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D&D Weapon Perks Guide: Enhance Your Combat!

Weapon Perks
Let your enemies feel the impact
of your weapon of choice!
Weapon Perks
Leader Writer and Designer: Justin Handlin
Editor: Alicia Handlin, Justin Handlin
Cover Art: Warmtail
Art: MikeSilent, Stock Art, Warmtail
Special Thanks to:
Alicia Handlin, Richard Handran, Steve Hohnadel, All of our Patreon Supporters
Table of Contents
Introduction .......................................................................3
Greatsword ....................................................................... 9
Club ...................................................................................3
Halberd ............................................................................. 9
Dagger ...............................................................................3
Lance ................................................................................ 9
Greatclub ...........................................................................4
Longsword ...................................................................... 10
Handaxe ............................................................................4
Maul ............................................................................... 10
Javelin ...............................................................................4
Morningstar .................................................................... 10
Light Hammer ...................................................................4
Pike................................................................................. 11
Rapier ............................................................................. 11
Quarterstaff .......................................................................5
Scimitar .......................................................................... 12
Sickle ................................................................................6
Shortsword ..................................................................... 12
Spear .................................................................................6
Trident ............................................................................ 12
Unarmed Strike .................................................................6
War Pick ......................................................................... 12
Crossbow, light .................................................................7
Warhammer .................................................................... 13
Dart ...................................................................................7
Whip ............................................................................... 13
Shortbow ...........................................................................7
Blowgun ......................................................................... 13
Sling ..................................................................................8
Crossbow, hand .............................................................. 14
Battleaxe ...........................................................................8
Crossbow, heavy ............................................................ 14
Flail ...................................................................................8
Longbow ........................................................................ 15
Glaive ................................................................................8
Net .................................................................................. 15
Greataxe ............................................................................8
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Weapon Perks:
This product was written because, other than a few
key features, the weapons themselves can often feel
the same. Take a look at the trident and spear for
instance, same stats, different name. Nothing
separates them, not really. Just flavor. The goal of
Weapon Perks is to give the players additional reasons
to pick a specific weapon.
Weapons are more than just objects that adventurers
carry to stab, slice, or break enemies with. In the
proper hands of a master, they can be powerful tools
to gain the upper hand against an enemy. A weapon
perk is a special skill or technique that can be used
with a specific weapon. This allows each weapon to
feel unique among all of the options the adventurers
have, and hopefully give them their own identity.
All the weapon perks are part of the weapons, but
requires that the creature be proficient with the
weapon In order to execute the weapons perk. If a
perk requires a creature to make a saving throw, the
DC equals 8 + proficiency bonus + Strength or
Dexterity modifier (your choice).
As the Dungeon Master, it’s up to you if you wish to
include these perks in your monsters. It can certainly
give a simple Goblin and Kobold a bit of versatility and
challenge the player characters. However, the goal is to
make the players weapon choice feel like it matters.
A dagger is a knife with a very sharp point and
usually two sharp edges, typically designed or
capable of being used as a thrusting weapon. This
made them potent weapons for penetrating small gaps
in armor. Daggers have been used throughout history
The club is among the simplest of all weapons. A short for close combat confrontations for this reason, and a
staff or stick usually made of wood, wielded as a
favorite of assassins. Many cultures have used
weapon since ancient times. Clubs are grungy and
adorned daggers in magical and non-magical rituals
frequently connected with crude and primitive
and ceremonial contexts. The distinctive shape and
historic usage of the dagger have made it iconic and
Crippling Blow. When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack. On a hit, you can forgo the normal
Hidden Weapon. As a bonus action, you may make a
weapon damage, if you do, you deal damage equal to Dexterity (Sleight of Hand) check to conceal up to
your strength modifier and the target must succeed on two daggers on a success. As an action, you can make
a Constitution saving throw or their movement is
a single weapon attack with a hidden dagger against a
reduced by half until the end of its next turn.
creature that hasn’t taken a turn in combat yet. Your
attack can score a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
Much like its smaller cousin, the greatclub is still an
unrefined tool. Often an ordinary club isn’t enough
for a primitive brute with a bit more brains. They have The javelin is a light thin spear designed primarily to
found that adding sharp rocks, nails or pieces of iron be thrown. Unlike bows and arrows, they could also
be used effectively in melee combat, though they were
to an oversized club can make it much more
formidable. Its unwieldy size often requires 2 hands to much more fragile than a traditional spear. One of its
most valuable features is one that is often overlooked.
wield effectively.
