FIELDS OF COMMUNICATION LEARNING TARGETS At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to : 01 Identify specific work areas in which communicators and journalists work. field of communication -communication competence and a degree in communication are important tools in embarking on a succesful career in communication . It includes, but is not limited to the fields of advertising, public relations, cororate communication, journalism, broadcasting film, digital communications and multimedia, and reseach. WHAT IS ADVERTISING? Careers: Copy writers Account executives Graphic artists Brand managers Advertising sales-representatives -Is a paid communication about goods, services, ideas and institutions through the mass media designed to inform and/or influence one or more people in accordance with the intent of the advertiser. PUBLIC RELATIONS -It is concerned with generating and maintaining a positive image of an individual, organization, or company by building and nurturing relationships with the public. Careers: Press release writers Event coordinators Press secretaries Campaign managers Media trainers COPORATE COMMUNICATION internal corporate external corporate use for making announcement and for sharing information and views within an organization. involves creating a brand or building a reputation for a corporate entity. WHAT IS JOURNALISM? -Journalism generally gathers, assesses, creates, and presents any information in news structure to the public which fundamentally aims to inform, educate, and entertain the audiences on the updated issues and events. BROADCAST JOURNALISM PRINT JOURNALISM Field in communication that utilizes the technology of radio and television to transmit messages and programs using the airspace. These are newspapers or publications published periodically and carrying mainly news stories but also opinions and advertisements. FILM INDUSTRY Is the communication field involved with the creation and distribution of films Careers: Script writers directors Film editors cinematographers Visual effects specialists Film musical directors DIGITAL COMMUNICATION AND MULTIMEDIA transmitting message and receiving information through the use of digital technology such as online journalism, podcasts, streaming video and music or through social media. careers: Web designers animators Social media managers Online editors and writers Multi media developers/managers RESEARCH research is highly regarded not only in the academe but also in corporate and civic setting. Most companies nowadays have a research department. careers: surveys public opinions polls market and audience research case studies content analysis THANK YOU FOR LISTENING! AREAS OF SPECIALIZATON AND COMMUNICATIONS FEATURES OF BROADCAST JOURNALISM Writing Multi-Platform Reporting Broadcast journalists need to be able to write concise, engaging stories that can be read aloud on television or radio. Broadcast journalists often report on stories for both television and radio, meaning they need to be comfortable with using different mediums.