Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 2025 NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF TALENTS Implementing Guidelines on Read-A-Thon (English) The categories, components, number of learner-participants and teachercoaches, and time allotment for Read-A-Thon (English) per region are provided as follows: Component No. of LearnerParticipant No. of TeacherCoach Time Allotment Story Retelling Read-AThon 1 1 30 minutes Story Resolution Challenge Read-AThon 1 1 25 minutes Read-AThon 1 1 96 minutes 3 3 Category Elementary Secondary Five-Minute Pecha Kucha Total Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 READ-A-THON (ENGLISH) (A Showcase of English Language Skills Contest) STORY RETELLING COMPONENT AREA KEY STAGE EVENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIME ALLOTMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 21ST CENTURY SKILL/S CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION READ-A-THON Key Stage One (1): Grade Three (3) Story Retelling 1 Grade Three (3) learner-participant per region 30 minutes including preparation The learner uses speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate ideas in varied theme-based tasks (oral language); accurately, fluently, and creatively reads aloud literary texts (fluency); and proficiently uses English vocabulary in varied and creative oral and written activities (vocabulary). Communication Skills and Learning & Innovation Skills Performing Arts Domain Story Retelling is an NFOT event category of Read-A-Thon that determines how well learner-participants have comprehended a specific story read by retelling it using their own words and expressions. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS A. MATERIALS, To be provided by the To be provided by the event TOOLS AND participants: organizers: EQUIPMENT • Supplies and materials None • Timer and flags • Strips of paper for drawing of lots • Number identifier • Wireless microphone with stand • Sound system • Certificates • Pencils • Ball pens • Folders • Calculators • Bond paper • Holding Area, Preparation Area, and Contest Area • Signages (e.g., Preparation Area, Holding Area, and Contest Area) Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 B. VENUE CRITERIA FOR JUDGING • • • Holding Area Preparation Room Contest Room Criteria Mastery of the Story ● Retell accurately the significant details and elements of the story read. ● Communicate the story in a sequential order within the allotted time. Voice Projection ● Retell the story creatively with correct use of language and loudly enough for the audience to hear. ● Observe proper stress, intonation, and juncture. Stage Presence ● Show confidence and appropriate posture/projection, facial expressions, and gestures. ● Engage the audience with a strong and suitable presence. Total Percentage 50% 30% 20% 100% MECHANICS A. Story Retelling event is open to all Grade Three (3) learners who are officially enrolled in public or private schools. This shall be done under the contest category. Each region shall register one (1) learner-participant and one (1) teacher-coach. B. A printed copy of a story in English, a pen, and paper shall be provided to the learner-participants by the National Technical Working Group (NTWG) during the event. These shall be retrieved from them before their actual performance. C. All learner-participants will stay in the Holding Area without hearing the performance of other learner-participants, while the next learnerparticipant will stay in the Preparation Room before the performance. D. Drawing of lots by the learner-participants for their number identifier shall be done thirty (30) minutes before the event proper. E. At the event venue, learner-participants shall be given twenty-five (25) minutes to silently read the given story. They may use pen and paper to organize their thoughts. Then, they shall retell the story read using their own words which shall not exceed five (5) minutes. F. Learner-participants shall not be allowed to read the story again during their performance. G. Colored flags shall be raised by the NTWG to cue the learner-participant during the event proper: • Green flag - start of performance Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 • • Yellow flag - 30 seconds remaining Red flag - end of performance H. Using and bringing of any of the following are prohibited in the entire event: • cellphone or any gadget • reference materials/handouts • copy of any story • costumes and props • musical instrument/accompaniment I. Learner-participants are required to wear plain white t-shirt (no school/division/region identification) and jeans (maong) during the event. Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 READ-A-THON (ENGLISH) (A Showcase of English Language Skills Contest) STORY RESOLUTION CHALLENGE COMPONENT AREA KEY STAGE EVENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIME ALLOTMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARDS 21ST CENTURY SKILL/S CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION READ-A-THON Key Stage Two (2): Grade Six (6) Story Resolution Challenge 1 Grade six (6) learner-participant per region 25 minutes including preparation The learner uses speaking skills and strategies appropriately to communicate ideas in varied theme-based tasks (oral language); uses knowledge of stress and intonation of speech to appropriately evaluate the speaker’s intention, purpose and meaning (fluency); uses linguistic cues to appropriately construct meaning from a variety of texts for a variety of purposes (reading comprehension); and publishes texts using appropriate text types for a variety of audiences and purposes (writing and composition). Communication, Learning and Innovation Skills Performing Arts Domain Story Resolution Challenge is an NFOT event category of Read-A-Thon that allows learner-participants to demonstrate their creative and interpretive skills in reading aloud the story and ability to provide logical ending using effective verbal and non-verbal strategies. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS C. MATERIALS, To be provided by the To be provided by the event TOOLS AND participants: organizers: EQUIPMENT • Supplies and materials None • Timer and flags • Strips of paper for drawing of lots • Number identifier • Sound system • Certificates • Pencils • Ball pens • Folders • Calculators • Bond paper • Lapel • Holding Area, Preparation Area, and Contest Area Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 • D. VENUE CRITERIA FOR PRESENTATION • • • Signages (e.g., Preparation Area, Holding Area, and Contest Area) Holding Area Preparation Room Contest Room Criteria Oral Interpretation Percentage • Read aloud creatively and accurately the message/theme, emotions, mood, character, and all other elements of the story. • Establish creative and dramatic impact throughout the presentation to connect and engage with the audience. Story Extension • • • • Demonstrate originality and innovative ideas in the resolution. Provide logical and consistent story ending that connects with the original narrative. Align character actions with their established traits in the story. Use correct language conventions in conveying message. Voice Projection • Speak clearly, distinctly, and with appropriate and varied pauses, pitch, and tone modulation. • Recite loudly enough for the audience to hear. Stage Presence • Show confidence, authenticity, appropriate posture/projection, facial expressions, and gestures. Total 35% 35% 15% 15% 100% EVENT RULES AND MECHANICS A. Story Resolution Challenge event is open to all Grade six (6) learners who are officially enrolled in public or private schools. This shall be done under the contest category. Each region shall register one (1) learner-participant and one (1) teacher-coach. B. All learner-participants shall stay in the Holding Area without hearing the presentation of other participants, while the next learner-participant shall stay in the Preparation Room to prepare for the presentation. C. Drawing of lots by the participants for their number identifier shall be done thirty (30) minutes before the event proper. A printed copy of an open-ended Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 and developmentally-appropriate story in English shall be provided to the participants one at a time by the National Technical Working Group (NTWG) during the event. D. At the Preparation Room, participants shall be given twenty (20) minutes to study the story and write the story resolution. E. The learner-participant shall read aloud the given story and its logical ending all within the 5-minute allotment in the Contest Room. F. Colored flags shall be raised by the NTWG to cue the learner-participant during the event proper: • Green flag - start of performance • Yellow flag - 30 seconds remaining • Red flag - end of performance G. Using and bringing of any of the following are prohibited in the entire event: a. cellphone or any gadget b. reference materials/handouts c. copy of any story d. costumes and props e. musical instrument/accompaniment H. Learner-participants are required to wear plain white t-shirt (no school/division/region identification) and jeans (maong) during the event. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS ● Supplies and materials ● Timer and flags ● Strips of paper for drawing of lots ● Number identifier ● Wireless microphone/lapel ● Sound system ● Certificates ● Pencils ● Ball pens ● Folders ● Calculators ● Bond paper ● Holding Area, Preparation Area, and Contest Room ● Signages (Preparation Area, Holding Area, Contest Area, Coaches and Parents’ Area) Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 READ-A-THON (ENGLISH) (A Showcase of English Language Skills Contest) FIVE-MINUTE PECHA KUCHA COMPONENT AREA KEY STAGE EVENT TITLE NO. OF PARTICIPANT/S TIME ALLOTMENT PERFORMANCE STANDARD 21ST CENTURY SKILL/S CREATIVE INDUSTRIES DOMAIN DESCRIPTION READ-A-THON Key Stage Three (3): Grade Ten (10) Five-Minute Pecha Kucha 1 Grade Ten (10) learner-participant per region 96 minutes The learner skillfully delivers a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies and ICT resources. Communication Skills Information, Media and Technology Skills, Learning and Innovation Skills Life and Career Skills Performing Arts Domain Five-Minute Pecha Kucha is an NFOT event category of Read-A-Thon that determines how well learners deliver a speech for a special occasion through utilizing effective verbal and non-verbal strategies, and Information and Communications Technology resources. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS E. MATERIALS, To be provided by the To be provided by the event TOOLS AND participants: organizers: EQUIPMENT • Laptop installed with MS • Projector/ LED Screen/ PowerPoint 2010 or TV 55” or better latest version • Extension cords • Lapel • HDMI/VGA Cables • Flash Drives F. VENUE CRITERIA FOR JUDGING Holding Room Preparation Room Contest Room Criteria Composition • Compose a short, logical, and coherent speech relevant to given topic or theme. • Use words that represent own thoughts, feelings, and expressions. • Cite sources properly. Delivery and Voice Projection • Speak clearly, distinctly, and with appropriate and varied Percentage 40% 30% Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 poses, pitch, and tone modulation. • Project loudly enough for the audience to hear. • Deliver the speech in a formal, dignified, engaging, and persuasive manner. • Perform within the allotted time. Media Presentation • Use appropriate and effective presentation standards (color, effects/animation, number of lines per slide, images) Stage Presence • Show confidence and appropriate posture or projection, facial expressions, and gestures Total 20% 10% 100% MECHANICS A. Five-Minute Pecha Kucha event is open to all Grade Ten (10) learners who are officially enrolled in public or private schools. This shall be done under the contest category. Each region shall register one (1) learner-participant and one (1) teacher-coach. B. Drawing of lots by the participants for their number identifier shall be done thirty (30) minutes before the event proper. C. There shall be four (4) Phases in this event: Phase 1 – Text Immersion (30 Minutes) 1. Three (3) grade-level appropriate informational texts stored in the flash drive shall be provided to the participants by the National Technical Working Group (NTWG) during the event in the Holding Room. This shall be retrieved from them before their presentation. 2. Learner-participant shall be given thirty (30) minutes to read the texts. Phase 2 - Topic Outlining (20 Minutes) 1. Learner-participant shall be given twenty (20) minutes to outline his/her presentation using laptops. Phase 3 – Presentation Preparation (40 Minutes) 1. Learner-participant shall use MS PowerPoint applying the presentation standards and utilize available text resources like images, graphics, or any found in the MS PowerPoint. 2. Each presentation shall be limited to 15 slides and each slide shall be automatically timed 20 seconds. Presentation time shall be 5 minutes only. 3. Learner-participant is given 30 minutes to prepare his/her presentation and 10 minutes to rehearse and finalize his/her output. Enclosure No.___ to DepEd Memorandum No. ___s, 2025 4. Learner-participant shall save the file using the filename format: Entry Number_Event Contest Code (ex: 01_PK). 5. NTWG shall collect and save the file in his/her laptop and ensure that the file is working and ready for presentation. Once saved, learner-participant shall not be allowed to open his/her laptop. Phase 4 – Presentation Proper (6 Minutes) 1. Before the delivery, the learner is given 1 minute for technical check and rehearsal and five (5) minutes for presentation. 2. The NTWG shall raise the green flag to cue the start of the slide presentation. D. Using and bringing of any of the following are prohibited in the entire event: • cellphone or any gadget • reference materials/handouts • copy of any story • costumes and props • musical instrument/accompaniment. E. Learner-participant shall wear corporate attire during the contest. RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS • Supplies and materials • Timer and flaglet (green only) • Strips of paper for drawing of lots • Number identifier • Sound system • Certificates • Pencils • Ball pens • Folders • Calculators • Bond paper • Projector/ LED Screen/ TV 55” or better • Extension cords • HDMI/VGA Cables • Flash Drives • Laptop • Holding Area, Preparation Area, and Contest Area Signages (e.g., Preparation Area, Holding Area, and Contest Area)