You could riddle a battle field with javelin, when a
soldier found themselves unarmed, or with a broken
Slam. When you hit a creature with a melee weapon
attack. On a hit, the target must succeed on a Strength weapon, they could easily pick up a javelin and
saving throw or the creature’s speed becomes 0 until continue the fight.
the end of their turn. On a critical hit, they are
Piercing Talon. When you successfully make a
knocked prone instead.
critical hit on a creature with a ranged weapon attack,
you impose disadvantage on the creature’s next attack
Light Hammer
The light hammer has an interesting history.
Originally it was developed by blacksmiths who would
have thieves grab their products and run. The
blacksmith would then grab a small nearby tool and
launch it with great accuracy at the thief, often
breaking a leg or other bones in their body, allowing
them to be caught and turned over to the guards.
While not the strongest weapon, its light weight
allows a person to wield two at once for an extra dose
of pain.
The handaxe is another more primitive tool. Its two
faces, often made of stone that has been ground to a
fine sharpened wedge shaped edge. They are great
and versatile weapons as they can be effective as
butchering tools to sustain life in the wild, or weapons
to defend life in melee. Due to the weighted design,
they can be thrown short range distances with mild
Crippling Throw. When you hit a creature with a
ranged weapon attack. On a hit, you can forgo the
normal weapon damage, if you do, you deal damage
equal to your strength modifier and the target must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or their
movement is reduced by half until the end of its next
Brutal Strikes. When you miss with one of your
attacks for the first time in a turn, you gain advantage
on an attack roll made with a different weapon in your
other hand.
changes to the head design. Often taking on the design
of a ram or dragon. For this reason, clerics use the
mace often with the head altered to match their deity
in some way.
Crushing Blow. You can use your action to make a
crushing blow attack against your target. Make a
melee weapon attack, on a hit the target must succeed
on a Constitution saving throw. On a failure, it is
stunned until the start of its next turn.
The quarterstaff was a weapon that evolved from
combat practice that was done with large straight tree
branches or other such pole-like staves. Since it can
be obtained from almost anywhere and is cheap to
produce, it became a common item among peasants.
Not only for protection on the dangerous roads, but it
was a great tool for marching through difficult
terrain, or leaping over small creeks to keep their
clothes dry. Oftentimes a wizard will choose a
quarterstaff and embed their arcane focus into its
head, ensuring that the focus is always within their
The mace is a popular weapon of simple militiamen,
but is also used by some cavalry. It's a fearsome
looking weapon, the most common design
incorporates a long handle usually made from metal
or wood with some type of metal ball at the end. Due
to its unique nature however, there were many
different designs which usually involved small
Vault. You can use your quarterstaff to help you leap
higher and farther. When you move at least 10 feet in
a straight line, you can use your action to double the
length and height of your jump. You can leap a
number of feet up to twice your Strength score (as part
of your movement). If you land within 5 feet of a
creature at the end of the jump, you can make a single
attack with your quarterstaff as part of this action.
any one man could deal with. While they prefer the
aid of an Adventurer, there wasn’t always one around.
The farmers techniques have since been adapted and
improved upon by the military. It still today continues
to be a powerful weapon.
Trip Attack. You can use an action to make a melee
weapon attack. On a hit, if the target is Large or
smaller, it must make a Strength saving throw. On a
failed save, you knock the target prone.
The sickle is a single-handed agricultural tool used by
many farmers. Their unique conclave hooked blade
design was made for harvesting the grain crops or
dense foliage to be used for livestock feed. These tools
are weapons of choice for farmers as it is far more
deadly than a traditional quarterstaff. Its hook design
grants its offensive and defensive capabilities.
Allowing a skillful wielder to defend and attack
Cutting Parry. When a creature attacks you with a
weapon, you may use your reaction to catch their
weapon in the hook of your sickle parrying their
attack while the hook sinks into them. Make an attack
roll with your sickle. If the result of this roll equals or
exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses, and you
roll your normal weapon damage.
