Workout Guide 28-Day SUPERHERO Training Program Get YOUR Body into SUPERHERO Shape With RBT ------------------------------------ Dave Schmitz PT Resistance Band Training Expert Introduction Watch Video Introduction Welcome to my SUPERHERO 28-Day Training Program designed to build a body that not only looks better but also feels and performs like a SUPERHERO. Please understand this… In 28 days, you will not transform into Batman, Superman, Spiderman, or my favorite superhero, Flash. Rather, you will begin to challenge your body with bands and bodyweight in ways that most people are not willing to attempt or consider. Are You Ready for this? Only you can answer that. Flash was not built in a day, but he was blessed with some amazing genetics that gave him a definite advantage over the average human being. However, everyone has to start somewhere, and like with most of my band training programs, there will be exercise progressions and regressions that will allow you to train safely while adding in the next challenge that all SUPERHEROES are anxious to take on. Do I Need Any Special Equipment? Unlike most training programs at the gym, that require tons of bulky equipment, The Superhero 28 Day Program will require minimal resistance and can be performed anywhere. Here is what you will need: 1. 3 Pairs of SUPERHERO Training Cables (aka RBT Quantum Bands) – For most male or female Superheroes, red, black, and purple bands will provide you all the training resistance needed 2. Your Body – This will function as your free weight resistance 3. A place to attach your bands – Band Utility Strap or The B.A.R. is available if needed 4. Your willingness and 28-day commitment “to do what it takes” to reach superhero status How do I Get Started? I am here to help you along every step of the way. First, make sure you watch the introductory video (above) that I have created for you to make sure you are ready, willing, and able to begin the 28-Day SUPERHERO Training Challenge. Here are a few Special Recommendations to be aware of as you train towards superhero status: 1. To avoid damaging or possibly tearing your bands, do not repeatedly stretch a single band greater than 1.5–2.0 yards. If you wish to be able to train larger amplitude movements, we recommend linking additional bands together using a link strap. 2. Make sure you attach bands to a round edge-free and corner-free surface. We recommend some type of metal pipe attached securely to the wall or a round pole. The B.A.R. is our recommendation. The B.A.R will protect your bands and keep them from tethering due to uneven pressure created when training. 3. To modify strength levels, attaching a band to another band will create greater variability in resistance and a smaller starting resistance. 4. Unlinking bands after workouts will eliminate bands being place under a twisted tension for an extended period of time, which can decrease the training life of a band. We recommend unlinking bands after every workout. 5. We recommend storing bands in a hanging position when possible. This will increase the lifespan of the band and allow for frequent inspections of bands prior to training. 6. Transport bands in large Rubbermaid-type bins or tote bags. If bands become wet due to perspiration or being outside, make sure they are allowed to thoroughly dry in hanging position. Bands stored in a wet condition will lead to the bands discoloring and latex weakening. 7. Do not mix different size bands when linking bands together. Hooking a smaller band onto a larger band places too much tension on the smaller band during training and can lead to the smaller band being frequently overstretched. 8. Always mark running distances with tape, cones, or some type of visual marker. This prevents overstretching of bands during running drills, which can damage the bands. 9. Orange bands are thinner bands intended to be used for core stabilization and instruction. Once clients understand how to train in bands, progress to the next level of band to avoid orange bands being overstretched and torn due to aggressive training. 10. When performing attachment-free exercises that require standing on the band and moving your base of support, make sure not to grind the band into the weight-bearing surface by dragging your feet. This will ultimately cause the band to be shredded and torn. 28-Day SUPERHERO Warm-Up Workouts Weekly Program Warm-Up A 12 to 15 minute Band Warm-Up is essential if you’re going to successfully complete the 28-Day SUPERHERO training program. I provide you a progressive band stretching and activation pre-workout routine I recommend you follow unless you have your own individual warm-up workout you have been following. Regardless what warm-up you follow, it must achieve these goals: 1. Lengthen all muscles of the ankle, hip, and shoulder, which are the key mobility regions of the body 2. Activate and create sub-maximal, short-duration work to the glutes, shoulder blade stabilizers, and abs 3. Spend at least one third of your warm-up time moving on your feet – Superheroes rarely lie down. 4. Move your body in all planes of motion, which means you have moved sideways, backwards/forwards, and rotationally during the warm-up 5. Increase your heart rate and respiration to 80% max effort for at least 60 seconds at the end of you warm-up time 6. Make your body sweats 8 to 12 Minute Band Flow Warm-up Watch Video Workout A—Upper Body This first workout is designed to get your upper body shredded, strong and joint stable so you can withstand anything or anyone that challenges you. Using multiple bases of support and body postures we will challenge your upper body while making sure your core is always engaged. 