SHEET 2 Digital Electronics 1. Prove the following by using Boolean algebra rules: - xy + x’z + yz = xy + x’z - x’y’z + yz + xz = z - (x + y)[x’(y’ + z’)]’ + x’y’ + x’z’ = 1 - w’x + wxz + wx’yz’ + xy = x(w’ + z) + wyz’ 2. Using the rules of Boolean algebra, simplify the following Boolean expressions: - {[(xy)’x]’[(xy)’y]’}’ - {[x’yw’ + xwz]’ + [(xwz)’ + y’w’z’ + ywz’]’}’ - (x + y)’(x’+ y’)’ - y(wz’ + wz) + xy - xyz + x’y’z + x’yz + xyz’ + x’y’z’ 3. Reduce the following Boolean expressions by using the rules of Boolean algebra: - A’C’ + ABC + AC’ - (A’ + C)(A’ + C’)(A + B + C’D) - A’B(D’ + C’D) + B(A + A’CD) - ABCD + A’BD + ABC’D 4. Find the complements of the following Boolean expressions and reduce them to minimum number of literals: - (xy’ + w’z)(wx’ + yz’) - wx’ + y’z’ - x’z + w’xy’ + wyz + w’xy 5. Find the complements of the following expressions: - xy’ + x’y - (AB’ + C) D’ + E - (x’ + y + z)(x + y’)(x + z)