The spear started as a simple hunting weapon. The
peasants learned quickly that attaching a small
dagger, or sharpened arrowhead stone to its end
increased the rate of successful hunting. When
farmers would come under attack by monsters or
bandits, they would gather together into a basic form
that would become known as a phalanx. This allowed
them to protect themselves from larger threats than
Unarmed Strike (Optional)
The unarmed strike is by far the most common form of
weapon. Anyone can throw a punch. But this doesn’t
mean they are a master of unarmed strikes. Some
believe that the origin of martial arts and unarmed
combat started in the east. During a time of high
slavery. The slaves themselves were not allowed to
use or own weapons. So in order to defend themselves
from those who wielded swords and other blades, they
spent the little spare time they had learning
techniques to avoid the weapon all together. They say
the first slaves to develop these unarmed techniques
moved to the solitude of a mountain where they built a
monastery. This tradition has since continued, even
though some of the techniques have been altered and
improved upon.
Blade Catch. When a creature attacks you with a
melee weapon, you may use your reaction to attempt
to catch or parry their attack with your bare hands.
Make an attack roll with your unarmed strike. If the
result equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack
Crossbow, light
The crossbow was one of the first designed bows with
a mechanized loading system that would draw back a
string on its cross shaped frame, hence the name
crossbow. A small catch locks the string in place, and
is released with a trigger. The light crossbow was one
of the first designs, made of light wood, small,
comfortable, and easy to handle. Crossbowmen could
hold them comfortably and reset them quickly, without
Cinch Shot. Some enemies are so large, you find that
keeping them in your sights becomes a cinch. When
attacking a creature that is Large or larger, roll a 1d4
and add its results to your attack roll.
The dart is a very unique weapon. It’s the only one to The bow and arrow is one of the pinnacles of military
start off as a pastime of soldiers on duty. Guard duty advancement. While not as potent as magic, anyone
can get dull, which is good, as it means everyone is
can be trained for its use. The longbow coming first
safe. But sometimes the soldiers needed something to had many shortcomings. The most obvious was its
do. So when they were on duty they would set up an
size. Due to this, they were limited. The shortbow was
empty ale cask and throw spear heads at them. They
designed to help mitigate this issue. Specifically for
even started using fire to sear the outside into a single archers on horseback. Unlike the single piece
target. The interesting thing is, the officials
longbow, the shortbow is made up of the three
encouraged the soldiers to partake as it was an
separate pieces, a center handle piece and the two
effective way to practice their aim and throwing skills. wings. While not as powerful, and has a shorter
While not the most effective weapon in their arsenal, range, its use required less skill and could be used in
darts are easy to conceal and can be effective with
smaller spaces and on horseback.
Stab and Shoot. When you take the attack action to
Point Blank. Making a ranged weapon attack against make a ranged weapon attack, you can use your bonus
a target within 5 feet of you doesn’t impose
action to make a melee attack with an arrow. The
disadvantage on the attack.
attack deals 1d4 + your strength or dexterity modifier
piercing damage.
Barrage. The small nature of these weapons make it
easy to throw multiples at once. Immediately after you Aimed Shot. As a bonus action, you make a DC 15
take the Attack action on your turn to make a ranged Wisdom (Insight) check to take a moment extra to
weapon attack, you can make two additional ranged
lead your opponent to ensure a precise hit. The next
weapon attacks as a bonus action.
time you ready an action against a creature, you score
a critical hit on a roll of 19 or 20.
creature that enters for the first time, or starts its turn
The sling was one of the first projectile weapons ever within 5 feet of you takes 1d6 + strength modifier
made. Simple to make from sinew, plant fibers, animal piercing damage. This effect ends early if you are hit
hide and horse hair. Though now they are made with by a weapon attack.
rope and leather. Unlike bows, the payload of a sling
could be anything that fit into the sling. While arrows Glaive
have to be crafted, and can easily break, a few rocks The glaive is a unique form of pole-weapon. Unlike a
from a riverbed were always easy to find, and rarely ever halberd or pike, it has a single edged blade on each
broke. Due to the stones random shapes, it often affects a
side of its haft. This makes it a difficult weapon to
slingers aim. Now, many slingers polish and grind the
master. However, once mastered, it can create a near
stones to make a more uniform shape. This helps with
impenetrable defense with deadly power. Due to its
accuracy immensely.
unique shape, it’s often wielded in a dance form,
known as a kata. This keeps the glaive moving around
Giant Slayer. When you take the attack action, as a
its user during combat. Because of this, some enemies
bonus action you may make a DC 15 Wisdom
have a difficult time finding an opening.
