Hadi and Hamdan are my friends. mohammad Ashir page number :12 10/12/24 omar brought the rocks Zara brought the paper animals chapter:1 Because it is show and tell day in the school. The table was too small to display all objects. we will buy the big table 1. The are showing toys. 2. they are showing coins 3. they are showing a wing of Peacock CRAB = 1 SYLLABLE CAT= = 1 SYLLABLE SHELLFISH = 2 KHIZAR == KHI ZAR MISTER = Mr Misses = Mrs MISTER MISSESS d) The torch only has small beam of light it was low on battery. It was a normal evening like any other. The light went off suddenly. c) Because it was dark and he was worried that they might be scared. d) Food will be ruined because there is no power to keep it cold. things you need on summer vacation: He checked for trucks in the sand so he would not hurt himself when he landed. At first it was like flying and then it was like parachuting. Gloria flew from the swing easily. Because he was scared to jump. He said he needed his lucky shirt and to tie up his shoes laces. "scaredy cat" He might cry and run away. playing played regular played played irregular fly flew 1. Lemon pudding He sliced the lemons in half and squeezed them. He poured in the sugar. The pudding looked wonderful like waves on the top like an ocean. Because he wanted to taste it. than then The pudding tasted like a whole raft of lemons like a night on the sea. wise naughty dad is breaking the eggs in a bowl Dad is cutting and squeezing the lemons dad is washing the dishes Dad is sniffing the pudding Brothers are looking at the pudding while dad is sleeping dad is mixing the pudding Huey is tasting the pudding Julian is tasting the pudding they both are tasting the pudding again. page:33 I wont tell you again don't page:34 about ganging eat like stay said don't two buy two i am eating verb = ed i played i saw a movie i wrote a letter take a bath. let you go out to play go to the toy shop a break. a lot of toys go to school. chocolates superland rockets and a world tour a pink pouch 2 dinning room Because she doesnot like peas she will eat the peas if someone will offer me T F F T F T home work story Miss Garacia, Zara, Umer story Mr and Mrs Chen, poem younger brother story Julian, Huey, Gloria Story Huey, Julian and Father poem mother story Daisy and her mother Friends YES ( 10 ) Family Family Friends Family No ( ) so, was went had were good kind smart sang Turn on your camera right now!