TOPIC: KNOWING AND UNDERSTANDING ONESELF Learning Target: I can… understand oneself conduct selfexploration and simple disclosure. Essential Question: What does it take to know yourself better? KNOWING ONESELF Adolescence – is considered a challenging phase in one’s life as it bridges childhood and adulthood. Erik Erikson – psychologist “Identity-role confusion crisis” KNOWING ONESELF It takes a lifetime of reflection and analysis to know oneself. The human person is such an intricate, complex, and dynamic being that needs better understanding. Essential Question: What does it really take to know and understand people? HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF Understanding Personality 2. Appreciating Values 3. Knowing the Body and Physical Attributes 4. Recognizing Dreams & Aspirations 5. Identifying Likes & Dislikes 6. Embracing the Past 7. Understanding Self-Perception & Others’ Perception 1. HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 1. Understanding Personality - Consistency in one’s pattern of thoughts, feelings, and behavior determines the personality. HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 2. Appreciating Values - Values pertain to moral codes, norms of conduct, and ethical principles. - Decisions are certainly affected by the person’s frame of thought, perception of things in the environment and the set of priorities in life. HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 3. Knowing the Body and Physical Attributes - The physical body is tangible proof of a person’s existence - Physical attributes may differ due to genetics, age, lifestyle, ailments or personal enhancements HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 4. Recognizing Dreams and Aspirations - Roadmap to future - A person’s goal and ambitions HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 5. Identifying Likes and Dislikes - Satisfaction and dissatisfaction - Pursue what is desired and avoid what is undesired - Define the personality and boost individual confidence HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 6. Embracing the Past - Instrumental in the formation of self-concept - Experiences teach lessons in life HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 7. Understanding Self-Perception and Others’ Perceptions - Based on objective reality - Unravel his/her own identity HOW TO GET TO KNOW ONESELF 7. Understanding Self-Perception and Others’ Perceptions Based on objective reality Unravel his/her own identity TAKE AWAY Lead better decision making Less inner conflict with yourself Guidance from parents/guardians Big Question: 19 How can understanding yourself pave the way to self-acceptance and better relationship with others? Soc. Sci 1 - Personal Development 3/1/2025 Written Activity Rating scale: 0 = very weak; 1 = weak; 2 = somewhat weak or somewhat strong; 3 = strong; 4 = very strong Written Activity Activity # 2 ___ 1. I have strong sex appeal. ___ 2. I am proud of my physical figure. ___ 3. I am physically attractive and beautiful/handsome. ___ 4. I project with charm and poise. ___ 5. I am easy to get along with. ___ 6. I can adjust to different people and different situations. ___ 7. I am approachable; other people are at ease and comfortable with me. ___ 8. I am lovable and easy to love. ___ 9. I am a fast learner, can understand with one instruction. ___ 10. I am intelligent. ___ 11. I have special talents and abilities. ___ 12. I can easily analyze situations and make the right judgments. ___ 13. I can be trusted in any transaction. ___ 14. I have a clean conscience and carry no guilty feelings. ___ 15. I have integrity and a good reputation. ___ 16. My friends and classmates can look up to me as a model worth emulating. ___ 17. I can express my ideas without difficulty. ___ 18. I talk in a persuasive manner so that I can easily get people to accept what I say. ___ 19. I can express my ideas in writing without difficulty. ___ 20. I am a good listener. ___ 21. I am emotionally stable and not easily rattled when faced with trouble. ___ 22. I am logical and rational in my outlook and decisions. ___ 23. I feel and act with confidence. ___ 24. I am a mature person. Week 2 - Activity # 2 Write your score opposite each number and get the subtotal. Physical appeal Human Relations Intelligence 1 __________ 2 __________ 3 __________ 4 __________ Subtotal: ____ 5 __________ 6 __________ 7 __________ 8 __________ Subtotal: ____ 9 __________ 10 __________ 11 __________ 12 __________ Subtotal: _____ Character Communications Maturity 13 __________ 14 __________ 15 __________ 16 __________ Subtotal: ____ 17 __________ 18 __________ 19 __________ 20 __________ Subtotal: ____ 21 __________ 22 __________ 23 __________ 24 __________ Subtotal: _____ 27 Process Questions: How do you perceive yourself? 1. In what areas do you consider yourself strong (with a score 14-16), somewhat weak (score of 10-13), and very weak (below 10). 2. Are there qualities you consider as your weakness but other people consider as your strength? What are these? Personality - is the unique and enduring set of behaviors, feelings, Summary thoughts, motives, and attitudes that characterize a person JOURNAL CONTENTS # 1 • Page 2 # 1&2 (Envision) - 5 sentences each Summary • Activity: Who Am I? & Process questions (5 sentences each for Process Questions)(Page 3) • Transfer and beautify your output for the self-inventory survey CRITERIA Summary Creativity - 10 Content - 30 Cleanliness - 10 Source: %CE%AF%CE%B1-self-knowledge/ 33 Soc. Sci 1 - Personal Development 3/1/2025