(Perception) check. On a success, you add your
Wisdom modifier to your weapons next damage roll.
Defensive Kata. Opportunity attacks against you are
made with disadvantage.
The battleaxe is a versatile weapon and a personal
favorite among barbarian clans. Its wedge shaped
head makes for great chopping and swinging motions.
While some of the heads are made out of stone, most
are made from metal. The barbarian prefers it as it's
small enough to be wielding in one hand, but large
enough that if they need to add a little extra savage to
their swing, they can grip it with both hands for a
harder swing when charging into a battle recklessly.
Reckless Charge. When you use your action to Dash,
you can use a bonus action to make one melee weapon
If you move at least 10 feet in a straight line
immediately before taking this bonus action, you can
gain a +5 bonus to the attack’s damage roll. The next
attack made against you has advantage.
The flail is a terrifying weapon. Oftentimes a small
Many barbarians of the mountainous goliaths found
wooden or metal club or mace head hinged by rope or that the smaller battleaxe just wasn’t enough for their
chain to a small wooden handled staff. The flail's
size. Standing over 7 feet tall, and built of almost pure
unique design requires the wielder to keep it
muscle, they created their own form of the battleaxe.
constantly moving, to maintain control. At high speeds This axe is twice the size, with a blade so large it
it was easy to control and use, but once it slowed
travels a third of the way down the haft. These became
down it became unwieldy. With a high velocity, it is
known as greataxes. Their shear size was intimidating
difficult to defend against.
enough,but utilizing their weight and a spinning
motion, these weapons are like a whirlwind of
Spinning Spikes. As an action, until the start of your destruction.
next turn, you spin your flail overhead violently. Any
Whirlwind Strike. You can use your action to make a Lance
melee attack against a creature, you can choose any
The lance is a long spear-like pole weapon that
number of additional creatures within 5 feet of you,
ranges from 9-14 feet. This weapon was designed to
using the same attack roll against every creature. If the be utilized from a mounted position, generally from
original attack roll can hit it, the creatures take
horseback. The lance allows the wielder to take
damage equal to your strength modifier.
advantage of the preverbal “high ground” and keep a
safe distance away from their foe. Not only for the
wielder’s sake, but also that of their mount. Much like
The history of the greatsword is one of interest. A
a pike, the weapon is very long and difficult to
group of adventurers were battling a giant attacking a maneuver, so when not in full charge it is carried in
village wielding a massive blade. After the creature's an upright position. Typically a very heavy weapon
death and the party looted its corpse, the group's
requiring two hands, while mounted they can use a
leader and full plate warrior decided to give the
single hand and lean into the charge. Before the
massive unwieldy weapon a try. He found it was very creation of the pike, a group of lancers could trample
difficult, but not impossible to wield. After much
entire infantry with ease.
practice, he found that taking out groups of goblins
has never been easier. This quickly caught on and
Jousting Charge. After moving more than 20 feet
blacksmiths started getting requests for weapons the while mounted, you can take a bonus action to try to
size of men, a sword, greater than that of even a
knock the creature prone. The creature must make a
longsword. Thus the greatsword was born.
Strength saving throw. On a failed save, the creature
is knocked prone and your mount can immediately
Sweeping Slash. When a melee attack reduces an
make one melee natural weapon attack. On a
undamaged creature to 0 hit points, any excess
successful save, the creature isn't knocked prone.
damage from that attack might carry over to another
creature nearby. You choose another creature within
reach and, if the original attack roll can hit it, applies
any remaining damage to it. If that creature was
undamaged and is likewise reduced to 0 hit points,
repeat this process, carrying over the remaining
damage until there are no valid targets, or until the
damage carried over fails to reduce an undamaged creature
to 0 hit points.
The halberd is a special kind of pole-weapon. In
addition to its long length, it had three unique features
at its end. On one side, a large axe, at it’s tip, a large
spear head, and on the backside of the axe was a hook
that was used to dislodge mounted riders during
combat. This made foot soldiers who otherwise would
be trampled by horsemen a solid defensive line.
Dismounting Hook. When you hit a mounted creature
with an attack, that creature must succeed on a
Strength saving throw or be dismounted.
Shifting Strike. If you hit a creature with an
opportunity attack, you can disengage and move up to
half your movement as part of the reaction.
The longsword is one that has become a standard
among many knights and combat veterans. The Hand
and a Half blades have a tapered, narrowly pointed
blade. The longsword became a favorite choice
among knights not only for its use with both one or
two hands, but also its cutting and thrusting abilities.
The sturdy hilt and pommel is often ornate and
reinforced, making for a great blunt force weapon
when needed.
Pommel Pummel. When a creature within 5 feet of
you casts a spell, you can use your reaction to make a
melee weapon attack against the creature with the
pommel of your weapon. The damage for this attack
equals your strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
On a critical hit you can forgo the normal weapon
damage, if you do, the creature must succeed on a
Constitution saving throw or have its spell countered.
Due to their heavy weight, few prefer this sort of
weapon, but it can pack a punch that will knock a
demon back to the Nine Hells.
Stunning Blow. You can use your action to make a
special melee weapon attack. On a hit, you can forgo
the normal weapon damage, if you do, the creature
takes damage equal to your strength modifier and
must succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be
stunned until the start of your next turn. Once you use
this feature, a number of times equal to your strength
modifier (minimum of 1). You can’t use this feature
again until you finish a short or long rest.
The morning star was a weapon developed by the
brutish orcs. Their military leaders decided that the
cudgels and clubs just weren’t enough when dealing
with tiny humans in metal armor. They decided to
instead put large clumps of sharp metal on the ends to
The maul is an interesting weapon as it started off as help penetrate the armor of the soldiers. That is until
a tool to break apart stone blocks and by blacksmith they discovered the greataxe, they have never looked
back. Despite its terrible history, the morningstar
in the forging of heavy weapons. Many kingdoms
grant these long-handled heavy hammers to prisoners remains to be a powerful weapon of a select few
and some slaves to help with rock breaking and
demolishing of old, or destroyed buildings and keeps.
Shield Stagger. When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack, if the target is wielding a shield, it
must succeed on a Strength saving throw, or lose the
AC bonus granted by the shield until the end of its
next turn.
short or long rest.
The rapier is an interesting weapon. Its blade is long
and unusually thin compared to other blades. This
makes it a prime weapon for thrusting maneuvers.
They have very intricate hilts and hand guards. The
rapier is found less in the hands of the military or
militiaman and more in that of a nobleman. The
nobles often challenge each other to duels and
competition of skill and dexterity with these blades.
This weapon works best in the hands of a wielder who
believes a single precise strike to a vital area is all it
should take to dispatch their foe.
Precision Thrust. As a bonus action, you may make a
Wisdom (Perception) check contested by the target’s
insight. If you win the contest you spot a weak point
of an opponent’s defenses and can use your action to
make a single melee weapon attack against it. This
hits with pinpoint accuracy, treating the target’s AC as
10 + Dexterity modifier.
Riposte. When a creature misses you with a melee
attack, you can use your reaction to make a melee
weapon attack against the creature.
The pike is similarly designed as a spear, the only
difference is the significant increase in length. Pikes
are anywhere from 16 to 20 feet long and usually
made of a hardened wood, with a spear tip on its end.
This massive two handed weapon is designed for
powerful piercing thrusting attacks, allowing a
pikeman to spear multiple foes in a single thrust. Due
to their length, during travel they need to be carried
in a vertical formation, moving its center of gravity so
as to not exhaust the warrior carrying it. While these
weapons work best when in a tight fighting formation
of men, they can be wielded by a powerful individual
to deal out deadly thrusts.
Piercing Thrust. You can use your action to perform
a powerful penetrating thrust attack. Each creature in
a 5 by 10 ft. line must make a dexterity saving throw.
A creature takes 2d6 + your strength modifier piercing
damage on a failed save, and half as much damage on
a successful one. You can use this feature a number of
times equal to your Strength modifier (minimum of
1). You can’t use this feature again until you finish a
The scimitar is a weapon known to many who sail the
high seas. A weapon particularly loved by pirates and
seamen due to its more compact size. Due to shipboard combat often ending up in close quarters these
smaller blades made perfect weapons. Their natural
curve to their blade make them excellent weapons for
parrying an enemies blow, leaving them open to a
On Guard. When you take the dodge action, if an
enemy misses you with a melee attack, you can use
your reaction to make one weapon attack.