20 10 sec sec Work Time Rest Time Round 2 12 # of Exercises/ Round Total Sets/ Round 60 sec Rest Between Rounds Exercise Sequence 1a Side Pillar Chest Press Right 1 1b Side Pillar Chest Press Left 2a Band Get-Up Rows Right 2 2b Band Get-Up Rows Left 3a Attachment-Free Rambo Press Right 3 3b Attachment-Free Rambo Press Left 4a Halo 4 4b Speed Chest Press (Increase Rep Tempo) 5a Supine Curls 5 5b Step-Back Triceps Presses 5 Total Rounds Description 20 seconds of work followed by 10 seconds of rest seems to be the perfect way to accelerate intensity and increase strength endurance. The Upper Body SUPERHERO Workout follows a traditional Tabata approach of alternating between 2 exercises, but instead of performing 8 total sets, the individual performs 12 total sets. This increase in total sets allows workouts to: Train a specific muscle group using 2 different band exercises Be a total body regional workout sequence by hitting 1 region 2 different ways Allow for individuals to incorporate more unilateral band training exercises Be used to contrast band resistance with body weight resistance At-a-Glance Total time: 35 minutes Band setups needed: Attached and Attachment FREE Added equipment needed: Band Attachment Site Key teaching cues: None Watch Follow-along Workout A Workout B—SUPERHERO Cardio Quickness Training To truly reach Superhero status, speed is going to be important. Especially first step, multi-direction quickness needed to elude villains and handle unexpected awkward movements. Don’t worry; speed is relative to you skill set which means I will provide you multiple progressions to make sure you stay safe while improving you “Cat Like” agility and quickness while getting in a great cardio workout. 30 30 sec sec Work Time Round Rest Time 2 Exercises Sets/Rd 120 sec Rest Between Sets Exercise Performed 1A Overhead Lateral Core Hops 1B Power Skips 2A Broad Jumps 2B Attached Stationary Skaters 3A Lateral Bear Crawl Right 3B Lateral Bear Crawl Left 4A-4B 10 Dynamic Stabilizer Burpee (repeat 10 total sets) 4 Total Rounds Description 30-30 is an effective interval sequence when first introducing speed or quickness training due to the work - rest ratios being the same. The 30 seconds of rest will allow for smooth transitions and optimal recovery and avoiding over fatiguing, which can lead to loss of effort or movement quality. Individuals should alternate between two exercises for 10 total sets before recovering for 120 seconds and completing a second and third round using 2 different exercises. At-a-Glance Total Time: 43 minutes Band Setups needed: Attached Added Equipment Needed: Band Attachment Site Key Teaching Cues: Monitor running return speed and distance closely Watch Workout B Follow Along Video Workout C—SUPERHERO Lower Body Strength and Power I make sure you train the lower body after the quickness workout so you are able to optimize your quickness training. However, now we have to build a strong Superhero foundation by creating great glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves. 20 10 sec sec Work Time Round 1 Rest Time 2 12 # of Exercises/ Round Total Sets/ Round Exercise Sequence 1a Band Get-Ups Right 1b Band Get-Ups Left 2 2a Squat Jump Towards 2b Ground Zero Swings 3a Spiderman 3 3b Stationary High Knee Runs 4a Step-overs 4 5 4b Mountain Climber Jacks 5a Gorilla Runs 120 sec Rest Between Rounds 5 Total Rounds At-a-Glance Total Time: 38 minutes Band Setups needed: Attached and Attachment FREE Added Equipment Needed: Band Attachment Site Key Teach Cues: All plyometric or jumping exercise can be regressed to step lunge or step reach drills. Watch Workout C Follow Along Video Workout D—SUPERHERO Chaos Workout A superhero body must be able to handle chaos, which means having the metabolic strength endurance to deal with whatever life throws at you. This SUPERHERO Chaos workout will be your final workout of the week, and it promises to do exactly that: Bring Chaos. 45 15 sec sec Work Time Rest Time 12 12 # of Exercises/ Round Total Sets/ Round Set # Exercise Performed - Linked up setup 1 Assisted Plyo Pushups 2 Pillar Rows Right 3 Pillar Rows Left 4 Gorilla Runs 5 Dynamic Stabilizer Lateral Step-over 6 Dynamic Stabilizer Drop Squats 7 Attached Rambo Press Left 8 Attached Rambo Press Right 9 High Pull Jacks 10 Squat Jumps Away 11 Lateral Bear Crawl Right 12 Lateral Bear Crawl Left 120 sec Rest Between Rounds 3 Total Rounds Description The SUPERHERO Chaos workout can be an advanced band interval workout designed to challenge the best of the best. However, it can also be used to simply increase workout volume. This workout will require alternating through 12 different exercises doing each for 45 seconds with a 15-second rest between exercises. We recommend a 2-minute recovery between rounds. If used as an advanced training station, each round may incorporate a more advanced progression of the same exercise. When used to increase work volume, we suggest using a progression that has been well mastered. At-a-Glance Total Time: 42 minutes Band Setups needed: Attached and Attachment FREE Added Equipment Needed: Band Attachment Site Key Teach Cues: None Watch Workout D Follow Along Video 28-Day SUPERHERO Training Schedule Week Workout 1 Workout 2 Workout 3 Workout 4 Week 1 Workout A Workout B Workout C Workout D Week 2 Workout A Workout B Workout C Workout D Week 3 Workout A Workout B Workout C Workout D Week 4 Workout A Workout B Workout C Workout D Program and Workout Recommendations Map out your weekly workouts Monitor muscle soreness or joint soreness that is not expected, and reduce training load/intensity accordingly Stretch and perform the Band Warm-up provided or develop a warm-up specific to your needs Check with your physician before starting any training program if you have exercise concerns Listen to your body and realize it will require time and consistency of exercising to see the benefits Recover days are important—please take them You cannot make up for a lost workout/s, so just remember, any workout is better than no workout Bands can break if over-stretched, so make sure you review band training recommendations located in your RBT Customer Hub under the Resources tab The SUPERHERO training program will use some very challenging band or body- weight exercises, so please modify as needed Go Time!!