BASIC MATHEMATICS 1.1 FUNCTIONS BASICS Washington, pp. 81 – 88; 94 1. What is a function? A function is a rule linking one set of numbers (the domain) to another set of numbers (the range). o A function can link a number from the domain to only one value in the range of the function. Types of functions o Many-to-one (Many -> one) o One-to-one (One -> one) More than one value from the domain linked to Every value from the domain linked to only the same value in the range one value in the range 2 Example: y = x Example: y = x 3 -2 1 -1 4 -2 -8 -1 -1 1 1 2 8 1 2 There is no such thing as ... o many-to many functions o one-to-many functions Graphical tests o Is a relationship a function? Do the vertical line test: Draw a vertical line through the curve. If it intercepts the curve once everywhere, the relationship is a function Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 1 o 2. Domain, co-domain, range, dependent and independent variable o Get the definitions! Composite functions Definition: The composition of two functions f and g is a combination of f and g such that ( f g ) ( x) = f ( g ( x) ) . o 3. What type of function is it? Do the horizontal line test: Draw a horizontal line through the curve. If it intercepts the curve once everywhere, the function is one-to-one function In general, f ( g ( x) ) ≠ g ( f ( x) ) Inverse functions Definition: Let f and g be two functions. If f ( g ( x) ) = x AND g ( f ( x) ) = x , then g is the inverse of f, and f is the inverse of g Steps 5 y o Let y = f (x ) 4 o Swap x and y 3 o Solve for y o Check for limitations 2 Function o Write down f −1 (x ) 1 NB! Only one one functions have inverse functions! NB! Always check the domain of the inverse function -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 x NB! A function and its inverse is symmetrical about the line y = x -1 −1 f −1 ( x) f= NB! f = [ f ( x)] x Inverse -2 -3 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 2 1 f ( x) NB! Not all functions have inverse functions o Only one-to-one functions have unique inverse functions o Use the horizontal line test! NB! Invertible function: A function that can be inverted 4. Sketches of inverse functions Swap the x and y values of the given function's critical points to get the critical points of the inverse function The graphs of a function and its inverse are reflections about the line y = x , that is, they are symmetrical about the line y = x 5. Applications • Inverse trig functions • Inverse of exponential functions, that is, log functions • Inverse hyperbolic functions SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISE 1.1 1. Apply the line tests to each of the following graphs determine whether the curve represents a function. If it is a function classify it as either one-to-one or many-to-one. Motivate your classification. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 NB! f −1 ( x) ≠ y y y y x x x x 2. Given: f = ( x) 2 x − 4 and 2.1 g ( x= ) +2. Determine f g and g f . x2 2 3. 2.2 Is g the inverse of f ? Why? −1 Determine f , the inverse of the function f , in each of the following cases. Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 3 3.1 4. 5. 5.1 6. 7. 8. 8.1 3 t 3.3 3.4 f ( y= ) 3y − 7 ,t ≠ 4 f (s) = 2− 2 ,s ≠ 0 t −4 s Use the function f, represented by f ( x= ) 3 x − 2 , to explain the following statement: "A function and its inverse is symmetrical about the line y = x ." Determine the inverse of each of the following functions. x +1 5.2 5.3= g ( x) = x5 u ( x= ) 3 − 2x y , x ≠ − 12 2x +1 Is the following function invertible? Motivate your answer. f ( x) =x 3 + 4 x 2 + 3 x 1 Given that f ( x) =2 + x − 1 and g ( x) = . Determine the domain and range of f ( x) and g ( x) . x−2 x +1 , x ≠ 1 , and h( x) = x , x ≥ 0 . Determine the following. Given that g ( x) = x −1 8.2 g (π ) g (2t + 1) f ( x= ) 3 2− x 3.2 = f (t ) ( h ( x − 1) 2 ) 8.3 h( x + 2) 9. 11. In the following expression, express y explicitly as a function of x. 1− y x= . 1+ y Determine the inverses of the functions defined below. 10.2 u ( x= g ( x) = x5 ) 3 − 2x x +1 10.4 f ( x= ) 3 − e2 x y= 2x +1 Given: f ( x) = x 2 , g ( x) = sin x and h( x) = cos x . 