The trident is a variant on the spear. Instead of a
single point, it has three fork-like prongs. It was
designed by a fisherman who had lost one of his eyes,
with poor depth perception, he had a very difficult
time with spear hunting and fishing. Since his aim was
always off by just a little bit, he took additional spear
tips and attached them to the end of a spear. This
allowed him to compensate for his weakness. It wasn’t
until a gang of bandits tried to rob him that he
realized the potential of them in combat. The forks
would allow a user to “catch” an oncoming weapon.
He set out to sell his new creation.
Redirecting Parry. When a creature hits you with a
melee weapon attack, you may use your reaction to
The shortsword is a common weapon among basic
soldiers and infantry. Its small size, light weight and attempt to parry and redirect their blow. Make an
versatility make it a great addition to any adventurers attack roll with your trident. If the result of this roll
equals or exceeds their attack roll, their attack misses.
gear set. Most carry them as a sort of back up
You may choose a new target for the attack within
weapon, such as an archer, or cavalryman, but the
weapon’s greatest strength lies within its ability to be reach. If the attack roll would hit their armor class,
they take the weapons damage.
easily handled in a single hand. Making a perfect
weapon for those soldiers and adventurers who wish
War Pick
to dabble in the difficult, but powerful two-weapon
fighting style.
The war pick started off as tool used by miners to cut
precious gems from rocks. Due to the precious nature
Puncture. When you hit a creature with a melee
of the cargo that the miners carried, they often found
weapon attack. On a hit, you can forgo the normal
themselves under attack by monsters and get rich
weapon damage, if you do, the creature takes damage quick bandits. They were forced to defend themselves
equal to your Strength or Dexterity modifier (your
with the only real weapons they had, their mining
choice) and you give the creature a bleeding wound.
picks. It wasn’t long before the adventurers and
At the start of each of its turns, the creature must
soldiers realized the armor piercing power of a tool
succeed on a Constitution saving throw, or take 6
designed to cut into rock.
(2d6) slashing damage. Any creature can end the
effect by using their action to make a successful
Armor Piercer. When you miss with a melee weapon
Wisdom (Medicine) check. Any amount of healing
attack, if the creature is wearing heavy armor, roll a
also ends the effect. Undead and Constructs are
d4 and add that value to your attack roll.
immune to this effect.
As tools small hammers were used to drive nails into Blowgun
wood and large hammers to drive stakes into the
First used by indigenous tribes as a method of hunting
ground. Some hammers are used to open the shells of small game, the blow gun was developed in low lands
delectable creatures to reach the meats inside. In
around lakes, rivers, and streams where naturally
warfare hammers are used to drive creatures and men hollow reeds were readily available. The first
into the ground or crush open shells of armored men. projectiles used were small stones or pebbles. As the
A fist was met with a club, a club with a blade,
desire for use on bigger game grew, the advent of dart
and a blade with armor. When you can't draw blood
-like projectiles occurred. Eventually the use of
from a suit, how do you reach the man inside? A
paralyzing poisons on the tips of these darts became a
strong blow from a heavy hammer bends and folds
standard method for bringing down larger animals.
armor when it's hollow, why not shape it more when
Adaptation to use in stealthy methods of combat came
it's worn to bend and fold the man within?
soon after the development of the use of darts and
poison. Advances in woodworking and metal-smithing
Disorienting Blow. When you hit a creature with a
eventually led to more durable and precise tubing and
melee weapon attack. On a hit, you can forgo the
increased accuracy.
normal weapon damage, if you do, the creature takes
damage equal to your strength modifier and the
Sleep Dart. You can use an action to make a ranged
creature must succeed on a Wisdom saving throw or weapon attack, on a hit roll 4d8; if the creature’s total
they begin babbling and are incapable of normal
hit points is less than the total rolled, it falls into an
speech or spellcasting until the end of their next turn. unconscious sleep for 1 minute, until the sleeper takes
damage, or someone uses an action to shake or slap
the sleeper awake.
Once you use this feature, you can’t use it again until
The whip started as a tool to train wild animals to
follow a simple command, the crack of the whip. The you finish a short or long rest.
crack would quickly become correlated to the follow
up sting on the beast's backside. It wasn’t long before Poison Dart. You can use an action to make a ranged
the tools of training became weapons of war. Starting weapon attack, the creature must succeed on a
off as a way of punishing criminals, much like that of Constitution saving throw or be poisoned for 1
a beast. When someone breaks the law, they are beat minute. The creature can repeat the saving throw at
the end of each of its turns, ending the effect on itself
with lashings from the violent whips. This often left
the target with a permanent reminder on their backs on a success.
of their wrong doing.
