and recorded by makes a record of seismic waves caused by an earthquake, explosion, or other Earth-shaking phenomenon). INTENSITY. It is a measure of the strength of shaking experienced in an earthquake. SEISMIC WAVE. The vibration generated by an earthquake, explosion, or similar energetic source and propagated within the earth or along its surface its surface. C. Making Generalizations (Abstractions) The Philippine Fault System Say: The Earth’s surface is made up of blocks of large, rigid piece of the Earth's called “tectonic plates” which moves and interacts with other plates. This interaction causes plates to move toward each other, away from each other, and slide passing each other. The teacher will show an image that shows the different plate with red arrows which shows the corresponding movement. Guide Questions: 1. Which plates are moving toward each other? Nazca plate and South American plate, Australian Plate and Pacific plate, Philippine plate and Pacific plate, and Eurasian plate and Philippine Plate. (U) Which plates are moving away from each other? - Pacific plate and Antarctic plate. (U) Which plates are moving slide passing each other? - Pacific plate and North American Plate. (U) Which plate is the Philippines located? - The Philippines is situated in the Eurasian plate. (U) - 2. 3. 4. Say: The Philippines is in the Eurasian plate. It is near the Philippines plate. Within the plates, faults are found. The Philippines has a network of fault called the Philippine fault system. Let us watch this video to see the different plates of the Philippine plate system. Title: NTG: Quick Facts: Philippine fault zone YouTube Link: Note: (The teacher will also show an illustration of the Philippine Fault System.) Say: The video shows the different faults found in the Philippines. Now, we have a different version of the map that was shown in the video. Examine and analyze the map of the Philippines. Observe the lines and arrows. 5. What do the lines represent? The lines represent faults. (U) 6. What do the arrows represent? The arrows represent the movement of the fault. (U) 7. How is the movement of the fault in the Philippine Fault system? The faults move sliding passed each other where the eastern side of the fault moves towards the north and the western side of the fault moves towards south. (M) 8. What type of fault is mostly found in the Philippines? The type of fault mostly found in the Philippines is the strike slip fault. (M) 9. Why do you think most of the faults in the Philippines are strike-slip fault? Strike-slip faults are common in the Philippines due to the complex plate setting which involves the interactions between several major and minor tectonic plates. The Philippine plate is moving toward the Pacific plate and Eurasian plate. This movement results to the formation of strike-slip faults. (M) 10. Why are there more faults in the eastern side of the Philippines than on the western side? - There are more faults in the eastern part of the Philippines because it is closer to where the Philippine plate, Eurasian Plate, and Pacific Plate interact. This area is more vulnerable to movements that is brought about by this interaction. (R) Say: Let us watch how the plates moved which led to the formation of the Philippines to help us understand the movement of the Philippine plate and how it formed strike-slip faults. Title: Geology of the Philippines Link: Note: (The teacher can cut the video and only show the portion from 0:33 to 1:36 that shows the formation of the Philippines and tectonic plate movement) 11. What are the factors that influence of the occurrence of strike faults in the Philippines? The movement and interaction of the Eurasian plate, Philippine plate, and Pacific plate influenced the formation of the strike strip fault in the Philippines. (M) Say: The Philippine Fault System plays a vital role in shaping the country's dynamic and complex geological landscape. The movement of these faults, driven by the interaction between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, creates risks. Understanding these faults is essential for disaster preparedness, infrastructure development, and ensuring the safety of communities living in this region. D. Making Generalizations (Abstractions) Guide Questios 1. What type of geological faults are most likely to occur in the Philippines? In the Philippines, the most common types of faults are typically strike-slip faults and thrust (reverse) faults Strike-slip faults are common in the Philippines due to the complex plate setting which involves the interactions between several major and minor tectonic plates. The Philippine plate is moving toward the Pacific plate and Eurasian plate. This movement results to the formation of strike-slip faults. (M) 2. Why these types of geological faults are most likely to occur in the Philippines? The country is located along the boundary of the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, where the movement is predominantly lateral (strike -slip) and compressional (thrust). These types of fau lts are responsible for the significant seismic activity and earthquakes experienced in the region. The Philippines is closer to where the Philippine plate, Eurasian Plate, and Pacific Plate interact. This area is more vulnerable to movements that is brought about by this interaction. (R) 3. Evaluating Learning (Tools for Assessment) 1. Which fault is located in the western part of Luzon and is known for generating major earthquakes? a) Philippine Fault b) Digdig Fault c) West Valley Fault d) Central Negros Fault 2. What type of fault is the Philippine Fault Zone predominantly classified as? a) Strike-slip fault b) Normal fault c) Reverse fault d) Oblique fault 3. Which of the following is a major fault line located in Mindanao? a) Marikina Fault b) Cotabato Fault c) San Juan Fault d) Bicol Fault 4. What is the primary hazard associated with active faults like the Philippine Fault? a) Volcanic eruptions b) Flooding c) Earthquakes d) Landslides 5. Which of the following is a key characteristic of strike-slip faults, such as the Philippine Fault? a) Horizontal movement of rock masses b) Upward vertical movement c) Downward vertical movement d) A combination of vertical and horizontal movement Relevant observations, remarks on assessment, and tasks. E. Reflection (Gaps and Gains) What went well: Challenges encountered: Points for improvement: