Glory and Praise to Our God Refrain 3 4 Glo - ry and praise to our light to our days. bless-ings he God, Man - y are the to those who trust in his ways. Verses 1-3 1. We, 2. In 3. Ev - the daugh - ters his wis - dom ’ry mom - ent val - leys and test - ed in wait- ing to 4. God has wa - tered mer - ci - ful who built like gold our God the that’s is has pre the that to who sings. save. pray. our bar - ren land and spent his Now the riv - ers of life rain. D.C. Praise the won- ders our God Though the pow - er of sin to seek Al - ways read - y done in ev - ’ry heart vails, our God is there to an - swer those lost, Verse 4 and sons of him he strength - ens us, of ev - ’ry day plains, fire. save, who a - lone gives bears full for an - y - one to drink. Text: Psalm 65, 66; Dan Schutte, b.1947 Tune: Dan Schutte, b.1947; acc. by Sr. Theophane Hytrek, OSF, 1915-1992, alt. © 1976, Daniel L. Schutte and New Dawn Music. Published by OCP Publications. run D.C.