11.1 Determine the exact numerical values of: f ( g (0.3) ) + f ( h(0.3) ) . 11.2 Show that f ( h( x) ) − f ( g ( x) ) = h(2 x) . 10. 10.1 10.3 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics 8.4 © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 4 12. 13. 1 , x ≠ 0 . If g ( x= ) x 2 + 1 , for what values of x is f g defined? x Consider f ( x= ) 3 x − 5 . Determine: Let f ( x) = 13.1 13.2 f f −1 f −1 f 13.3 Is it always true that f g = g f ? Is it ever true that f g = g f ? ANSWERS 1.1 1.1 Many-to-one function 1.2 Not a function 1.3 2.1 1.4 One-to-one function 2.1 = f ( g ( x) ) x= ; g ( f ( x) ) x 3.1 f −1 ( x)= 2 − x3 3.2 −1 f= (t ) 4t ,t ≠ 1 t −1 3.3 3.4 f −1 ( y ) = y+7 3 4. Discussion - graph 5.1 5.2 3 − x2 1− x 5.3 f −1 ( x) x ≠ 12 = 2 2x −1 No. The function fails the horizontal-line test 6. Many-to-one function Yes. = f −1 ( s ) 3 ,s < 2 2−s g −1 ( x) = 5 x u −1 ( x) = y 10 8 6 4 2 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 x -2 -4 { x / x ≥ 1, x ∈ R} ; Range of f ( x)= { y / y ≥ 2, y ∈ R} Domain of g ( x) = { x / x ∈ R, x ≠ 2} ; Range of g ( x) = { y / y ∈ R, y ≠ 0} 7. Domain of f ( x)= 8.1 g (π ) = 8.4 h ( x − 1) ( π +1 π −1 2 x 1 ) =− 8.2 9. t +1 g (2t + 1) = t 1− x , x ≠ −1 y= 1+ x Basic Mathematics: Functions basics 8.3 h( x + 2)= x +2 10.1 g −1 ( x) = x 5 1 © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 5 10.2 11.1 12. 13.1 3 − x2 1− x 10.3 = y −1 ( x) , x ≠ 12 10.4 2 2x −1 11.2 f ( g (0.3) ) + f ( h(0.3) ) = 1 f g is defined for all real values of x. 13.2 13.3 f −1 f = x f f −1 = x u −1 ( x) = 1 ln 3 − x 2 2 Show that … −1 f= ( x) No; Yes. 1.2 ANGLE UNITS AND COORDINATE SYSTEMS Washington, pp. 240 - 249 1. • • The radian as angle unit 1 of a revolution 1° = 360 o Sexagesimal system (base 60): 1 degree = 60 minutes; 1 minute = 60 seconds 12°13'15" ≈ 12.2208° 30.689° ≈ 30°41' 20.4" Use your calculator! Application: GPS coordinates 1 grad = 1 decimal degree (not used in this course) • • 1 radian = angle at centre of circle subtended by an arc s equal in length to the radius r o The radian (or rad) is NOT an SI unit; it is a derived SI unit, similar to the newton 180° =π rad ° π o 1° = 180 rad and 1 rad = 180 π Why is it OK to leave out the unit and write, for example, π3 instead of π3 rad, but WRONG to leave out the unit in 60° ? • o θ = rs metres : the units cancel; rad is a dimensionless quantity, and thus, when working with angles, π3 = π3 rad metres o 60 means "60 radians" which is completely different from 60° ! Remember to check the calculator mode when solving trig equations! • Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 6 o Always give angles in the unit specified in the question. For example, sin = x 0.5, x ∈ [0; π ] means the angles must be in radians 1 revolution 360° 2π radians π 1 revolution per minute rads/sec = = = = 1 minute 60 seconds 60 seconds 30 • Memorize the following table. Degrees 0° 30° π Radians 0 6 • • • • • 45° 60° 90° 120° 135° 150° π 4 π 3 π 2 2π 3 3π 4 5π 6 180° π 270° 3π 2 360° 2π 2. Polar coordinates Coordinate system: A reference system used to specify the position of a point/object Cartesian/rectangular coordinate system (x;y): Specify the position of a point in terms of its perpendicular distance from two (or three) mutually perpendicular axes • Polar coordinate system (r;θ): Specify the position of a point in terms of its distance from a fixed point, called the origin or pole, and an angle, called the polar angle, from a fixed direction o Polar axis/ray: axis in a fixed direction, usually coinciding with the x axis o Radial coordinate r: Distance from the pole r ≥ 0 in this course o Angular coordinate 2: Angle between r and the polar axis Anticlockwise positive; clockwise negative θ ∈ (−π ; π ] are called principal values Graphs in polar coordinate systems o There is special graph paper available for sketches in polar coordinate systems consisting of concentric circles and radial lines as shown in the supplementary exercises Conversion between coordinate systems Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 7 o By hand and on your calculator o From polar to rectangular: = x r= cos θ ; y r sin θ o From rectangular to polar: r =x 2 + y 2 ; θ = tan −1 • • • ( ) y x Uniqueness of coordinates o Every point (x;y) in a rectangular system is unique o In a polar coordinate system a point may have more than one representation (r ;θ ) = (r ;θ + 2π k ), k ∈ For example, (1; π4 ), (1; 94π ) , (1; − 74π ) all represent the same point Work therefore with principal values θ ∈ (−π ; π ] Uses o In complex numbers to determine roots and logs of negative numbers o In vectors in two dimensions o By air traffic controllers to describe the position of a plane o In calculus o In modelling such as the groundwater flow equation Other coordinate systems o The polar coordinate system is a two-dimensional system o The system can be extended to a three-dimensional system (beyond the scope of this course) The cylindrical coordinate system The spherical coordinate system The following website has more information as well as links to other sites, should you be interested Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 8 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISE 1.2 1. Sketch the following pairs of graphs on one system of axes on the interval indicated. 1.1 = 1.2 p ( x) = cos x; q ( x) = cos( x + π4 ); x ∈ [0; 2π ] f ( x) 2sin x= ; g ( x) sin 2 x; x ∈ [−π ; π ] 2. Solve for x if x ∈ [0; 2π ] and 2.1 2.2 2.3 sin x = −0.356 cos x = −0.513 2 tan x = −0.5 3. Convert the following angles in degrees to radians without using a calculator. 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 25° 178° 320° 35°30 ' 4. Convert the following angles in radians to degrees. π 7π π 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 3π 5 13 7 5. Convert 3 500 revs/min to rads/sec. 6. Convert, by hand and with a calculator, the point (2; π3 ) from polar to Cartesian coordinates. 7. Represent the point with rectangular coordinates (1;-2) in polar coordinates with angle in degrees. 8. Determine the polar coordinates of the points with the following rectangular coordinates. Give angles in radians. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 (2; 2) (−2;3) (2 2; −2) (−1; − 3) ANSWERS 1.2 2.1 3.1 4.1 5. 3.506;5.919 5π 36 25.714° 366.519 = 259 π 2.2 3.2 4.2 6. Basic Mathematics: Functions basics 2.109; 4.174 71π 360 252° (1;1.732) 2.3 3.3 4.3 7. 2.897; 6.038 89π 90 540° (2.237;-63.435 ° ) © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 16π 9 3.4 4.4 13.846° 03/06/20 Page 9 8.1 (2.828; π4 ) (3.464; −0.615) 8.2 8.3 (2; −2.094) 8.4 (3.606; 2.159) 1.3 THE MODULUS FUNCTION Washington, pp 3, 477 – 480 1. Absolute values Definition: The absolute value or modulus of a real number a, denoted by a , is the numerical value of the number without its sign. Examples: 2 =2 π −π = −7.6 = 7.6 2 = 2 2. a) Basic equations and inequalities x = 3 ⇒ x = 3 or − x = 3 , that is, x = 3 or x = −3 b) x < 2 ⇒ x < 2 or − x < 2 ⇒ x < 2; x > −2 , that is −2 < x < 2 3. Applications • In complex numbers: z =x + jy ⇒ mod( z ) =z = x 2 + y 2 • Magnitude of a vector: a = x i + yj ⇒ a = • The limitations on the binomial formula when expanding (a + b) n if n is NOT a non-negative integer: b < a • Indicate the distance between two numbers o x =3 ⇔ x =3 or x =−3 ⇔ x is 3 units form 0 x2 + y 2 Distance = 3 -3 Example: x − 2 =5 ⇒ x is a distance 5 from 2. Why? Solving for x yields x − 2 = 5 ⇒ x = 7 y Definition: x if f ( x= ) x= − x if 1 2 6 7 Distance = 5 -3 The modulus function 0 Distance = 5 5 ⇒ x =−3 as represented in Figure 1. or −( x − 2) = 4. -1 -2 Distance = 3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Figure 1 Absolute value as distance 5 4 x≥0 x<0 3 2 1 -5 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 x © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 10 3 An example of a piecewise defined function because the function is defined in two "pieces": y = x on the interval x ∈ [0; ∞) and y = − x on the interval x ∈ (−∞;0) • Sometimes called the absolute value function • Domain: x ∈ ; Range: y ∈ [0; ∞) 5. More graphs • • Take note of the translations. • MUST indicate intercepts with axes and coordinates of maximum/minimum point • Maximum/minimum point is called the salient point SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISE 1.3 (KA Motsepe) 1. Determine the value of the following: 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.1 3−4 3− 4 4−3 4−3 2. 4. 3.1 4. 4.1 Is a − b = a − b for all values of a and b? Motivate your answer using suitable mathematical examples. Sketch the graphs of the following functions: 3.2 3.3 3.4 k ( x)= x − 1 3.5 f ( x)= x + 1 g ( x= ) x +1 h( x ) = 1 − x Calculate x if 4.2 4.3 x = 13 x = −5 2x < 6 5. Explain, in your own words, the meaning of x − 1 = 3. 6. Consider the function g ( x) = x − 2 − 3 . Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges m( x)= 1 − x 03/06/20 Page 11 6.1 Calculate the intercepts of the graph of g(x) with the axes. 6.2 Calculate g (5) and g (−5) . 6.3 Sketch the graph of g(x) for x ∈ [−5;5] . ANSWERS 1.3 1.1 1 1.2 1 1.3 -1 1.4 2. No. For example, 2 − 3 ≠ 2 − 3 3.1 3.2 4.1 5. 6.1 6.3 No solution. Absolute values is always positive x is a distance of three units from 1, that is, x = 4 or x = −2 . y-intercept: (0;-1); x-intercepts: (-1;0), (5;0) y 1 3.3 3.4 & 3.5 4.2 x = ± 13 6.2 g (5)= 0; g (−5)= 4 4.3 −3 < x < 3 4 3 2 1 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 4 5 x -1 -2 -3 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 12 1.4 TRIG BASICS Washington, pp. 544 – 554 1. Function Name Definition The basics sin A = y r (−∞; ∞) Range [−1;1] Period 360° Even/odd Odd Derivative d (sin x) dx = cos x Domain ∫ sin xdx Integral cot x Cotangent tan x Tangent cos x Cosine sin x Sine x r y x (−∞; ∞) [−1;1] 360° Even d (cos x) dx = − sin x x ≠ ±90°; ±270°; (−∞; ∞) 180° Odd d (tan x) dx = sec 2 x 1 tan A x = y x ≠ ±0°; ±180°; ±360°; (−∞; ∞) 180° Odd d (cot x) dx = − csc 2 x ∫ cos xdx ∫ sec xdx ∫ csc xdx cos A = tan A = 2 = − cos x + c = sin x + c = tan x + c ⊕ ⊕ coth A = 2 = − cot x + c csc x / cosec x Cosecant 1 1 csc A = sec A = sin A cos A r r = = y x x ≠ ±90°; ±270°; x ≠ ±0°; ±180°; ±360°; (−∞; −1] ∪ [1; ∞) (−∞; −1] ∪ [1; ∞) 360° 360° Even Odd d d (sec x) (csc x) dx dx = sec x tan x = − csc x cot x ∫ sec x tan xdx ∫ csc x cot xdx = sec x + c = − csc x + c sec x Secant Note the reciprocal trig functions sec x , csc x = cosec x and cot x . Reciprocal ≠ inverse in this context!!! Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 13 EXAMPLES – memorize! θ sin θ 0° 0 30° 45° 60° 1 2 1 2 csc θ 3 2 Undefined 2 2 2 3 1 cos θ 1 1 2 1 2 0 sec θ 3 2 1 2 3 2 Undefined tan θ 0 1 3 2 1 3 Undefined cot θ Undefined 3 1 1 3 0 90° 1 = sin 23° 0.3907 ⇒= csc 23= ° sin123° 2.5593 ≈ 2.559 1 cos 97° = −0.1218 ⇒ sec 97° = cos97 ° = −8.2055 ≈ −8.206 1 tan 263 = ° 8.1443 ⇒ cot 263 = ° tan= 0.1227 ≈ 0.123 263° ⊕ ⊕ Use the x −1 key on your calculator!!!! Note that rounding takes place in the last step only. 1 DON'T round off the value of= = 2.5575 ≈ 2.558 - this answer is sin 23° 0.3907 ≈ 0.391 and then determine the inverse 0.391 INCORRECT!!!!!! Remember, sin −1 x ≠ 1 1 since = csc x sin x sin x Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 14 2. Graphs of trig functions and their reciprocals ⊕ Note the asymptotes (vertical lines approached but never intercepted) Memorize the properties of all six graphs (the intercepts with axes, positions and values of maxima and minima; asymptotes) More identities/properties 1 + cot 2 x = csc 2 x cos 2 x + sin 2 x = 1 cos 2 x − sin 2 x = cos 2 x 1 + tan 2 x = sec 2 x sin x x cot x = cos tan x = cos sin(− x) = − sin x cos(− x) = cos x sin x x Compound angles tan x ± tan y tan( x ± y ) = sin( x= cos( x ± y ) = cos x cos y sin x sin y ± y ) sin x cos y ± cos x sin y 1 tan x tan y 3. 4. Double angles sin 2 x = 2sin x cos x cos 2 x = 1 − 2sin 2 x = cos 2 x 2 cos 2 x − 1 1 ⇒ sin x cos x = 2 sin 2 x 1 ⇒ sin 2 x = 2 (1 − cos 2 x ) 1 ⇒ cos 2 x = 2 (1 + cos 2 x ) Inverse trig functions • Note the asymptotes! • Take note of the domain and range of the inverse functions – we are interested in functions! Function Name sin −1 x Inverse sine cos −1 x Inverse cosine Basic Mathematics: Functions basics tan −1 x Inverse tangent cot −1 x Inverse cotangent sec −1 x Inverse secant © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges csc −1 x Inverse cosecant 03/06/20 Page 15 Domain y = sin −1 x ⇔x= sin y −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 y = cos −1 x ⇔x= cos y −1 ≤ x ≤ 1 y = tan −1 x ⇔x= tan y All real numbers Range − π2 ≤ y ≤ π2 0≤ y ≤π − π2 < y < π2 Definition y = cot −1 x ⇔x= cot y All real numbers 0< y <π y = sec −1 x ⇔x= sec y x ≤ −1 or x ≥ 1 y = csc −1 x ⇔x= csc y x ≤ −1 or x ≥ 1 0 ≤ y < π2 or − π2 ≤ y < 0 or < y ≤π d sec −1 f ( x) dx f '( x) = 2 f ( x) [ f ( x)] − 1 0 < y ≤ π2 d csc −1 f ( x) dx − f '( x) = 2 f ( x) [ f ( x)] − 1 π 2 Derivative d sin −1 f ( x) dx f '( x) = 2 1 − [ f ( x)] Integral ∫ a −u d cos −1 f ( x) dx − f '( x) = 2 1 − [ f ( x)] - du 2 2 = sin −1 ( ua ) + c d tan −1 f ( x) dx f '( x) = 2 1 + [ f ( x)] - du ∫u +a 2 = 1 a d cot −1 f ( x) dx − f '( x) = 2 1 + [ f ( x)] 2 tan 2 −1 ( ua ) + c - du ∫ u a −u = 1 a 2 sec −1 ( ua ) + c ⊕ The shaded information is enrichment only – there is no need to memorize it now (Mathematics II work!). ⊕ cot −1 x ≠ 1 since cot −1 x = tan −1 ( 1x ) . Can you prove this? tan −1 x Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 16 5. Graphs of inverse trig functions Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 17 TRIGONOMETRIC WAVES (SINUSOIDS) 6. • • • • • • Formulas for waves General equation: = y R sin(ω t ± α ) o R: amplitude – watch out for the unit! o ω: angular velocity – rad/s o α: Phase angle/phase Period: time taken to complete one cycle 2π o seconds T= ω Frequency: number of cycles in one second ω Hz ⇒ ω = 2πf o f = 2π Compare y = sin t and y1 = sin(t − π4 ) : o y1 = sin(t − π4 ) is y = sin t shifted π 4 radians to the right o y1 = sin(t − π4 ) lags y = sin t by π 4 since y1 peaks after y Compare y = sin t and y1 = sin(t + π4 ) : o y1 = sin(t + π4 ) is y = sin t shifted π 4 radians to the left o = y1 sin(t + π4 ) leads y = sin t by π 4 since y1 peaks before y In general: o R sin(ωt − α ) lags R sin(ωt ) by α ω Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 18 R sin(ωt + α ) leads R sin(ωt ) by α ω Time displacement: this lead/lag time time displacement = α ω lag Sketching curves: label the axes, indicate maxima and minima, starting and end point of curve o o • The facts, such as the sine and cosine rules, are not included here since they are assumed to be general knowledge! 8. Applications • The sinusoid = f (t ) A cos(ωt + α ) , a function in the time domain is associated with the phasor F = Ae jα , a function in the frequency domain. (Mathematics IV) • The simple harmonic motion of, for example, a swinging pendulum is written in the form of a sinusoid. • The Fourier series of Mathematics III is expressed as a combination of sinusoids. SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISE 1.4 (KA Motsepe) 1. Simplify the following expressions: 1.2 1.1 sin θ .cot θ .sec θ sec θ .cos θ + tan 2 θ cos θ 1.4 1.5 cot 2 A ( sec 2 A − 1) −1 sec θ 2. Prove the following identities: 2.1 2.2 tan A.cosec 2 A cos 2 A = cot A sec 2 θ .cot 2 θ − 1 = cot 2 θ 1 + 2sin α .cos α 2.5 ( sin α + cos α ) = sin 3 A − cos3 A =(sin A − cos A) (1 + sin A.cos A ) 2.4 2 sin 4 x − cos 4 x = sin 2 x − cos 2 x 1.3 1.6 sin x.sec x 1 1 + csc A − 1 csc A + 1 7 2.3 1 (1 − sin θ )(1 + tan θ ) = 2 2.6 3. 3.1 4. Use a calculator to evaluate the following. Round answers off to three decimal places where necessary. 3.2 2sec3 1120 − 1 2sec104.50 co sec104.50 Use a calculator to determine, accurately to one decimal place, the values of x ∈ 00 ; 3600 if: 4.1 cot x + 1.664 = 0 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics 4.2 3sec x − 5.103 = 0 2 4.3 © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 2 sec x + 1.544 = 0 3 03/06/20 Page 19 π Suppose the equation y = −6 cos t models a buoy bobbing up and down in water. The equilibrium point is y = 0. Describe 3 the location of the buoy when t = 0. π 6. The temperature, in 0C, of a room varies according to the sinusoidal function = T (t ) 5.8sin (t − 11) . 12 6.1 Determine: (using the S.I. units) 6.1.1 the amplitude 6.1.2 the period 6.1.3 the frequency and 6.1.4 the time displacement of the wave, stating whether it is a lead or lag time. 6.2 Sketch one cycle of the graph of T(t). ANSWERS 1.4 1.1 1 1.2 1.3 1.4 − sin 2 θ sec 2 θ tan x 5. 1.5 4.1 5. 1 1.6 2 tan A sec A 4.2 54.00 or 306.00 149.00 or 329.00 6 units below the equilibrium point. 6.1.1 Amplitude = 5.8 0C 6.2 6.1.2 Tperiod = 24 s 3.1 4.3 -39.0 115.60 or 244.40 6.1.3 f = 1 Hz 24 3.2 -8.3 6.1.4 time displacement = 11 s (lag). T 5.8 35 0 11 t 23 -5.8 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 20 1.5 EXPONENTS AND LOGS Washington pp. 313 – 330; 363 - 383 1. • EXPONENTIAL FUNCTION AND NATURAL LOGARITHM x = y e= exp( x) o = e lim (1 + 1x ) x x →∞ o e = 2.71828182845904523536 is an irrational number • = y log = ln x e x o y = ln x : natural log o = y log = x log10 x : common log • Graphs Figure 3 The influence of the base on the curve • If f ( x) = e x and g ( x) = ln x , then f −1 ( x) = g ( x) and g −1 ( x) = f ( x) , that is, the exponential function is the inverse of the log function, and vice verse Basic Mathematics: Functions basics Figure 2 Exponential growth and decay © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 21 Figure 4 Exponential and log functions • Laws/properties Exponential functions m, n ∈ 1. e m × e n = em+ n em 2. n = e m − n e 3. ( e m ) = e mn n y Logarithmic functions x, y, a, b all positive 1. ln( xy = ) ln x + ln y 4 x 2. ln = ln x − ln y y 3 ( ) = n ln x 3. ln x n 1 4. n = e − n e 1 5. e n = n e 4. ln e x = x 6. e n = n e m 7. e0 = 1 8. e1 = e 6. e x ln a = a x 2 1 5. eln x = x m 5 7. ln e = 1 8. ln1 = 0 -2 log a x 9. log y x = log a y -1 1 2 3 4 5 x -1 -2 3. Applications • • Compound interest Radioactive decay, e.g. carbon dating, N (t ) = N 0 e kt • Exponential growth, e.g. population growth, N (t ) = N 0 e kt • Richter scale, measuring the magnitude of an earthquake,= M log A − log A0 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 22 SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISE 1.5 (KA Motsepe) 1. Simplify the following into a single algebraic fraction: 3 (x − y ) 1.1 y x (4 xy ) 2 + x2 y2 2. Evaluate the following. Round off to 4 decimal places where necessary 2.1 3( 3. Express the following expressions as a single logarithm. log3 80 − log3 4 ) 1.2 without using a calculator. −1 2.2 −1 −1 log 3 2 + π 5.4 1 ln(1 + x 2 ) + ln x − ln sin x 2 Change the subject in the following equations to x: e2x − 1 ex −1 y = ln 4.2 y= x e +1 2 Solve for x (to 3 decimal places where necessary) if: 5.2 3 x+2 − 3 x = 6 x e2 x +3 − 7 = 0 1− x x +3 x 5.5 5e − 4 = 40 2 + 2 = 6 x +1 5.7 2 ln( x − 2) − ln x = 0 5.8 5.10 5 1.12 x+3 = 200 5.13 3log x − 2 log 3.1 4. 4.1 5. 5.1 ln x − b ln z + a ln y ( 2.3 3.2 ) x = 2 2 5.6 3 2 x − 3 x +1 − 31 = 30 1 + ln x = ln(1 + x) log 2 x + log x = 2 5.9 (1.25) x = 2 5.11 2 2 x +1 − 3 × 2 x = 2 5.12 e x + e−x = 3 5.14 ln(5 − 2 x) = −3 5.3 Log worksheet = = log10 x e x;log x ln x log 1. Use the log laws to write the following expressions as a single log in its simplest form. 1.1 1.2 1.3 2 log b x + 12 log b y log 2 x + log 2 y − log 2 z 1.4 1 2 log x + log x − log x 4 1 4 4 5 2 + ln 7 1 8 8 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics 1.5 log 4 x − log 4 y − 1 1.6 © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 5log 3 (2 x − 1) − 5log 3 ( x − 2) log 2 5 + log8 5 03/06/20 Page 23 2. 2.1 Write the following expressions as the sum and difference of logs without powers. 3x 2 9 log 2 2.2 2.3 log 3 2 y x ( ) log 100 x +1 ( ) 2.6 1 − x 2 cos x y = ln e3 x 3.3 log x 128 = 7 3.6 x = log 5.2 1 2.4 ln 2 x e3 x 3. 3.1 Solve for x. Round off to two decimal places where necessary. 3.2 log 2 x = 5 log x 10000 = 4 3.4 log x 81 = 4 3.7 4. 4.1 3.8 3 =7 9.1 = 3.2 Solve for x. Always try to simplify first! Always check your answer. Remember, in the real number system we can't determine the log of a negative number. 4.3 4.2 ln(2 x) + ln(3 x − e) − 2 = ln 8 log(2 x += 3) log(2 x − 1) log(2 x + 8) =1 + log( x − 4) 4.4 ln x + ln( x − 1) = 5 2.5 3.5 ln (sin x) tan x x = log 5 125 x x ANSWERS 1.5 3 y 2 + 8 x3 1.1 3 1 x 2y 2 4.5 1.2 xy y−x 3.1 xy a ln b z 5.2 5.7 5.12 ln( x + 2) + ln x 2 = ln x 4.6 −1 + ln( x − 2) =ln x 0.2370 2.1 20 2.2 3.2 x 2 (1 + x 2 ) ln sin x 4.1 1+ y x = ln 1− y 4.2= x −0.527 5.3 1.262 5.4 −1.175 5.5 4 5.8 5.13 2.902 25 5.9 5.14 3.106 2.475 5.10 ±0.962 1 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics 2.3 1.2671 5.1 3 0.369 5.6 0.582 17.852 5.11 1 © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 1 2 ln(2e y + 1) 03/06/20 Page 24 ANSWERS Worksheet 1.1 log 2 xyz ( ) log ( ) 4 1.6 2.4 3.2 3.7 4.4 ( ) 1.2 log b x 2 y 2.1 log 2 3 + log 2 x − log 2 y 2.5 3.3 3.8 4.5 tan x ln(sin x) 2 0.53 0.41 1.3 log 3 ( 2xx−−21 ) 5 1.4 log x 2 1.5 2.2 2 − log 3 x 2.3 3 6 3.1 32 3.6 0 No solution x 4y 4 3 log 2 5 2 − log( x + 1) x ln 2 + 3x 10 1.77 12.69 2.6 3.4 4.1 4.6 ln(1 − x 2 ) + ln(cos x) − 3 x 3 3.5 3.62 4.2 No solution 4.3 More Logarithms 1. Express the following expressions as a single logarithm. 