Uploaded by Pan Thiri San

Primary 4 Math Olympiad Exam Paper

American Mathematics Olympiad 2017
Primary 4 contest Paper
1. Please DO NOT OPEN the contest book until the Proctor has given permission
to state.
TIME: 1 hour 30 minutes.
3. Attempt all 20 questions. Each question scores 1 point. No points are deducted
for incorrect answers.
4. Write your answers neatly on the answer sheet.
5. PROCTORING: No one may help any student in any way during the contest.
NO calculators are allowed.
7. All students must fill in your Name
and School.
8. MINIUM TIME: Students must stay in the exam hall at least 1h 15 minutes.
9. Students must show detailed working and put answers on the answer sheet.
10. No spare papers can be used in writing this contest. Enough space is provided
for you.\
Remark: Counting numbers are whole numbers expect 0, i.e. 1,2,3,4,5,…