Snaring Lash. When you hit a creature with a melee
weapon attack, as part of the action, you may snap
your whip around a creature that is Large or smaller.
The target must make a Strength saving throw, on a
failure the target is restrained. A creature can use its
action to make a Strength check, freeing itself or
another creature within its reach on a success. You
cannot make attacks with this weapon while a creature
is restrained.
Crossbow, Heavy
After the massive success of the light crossbow, the
many kingdoms began research and development with
stronger materials in order to enhance the range and
stopping power of the crossbow. They found that
stronger material like metal was too heavy to carry
around, while wood often broke under the strength
they wanted. The militaristic kingdoms finally settled
on using beast horns for the core and stock of the
crossbows, these heavy crossbows were able to
increase the range and power of the weapons by over
20%. While they were too heavy for regular use and
traveling, they made for fantastic weapons for guard
towers and ramparts.
Concussive Shot. When you hit a creature with a
ranged weapon attack. On a hit, you can forgo the
normal weapon damage, if you do, you deal damage
equal to your dexterity modifier and the creature must
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or be stunned
until the end of their next turn or it takes damage.
You can’t use this feature again until you finish a
short or long rest.
Broad Side of a Barn. Some enemies are so large,
you find their weak spots much easier to hit,
increasing your weapon damage. When attacking a
creature that is Huge or larger, roll a 1d4 and add its
results to your damage roll.
Crossbow, Hand
A small hand held design of the light crossbow. This
allowed the user to keep them well hidden under
cloaks from potential targets or those who would
attempt to harm the wielder. While not as powerful
and with a much shorter range than the light
crossbow, the ability to catch someone by surprise in
point blank range, made them just as deadly, if not
more so.
Point Blank. Making a ranged weapon attack against
a target within 5 feet of you doesn’t impose
disadvantage on the attack roll.
Reflex Shot. You can make a ranged weapon attack as
an opportunity attack.
The longbow is usually made of yew wood and has a
rounded central section similar to a D shape.
Designed originally as a hunting tool, it didn’t take
long for kingdom military commanders to realize how
effective they could be in battle with a tightly packed
trained army. While the longbow does face
competition from the crossbow, which requires less
skill and expertise to utilize, it does have some
significant advantages. Not only does it have 30%
more range, but it can also be loaded and fired at a
much higher rate. Making it a devilish weapon in the
hands of a skillful ranger.
Hawk-Eye. When you take the Attack action on your
turn, you can forgo one of your attacks and use a
bonus action to direct one of your companions to
strike. When you do so, choose a friendly creature
who can see or hear you. That creature can
immediately use its reaction to make one weapon
attack or take the disengage action and move up to
half their movement speed.
Shield Slam. If an enemy misses you with an attack,
you can use your reaction to make an improvised
weapon attack with the shield dealing 1d4 + your
Strength modifier bludgeoning damage.
The shield is one of the most ancient pieces of armor.
Created to protect the user from being impaled by
monster and beast horns. A hunter would use a small
thin cut section of tree with a vine attached as a
handle while wielding a simple spear in their other
hand. While they broke easy enough, they were simple
to replace, and often prevented serious damage to the
user. Since its creation it has taken on many forms,
and been made of various components and has saved
countless lives. Someone who is proficient can often
use them as improvised clubs.
This content is brought to you by the Dungeons and
Dragons discussion podcast Crit Academy. A podcast
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next D&D adventure!
True Eye Shot. Your honed skills with the bow
become so remarkable, there are some moments
where you find yourself unable to miss. As a bonus
action you call upon all your experience, your next
ranged weapon attack hits a creature of your choice
within range. Once you use this feature, you can’t use We want to give a special shout out to our awesome
it again until you finish a long rest.
patrons who help make all our content creations
possible. Thank you.
What once started off as a simple fisherman’s tool;
nets can be used in a variety of situations. Trappers
may conceal a net under foliage, waiting for game to
trip a trigger. Pit fighters and gladiators use nets to
entrap beast or man. Even spiders weave nets of their
own to catch prey. A simple tool for simple prey or the
simply unlucky.
Safety Net. While you are wielding a net, other
creatures provoke an opportunity attack from you
when they enter your reach. This attack must be made
with the net.
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