1.1 ln x − b ln z + a ln y 2. Evaluate the following: Round off to 4 decimal places where necessary 2.1 3( 2.2 log 3 2 + π 3. 3.3 Solve for x. Round answer off to 4 decimal places where necessary. x 3.2 3log x − 2 log = 2 e2 x +3 − 7 = 0 2 3.4 5 (1.12 x+3 ) = 200 5e1− x − 4 = 40 3.5 ln(5 − 2 x) = −3 3.1 log3 80 − log3 4 ) 1.2 1 ln(1 + x 2 ) + ln x − ln sin x 2 without using a calculator. Basic Mathematics: Functions basics 2.3 3.6 5 2 + ln 7 ln x + ln( x − 1) = 1 © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 25 Logarithms Answers xy a 1.1 ln b z 2.2 0.2370 3.2 −0.5270 3.5 2.4751 x 2 (1 + x 2 ) ln sin x 1.2671 17.8520 2.2229 1 1.2 2.3 3.3 3.6 2.1 20 3.1 3.4 25 −1.1748 1.6 HYPERBOLIC FUNCTIONS 1. The basics Function cosh x sinh x tanh x coth x Name Hyperbolic cosine Hyperbolic sine Hyperbolic tangent sinh x tanh x = cosh x e x − e− x = x −x e +e Hyperbolic cotangent cosh x coth x = sinh x e x + e− x = x −x e −e Definition cosh x = e x + e− x 2 y Graph sinh x = 3 e x − e− x 2 6 y y 1.0 y sech x csch x Hyperbolic secant Hyperbolic cosecant 1 1 sech x = csch x = cosh x sinh x 2 2 = x −x = x −x e +e e −e 3 y 2 0.8 2 0.6 y 0.9 0.8 4 0.7 1 0.4 2 0.6 1 2 0.2 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 -0.2 -3 -2 1 -1 1 -2 2 2 3 4 5 x 0.4 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 2 3 x -0.4 3 4 -5 -4 -3 -2 1 -1 2 3 4 5 x 0.3 -1 -1 0.2 0.1 -0.6 -0.8 -4 0.5 1 -2 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 0 1 2 3 4 5 x -2 -1.0 -3 -3 Domain Range Derivative -2 -1 (−∞; ∞) [1; ∞) d (cosh x) dx = sinh x 0 1 2 3 x (−∞; ∞) (−∞; ∞) d (sinh x) dx = cosh x -6 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics (−∞; ∞) (−1;1) d (tanh x) dx = sech 2 x (−∞;0) ∪ (0; ∞) (−∞; −1) ∪ (1; ∞) d (coth x) dx = −csch 2 x (−∞; ∞) (−∞;0) ∪ (0; ∞) (0;1] (−∞;0) ∪ (0; ∞) d d (sech x) (csch x) dx dx = −sech x tanh x = −csch x coth x © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 26 5 x ∫ cosh xdx Integral ∫ csch xdx ∫ sech xdx ∫ sinh xdx 2 ∫ csch x coth xdx ∫ sech x tanh xdx 2 = sinh x + c = coth x + c = −csch x + c = tanh x + c = −sech x + c = cosh x + c ⊕ The unit of the x in cos x is either radians or degrees; the x in cosh x may have any unit depending on the application 2. Inverse hyperbolic functions −1 Function sinh x cosh −1 x tanh −1 x coth −1 x sech −1 x csch −1 x Inverse Inverse hyperbolic Inverse hyperbolic Inverse hyperbolic Inverse hyperbolic Inverse Name hyperbolic sine cosine tangent cotangent secant hyperbolic cosecant −1 −1 1 − 1 − 1 − Definition cosh x sinh x tanh x coth x sech x csch −1 x ( = ln x + x 2 + 1 y ) ( = ln x + x 2 − 1 Graph 2 1 ) 1 x +1 = ln 2 x −1 1 1+ x = ln 2 1− x y y 2.0 5 y 1 + 1 − x2 1 1 + x2 = ln = ln + x x x 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 y 6 y 5 1.5 3 2 4 1 1 1 3 -5 -4 -3 -2 -1 1 -1 2 3 4 -2.0 1.0 -1.5 -1.0 -0.5 0.5 -1 1.5 2.0 x -5 -4 -3 -2 1 -1 -1 -2 -2 -3 -3 2 3 4 5 x -3 -2 1 -1 2 -1 1 0.5 -4 -2 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 3.5 4.0 x -5 -2 -4 -5 0 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0 1.1 1.2 x -3 (−∞; ∞) [1; ∞) (−∞; −1) ∪ (1; ∞) (0;1] (−∞;0) ∪ (0; ∞) (−1;1) Domain (−∞; ∞) [0; ∞) (−∞; ∞) (−∞;0) ∪ (0; ∞) [0; ∞) (−∞;0) ∪ (0; ∞) Range ⊕ Because hyperbolic functions are defined in terms of exponential functions, the inverse hyperbolic functions are written in terms of log functions. ⊕ The shaded information is enrichment only – there is no need to memorize it! Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 27 2 3. Comparative identities Osborn's rule To obtain the formula for hyperbolic functions from the analogous identity for the trig function, replace each trig function by the corresponding hyperbolic function AND change the sign of every product or implied product of two sines. Trigonometric identity Hyperbolic identity 2 2 cos x + sin x = 1 cosh 2 x − sinh 2 x = 1 2 2 2 2 cos x − sin x = cos 2 x cosh x + sinh x = cosh 2 x 2 cos 2 x = 1 − 2sin x cosh 2 x = 1 + 2sinh 2 x = cosh 2 x 2 cosh 2 x − 1 = cos 2 x 2 cos 2 x − 1 1 + tan 2 x = sec 2 x 1 − tanh 2 x = sech 2 x 1 + cot 2 x = csc 2 x coth 2 x − 1 =csch 2 x sin 2 x = 2sin x cos x sin( x= ± y ) sin x cos y ± cos x sin y cos( x ± y ) = cos x cos y sin x sin y tan x ± tan y tan( x ± y ) = 1 tan x tan y sin 2= x 1 2 (1 − cos 2 x) cos = x (1 + cos 2 x) − sin x sin(− x) = cos(− x) = cos x 2 4. 1 2 More relationships (enrichment) Relationship between trig and hyperbolic functions: sinh jθ = j sinh θ ⇔ sinh jθ = j sin θ Basic Mathematics: Functions basics sinh 2 x = 2sinh x cosh x sinh( = x ± y ) sinh x cosh y ± cosh x sinh y cosh( = x ± y ) cosh x cosh y ± sinh x sinh y tanh x ± tanh y tanh( x ± y ) = 1 ± tanh x tanh y = sinh 2 x 1 2 (cosh 2 x − 1) = cosh x (cosh 2 x + 1) sinh(− x) = − sinh x cosh(− x) = cosh x 2 1 2 cosh θ =cos jθ ⇔ cosh jθ =cos θ © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 28 Series expansions: cosh x =+ 1 x2 x4 + + 2! 4! sinh x =x + x3 x5 + + 3! 5! 5. On the calculator 1 1 1 sech x = csch x = coth x = cosh x sinh x tanh x 6. Applications Important note: The two photographs here were obtained from and its use was approved by the legal department of the Tshwane University of Technology. Catenaries (free hanging chains/cables supported at the end points only) Typical equation: For some constants A and B, Hanging chain from y= A + cosh Bx Arches in buildings such as the Gateway Arch in St. Louis, Missouri Gateway Arch from Typical equation: For some constants A and K depending on a specific = y A ( cosh Kx − 1) building, Potential difference E between a telegraph line and earth (James, 2001: 140) with A and B constants, x the distance from the transmitting end, r the resistance per kilometre of the conductor and R the insulation resistance per kilometer r r = E A cosh x + B sinh x R R Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 29 7. Motivation for the name hyperbolic function Trig (or circular) functions The points (cos t ;sin t ) lie on a circle with a radius of 1 unit Hyperbolic functions The points (cosh t ;sinh t ) lie on a right half of an equilateral hyperbola References • James, Glyn. 2001. Modern Engineering Mathematics. 3rd ed. Pearson Education: London. • SUPPLEMENTARY EXERCISE 1.6 1. Use a calculator to evaluate the following expressions correct to three decimal places. cosh(2.5) 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 sinh 3.5 tanh(−2.1) sech ( 23 ) coth(ln 3) 1.5 sech (−1.7) 1.10 1.6 cosh(−1.2) 2. 2.1 3. 4. 5. Use the definitions of the hyperbolic functions to prove the following. 2.2 2.3 tanh(− x) = − tanh x cosh x − sinh x = e− x tanh 2 x + sech 2 x = 1 Are the hyperbolic functions periodic? Motivate your answer. Classify the six hyperbolic functions as even or odd. Rewrite each of the following expressions in terms of exponential functions. Simplify your answer as much as possible. 1.7 csch 2.5 1.8 coth 2.1 1.9 cosh 0.5 Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 30 5.2 5.3 5.4 cosh 3x − sinh 3x cosh 2 x + sinh 2 x 3cosh(ln x) sinh(3ln x) Solve the following equations, accurately to three decimal places. 6.2 sinh x = 3 4 tanh x − 1 =0 Use the definitions of sinh x and cosh x to solve for x in the equation cosh 2 x − sinh 2 x = 0.5 . Give your answer correctly to THREE decimal places. ⊕ Practice on derivatives and integrals of hyperbolic functions will be included in the supplementary exercises on differentiation and integration. ANSWERS 1.6 1.1 16.543 1.2 -0.970 1.3 6.132 1.4 1.250 1.5 0.813 1.6 1.811 1.7 0.165 1.8 1.030 1.9 0.354 1.10 1.128 2.1 Proof 2.2 Proof 2.3 Proof 3. No. Does not repeat at regular intervals 4. Even: cosh, sech; Odd: tanh, coth, sinh, csch 5. Rewrite each of the following expressions in terms of exponential functions. Simplify your answer as much as possible. 3x 3 1 x3 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.1 e −3x e2 x + − 3 2 2x 2 2x 6.1 1.818 6.2 0.255 7. 0.347 5.1 6. 6.1 7. Basic Mathematics: Functions basics © Tshwane University of Technology: EL Voges 03/06/20 Page 31